Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Killing Spree


This is what happens when you tap the glass
Soldiers whenever on their off time often still had the rush for battle, but the majority of the time there was no one to shoot, and if there it was mostly considered illegal. So where was one to turn? Well with the rise of gaming in the holonet community soldiers often turned to video games to scratch the itch of battle, and with advanced virtual reality there was no limit to what you could download into the game and what you have with you. Just get your buddies to code your weapon and armor stats and the rest would take care of itself. So one very boring day after patrols and PT was finished Oddball and his crew of generation one Dreadguard (the most OG of soldiers) decided it was time for a fun filled evening of owning noobs. What you are about to whiteness could possibly be the most awesome thing that has ever happened in the history of forever.


Stage: Coruscant Smash Bowl Arena
Game type: 1 life Slayer


Load Complete

Team Oddballers
Oddball: Squad Leader
Bricktop Heavy Gunner
Sideways: Marksman
Flak Jack: Grenadier
Hammer: CQC

Beep beep beep boooooop

The game booted up with each soldier plugged into virtual reality and it was about time for the enemy team to get their heads kicked in by the Dreadguard. Starting off in the back of the arena in a bunker area each Dreadguard spawned wearing their armor and their weapons. Each trooper commando carried various grenades and a back up weapon of their choice. But that was enough about stats and guns, it was time for a good old fashioned death battle.

Oddball and his team moved through the opening tunnel and into the light of the creaking old abandoned arena. Various pieces of cover were laid out across the ground and oddball had his men fan out and take cover behind various slabs of concrete and other makeshift pieces of cover. This would be another easy win on the books.


Team 117

Starting Location: South Moving North.
Reclaimer: Squad Leader
Big Daddy: Heavy Gunner
[member="Aela Darkstar"]: Marksman
Boom-Bewm: Grenadier
Alex: CQC

No real battle is won without sacrafice. Sacrifice of time, duty, courage, and even to a point, death of our virtual characters. Carrying my own gear, Everyone was dressed in armor that looked very similar to mine. Variations according to their class. Mine was made for all around use, and my special weapon was a M-25 Rifle, and some Crushgaunts. Even a nice trench knife with knuckles. Big Daddy had heavier armor. Much like a walking tank with a repeater, and a shotgun. Aela had some variation of a Sniper rifle, and probably some other weapons with her as well. Boom-Bewm had extra grenades, about the same armor as myself, and the same weapon I had. Alex on the other hand, had the M-25 in it's CQC variant, and carried two vibroswords. Each of them carried their own side arm or secondary weapon except for Big Daddy as the Repeater took up two weapon spots. All were well geared up for this Slayer round of games.

Looking about, The game was going to start in seconds. Counting down in our HUDs, As soon as it went active. I watched as the counter went down, and starting the round. Everyone rushed to barriers to take cover on their side. I held up my hand in a fist to show no movement. Ready for everybody. I let my arm drop and showed the sign of a gun. My arm was down really low to symbol a "Long-gun" Meaning I wanted Aela's attention. With a finger, I pointed up towards a nice hang out spot location for her to go to. I wanted her to be eyes in the sky, and look for the other marksman on the opposing "Oddball" team. I then signaled with my hand going in a circle about my head level for us to move out, and go in different directions. Big Daddy started moving forward and would likely take up the front. I would be right beside him for his blind spots, and for cover if he needed to reload, change weapons or whatever.

Alex would be going with Aela to guard her till she got to her spot, then would try and flank them. Boom was going to the right to do the same idea. In essence, we were all going to be doing a Blitz, with Aela giving us backup, taking the shots she could get, and giving us a bird's eye view. However, her first task, was to take out the other Marksmen. Muttering to myself while everyone moved out,

"Nothing quite like a little match to put under the belt."

Aela hated games. Hated them. She killed people for a living. Hunted them down like animals. What purpose could a game serve?

Go-Go, however, loved games. She got to pretend to kill people in between really killing people. It was perfect!

That's why it was her playing and not Aela. Go-Go, who quietly climbed up into a position that overlooked the arena. The other team had a sniper too, so she had to be careful. She bet they didn't have a Chiru, armor piercing tranquilizer rifle though! Without her crushgaunts, she might not have been able to even shoot the thing!

Her backups were a pair of Verpine shatter gun pea shooters, and a few grenades. Standard stuff, really. Alex stuck with her until she got in position, lying flat and utterly still. Her gun was nearly as long as she was.

"Sniper in position," she whispered over the comm, eyes peeled for movement. Someone would have to be bait, to flush out the other team from wherever they were hiding. They'd have to draw the eye of the sniper and goad him into shooting too, because as of now, she couldn't make any of them out. Come on... come to Go-Go... get shot in the face... She could feel Aela's disapproval. Nono... well, the less said about her black thoughts the better.

