This is what happens when you tap the glass
Soldiers whenever on their off time often still had the rush for battle, but the majority of the time there was no one to shoot, and if there it was mostly considered illegal. So where was one to turn? Well with the rise of gaming in the holonet community soldiers often turned to video games to scratch the itch of battle, and with advanced virtual reality there was no limit to what you could download into the game and what you have with you. Just get your buddies to code your weapon and armor stats and the rest would take care of itself. So one very boring day after patrols and PT was finished Oddball and his crew of generation one Dreadguard (the most OG of soldiers) decided it was time for a fun filled evening of owning noobs. What you are about to whiteness could possibly be the most awesome thing that has ever happened in the history of forever.
Stage: Coruscant Smash Bowl Arena
Game type: 1 life Slayer
Load Complete

Stage: Coruscant Smash Bowl Arena

Load Complete
Team Oddballers
Oddball: Squad Leader
Bricktop Heavy Gunner
Sideways: Marksman
Flak Jack: Grenadier
Hammer: CQC
Beep beep beep boooooop
The game booted up with each soldier plugged into virtual reality and it was about time for the enemy team to get their heads kicked in by the Dreadguard. Starting off in the back of the arena in a bunker area each Dreadguard spawned wearing their armor and their weapons. Each trooper commando carried various grenades and a back up weapon of their choice. But that was enough about stats and guns, it was time for a good old fashioned death battle.
Oddball and his team moved through the opening tunnel and into the light of the creaking old abandoned arena. Various pieces of cover were laid out across the ground and oddball had his men fan out and take cover behind various slabs of concrete and other makeshift pieces of cover. This would be another easy win on the books.