Jotham Noktis
Kiliar Seral

[SIZE=11pt]NAME: Kiliar Seral[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]FACTION: The Steel Sleens[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]SPECIES: Kiffar [Cyborg][/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]AGE: 45[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]SEX: Male[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]HEIGHT: 6’8”[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]WEIGHT: 367 lbs [Extra Weight Added from Cybernetics][/SIZE]
VOICE: Zaeed
[SIZE=11pt]EYES: Brown[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]HAIR: Black, Fine, Long; Several Braids, Single Ponytail[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]SKIN: Tan[/SIZE]

- Massive, Muscular Physique - at six-foot-eight and at three-hundred and sixty-seven pounds, the statistics speak for themselves.
- Cybernetically-Enhanced Body - Kiliar possesses a wide array cybernetically-enhanced body including cybernetically-enhanced strength and agility, skeletal and rotary reinforcement, a bacta processing implant, implant armor, numbness system, cardio-muscular package, sensory package, bio-stabilizer implant, response improvement package, An arterial chemical shunt worn on the leg that acts as a second heart, injecting a mixture of chemicals that boost Kiliar's speed and aggressiveness, and an external cybernetic eye that allows for him to see in multiple different visions, as well as it being a reverse-engineered Dur-24 Wrist Laser. With his body and cybernetic enhancements, Kiliar is even stronger than he already appears, and both deceptively and exceptionally agile and durable. It should be noted that Kiliar's cybernetic - prosthetic or not - have safety mechanisms in the event of failure or tampering to render themselves simply as prosthetics.
- Fiscal Adept - Having risen to financial success from the lowest of the economically-stumped depths of Mos Eisley, Kiliar Seral is considered a fiscal adept. He is able to analyze and manipulate markets and stocks with a keen aptitude, and manage his finances with an exceptional level of efficiency with contingencies for failure included.
- Expert Pilot and Ship Captain - Kiliar Seral has spent decades as both a pilot and as a captain of his vessel: “The Iron Capitalist”.
- Virtuoso of Armed Combat - Kiliar is proficient and adept with a wide array of vibroweaponry and blasters.
- Large Target - The obvious disadvantage. Kiliar Seral is a very large target.
- Arrogant - Having worked his way through poverty, arrogance is a predominant emotion in Kiliar Seral. Kiliar would sooner die than taint his legacy that he’s fought tooth and nail for, in any form. As the saying goes, a captain goes down with his ship.
- Relentless/Stubborn - When presented with a challenge or task, Kiliar is relentless, fervorous - even against the betterment of his health - therein lies the critical issue.
[SIZE=11pt]Notably, Kiliar appears to be a Kiffar - but has no facial tattoos. Kiliar is dressed in a (vintage) military greatcoat with accommodations and fashion. Seral regularly adorns a durasteel breastplate, and plated clothing beneath his military greatcoat. [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Kiliar brandishes a T-6 "Thunder" Heavy Blaster Pistol modified for even more punching power in his right holster, a vibrosword in it's scabbard on the left that would normally have to be held with two-hands but is held by the hulking Kiliar Serial with just one, a variety of different thermal detonators and grenades, and a a wrist-mounted multi-tool module. Depending on the assignment, Kiliar may instead use the DLT-19 Heavy Blaster Rifle. However, it should be simply put, that Kiliar is walking arsenal. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]It was peculiar for a Kiffar to be born so far away from either Kiffu or Kiffex in Mos Eisley. However, all kinds of species breed and intertwine in the hive of scum of villainy, and as such, Kiliar was born in the back of a tavern, motherless. Although sparse in detail, Kiliar’s childhood was quite nomadic to say the least, as he was always in transit around Mos Eisley. In his adolescence, Kiliar grew immensely in size, and eventually became into possession of a large sum of cash after working out several bodyguard jobs.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]In Kiliar’s adolesence, having come into a large possession of credits, a keen intellect was revealed before him - his aptitude for analyzing and manipulating markets and stocks. Kiliar became an entrepreneur in Mos Eisley, and a wide array of shares in Mos Eisley businesses. This only strengthened Kiliar’s power.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Kiliar eventually left Mos Eisley, leaving his businesses to be managed by droids, and became a bounty hunter with his wealth and access to various gadgets. Kiliar eventually lost the majority of his shares after a series of law enforcement raids on his businesses, and the stakeholders remaining eventually backed out, causing the remainders to go bankrupt. He is first and foremost a bounty hunter to this date, but is still an entrepreneur and investor, as he occasionally invests in businesses in the major city planets of the galaxy. With his wealth, Kiliar decorated his body with an advanced selection of bionic cybernetics, including a reinforced skeletal structure, a cybernetic eye for aiming and generally processing information more efficiently, and cybernetic enhancements in both strength and agility; money was power for Kiliar. Since then, has refined his skill in bounty hunting. Simultaneously, he currently manages the finances of the Steel Sleens.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]YT-1300 Light Freighter Modified for Combat[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Post the links and the titles to all of your characters Role-Plays. To make things easier, post the link and name here as soon as you enter the Role-Play thread.[/SIZE]