[member="Oddball"] [member="Reclaimer"]


This is what happens when you tap the glass
[member="Reclaimer"] [member="Aela Darkstar"]

Oddball and his team now taking cover behind various pieces of concrete on the main arena floor he and his four brothers kept their backs to the concrete and came up with a plan. The arena was only about a hundred and fifty meters. A hundred meters for the grass and main floor, and twenty five meters of seats surrounding them. Now getting up on the seats was suicide because there was little to no cover as a bullet or blaster would tear through the flimsy plastic and cotton covered seats. But if I sniper got up there in time they could pop off at least one or two people before getting taken down. Range wouldn't be an issue as the target would only be only a hundred or so meters away well within the range of all their weapon systems. So now it was a matter of seeing if they had brought a sniper out to play. So oddball looked over to his CQC fighter and Marksmen and pointed over to the stairs that lead to the announcer box.

The clones nodded and would push left while oddball and his heavy gunner and grenadier would push forward. Lifting up his free hand oddball counted down from five and at the count of zero they sprung into action with him leaping over the concrete barricade and rolling into the next barricade to come up on a single knee to see a few targets leaving the spawn exit. They were obscured by plenty of different pieces of cover but the idea wasn't to shoot to kill at the moment it was to suppress as team two pushed left up the announcer box stairway.

"Suppressing fire!" oddball said and ripped out automatic fire on his pulse rifle towards big daddy and [member="Reclaimer"]

The heavy gunner moved up as well and started to pour rounds into the enemy team, opening fire with his medium machine gun that could shred through armor and the sort with enough blows to the body. However the grenadier was up to more useful tactics as the two gunners provided suppressive fire. Launching a 40 mm parachute flare from his grenade tube he shot it up past the jumbotron so it could shine a bright light.


This would make a sniper have a more difficult time firing on targets due to the light refracting off of the scope to create a glare. It wouldn't make shots impossible by any means just more difficult. But as they provided fire support the two men rushed towards the stairs to try and grab the box before the other team. It was a valuable place to have and provided over watch to near every part of the arena.
It was done rather well. We were all moving in formation when all of a sudden, almost, if not all of the entire team broke out in fire. A lot of it was aimed right for me and Big Daddy. I dropped down to the ground and kicked my legs out. In a heavy armor, and a large gun, it would be hard to drop down. Let's say I just gave him some "persuasion" to get down, and then pushed him to move towards a barricade. I scooted back on my ass behind a different one. It was then a flair went up into the sky. Blaster bolts rained down on where we both were.

"Alex, Hurry your ass up!, Boom, Throw some smokes in the middle, then shraps at them."

After that command I heard three booms that started to let out a fairly loud hiss between the sounds of blaster bolts being fired, and hitting their target. It would give us some room to move in the middle. Yet I continued to almost yell into the link.

"Go-Go, If you have Infrared, use it. Find their position, and report in."

If I wanted to win this fight with my team, I wanted everyone to be informed about everything from everything. As well as myself being known of this information so I can plan ahead, or make snap decisions. Even more so that I was the Squad Leader.

[member="Oddball"], [member="Aela Darkstar"],
Boom tossed a couple smoke grenades from behind cover into the center of the arena, let his frag cook, then tossed it where all the shots were coming from.

Go-Go, meanwhile, had a pretty good view of the arena about halfway up the seats. The other team moved in tandem; as two of them started shooting at my team, another fired a massive flare into the air, shortly before Boom tossed his grenades. Briefly, Go-Go wondered why. Sure, the glare would make it difficult to use her scope on them in particular, considering the light would be shining straight down on her if she aimed at them, but two guys rushing up stairs were pretty easy to spot. Verpine shatter guns didn't have scopes, but they shot bullets further and faster than normal guns.

But Go-Go didn't use those. The two guys were running away from the flare still falling slowly from high up in the center of the arena. They had to be; announcer boxes tended to be high up and on the outskirts of stadiums. Getting rid of the glare was as simple as having Alex cup his hands on one side of the scope lens, like a visor. Go-Go wasn't worried about them finding her position, on account of the smoke and the fact that they were all busy shooting at each other.

Go-Go compensated for the gravity, the speed that they were running up the stairs, took aim, and --

Tink-tink. Tink-tink.

Two shots for each man, each shot near soundless and lacking muzzle flare -- the Chiru used pressurized air to launch its monomolecular darts, as opposed to gunpowder or something similar.

Then Alex was gone to rejoin the others, or sneak around to the opposite side of the arena, and Go-Go was shuffling forward to another position, just in case, in the middle of shooting their guns, one of the other team members on the arena floor managed to see her through the smoke wafting thick in the middle of the floor.

She flicked on her infrared, but it couldn't penetrate concrete. She'd have to get a better view.

[member="Oddball"] [member="Reclaimer"]

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