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Kilum Bralor


Kilum Bralor(Kill-um Bray-lore) is a Mandalorian Mercenary and Bounty Hunter, originally conceived as part of an experiment to create highly self-sufficient super soldiers for an unknown power during the Four-Hundred Year Darkness. Believed to be the last and perhaps only success of the project, he is alone as an odd hybrid between the Icarii and Firrerro species. Waking up from stasis after approximately 400 years on ice, Kilum was brought into this galaxy as the equivalent as what seemed to be a 20 year old, with golden skin, highly developed canines and an advanced set of senses. It wasn't all long teeth and pretty features, though. His mind was addled, confused - he felt he had lived a dozen lives before this one, of soldiers in wars he only vaguely understood, but with tactics, training and instincts that were more deeply ingrained him than anything else. He had no name nor home, and escaped the facility where he was born to find snow and ice; upon the planet of Csilla.

The strange hybrid trudged through the blizzard, naked and confused until he finally reached some sort of settlement. He was taken by security forces and detained for questioning, as well as being given food and clothing. Oddly, the security officers found that despite his story of how long he had walked; what seemed like days, he had very little cold-related issues, and the frostbite he had been showing was rapidly vanishing. He was eventually turned over to Csilla's government for study and interview. There, he was educated somewhat on what the galaxy was, who he could be - but nobody could answer who or what he was, which was what really plagued him.

Kilum, or so he was called now as that was the name he had taken, eventually fled Csilla by stowing away on a merchant vessel to the Mid Rim - there he began work as a security officer on various worlds, hopping from job to job as he tried to figure out his way and where he belonged. He did poorly with orders or just authority in general, and began trying his hand as a Bounty Hunter. It was here that he found his place - he worked on his own and could make a good amount of money along with travelling the galaxy. He had a sense of purpose and enjoyed his work, appealing to an unusual desire for combat and challenge that surged through him. He began to understand more how the galaxy and its people worked, even finding himself someone special; before Kilum knew it, he was married to an Echani woman, an achivement in of itself. He settled down for a while, tried to go back to more stable work. But the hunt always called him, and he had to go back to it. His wife, soon to give birth told him that if he went back to that career, she would leave, because he wouldn't be there for their child. Unable to resist the call, Bralor didn't believe her. After his first job, he found the house empty, the only thing left being a note that told him his wife and child were gone, and he'd never find them. After years of searching, he finally gave up.

Without a family and finding himself more lonely than he'd ever been, Kilum took more and more high-risk jobs. It was at this time that he met the man he still considers his father, a Mandalorian who took him in and adopted him as his own after Kilum saved his life. Though he learned the Resol'nare and the Mandalorian way of life well and found that it suited him, there were some parts he struggled with; his problems with authority still existed, even to a prospective Mandalore or leader of Clan Bralor. Eventually, Kilum left even there and forged his own path yet again, finding his best friends in Juma Juice or whatever the drink of choice was on whatever backwater world he found himself on. He gained weight and somehow more confidence, becoming full of himself and taking riskier jobs as time went on, completing them by the skin of his teeth.

It was the contract to capture a Dark Jedi that was what finally changed him. Though he was close, the force user was faster, using a slugthrower pistol taken from Bralor himself to shoot him through the eye, and leave him for dead. He was found by a Quarren scientist and brilliant surgeon, who only held back from turning him into authorities once he saw Kilum's eye and face rapidly healing, despite the fact he should be dead. He took in the Mandalorian, fixing him as best he could and using his incredibly resilient and unique DNA to clone his eye; even just fixing it into place, the hunter's rapidly healing body adapted to it and it found its place once again. This was how Kilum met one of his few friends in the galaxy, and decided that for nobody else, but only for himself was he going to be the best hunter he could be - an apex predator on the galactic scale and a feared name amongst smugglers, scum and the high-rollers alike.

Full Name: Kilum Bralor
Age: 37
Species: Icarii/Firrerreo Hybrid
Homeworld: Csilla
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Divorced
Education: Csillan and Mandalorian

Aliases: N/A
Occupation: Bounty Hunter, Mercenary
Skin Color: Gold
Eye Color: Black
Hair Color: Black with silver stripes

Face Claim: X
Voice Claim: ?
Aesthetic Board: X
Physical Abnormalities: Rapid Healing Factor
Psychological Abnormalities: 'Muted' in the Force, Imprinted Memories

Favourite Weapon(s): Custom Rifle, Double Pistols, Mandalorian Crushgaunts
Favourite Item: Wedding Ring

Known Force Abilities: Though he has no ability to use the force, a combination of his creation and instincts means that he is significantly 'muted' in the force, and has an ability to 'play dead' and become near-impossible to detect in it for small periods of time.

Armor: Beskar'garm

Ship: Custom Lethisk-Class

Being imprinted with the memories of over a dozen elite soldiers from differing wars throughout the galaxy at different times, Kilum is familiar with an extensive amount of military tactics. His experience as a Hunter has made him frighteningly good at it, and his marriage has meant he had to learn the Echani Martial Arts; it was simply sink or swim. His significant training and experience in almost all levels of combat along with his enhanced senses and incredible regneration make him a dangerous foe indeed.

Strength: Experience of Lifetimes

Bralor has been shown the experiences (and deaths) of many soldiers, and shows it through his tactical expertise.

Strength: Backbone

Even amongst Mandalorians, Kilum has been considered notoriously courageous.

Weakness: Thorny

Bralor is not a people person. With failed relationships, broken friendships and a trail of missed opportunities behind him, it's probably what he's worst at.

Strength: Adaptable

Special Operatives, lucky smugglers, dangerous beasts, Sith Lords; Kilum has stared down and hunted many things, and has learned to be flexible in response.

Strength: Diehard

Bralor's healing factor, which is incredible even for a Firrerreo, means he can survive lethal injuries. This would be bad enough if not for the Mandalorian's stubborn determination to get back up every single time.

Weakness: Death Wish

Kilum has been through so much loneliness and near-death experiences, that it's a wonder he even has the will to keep going; and on some subconscious level, he's hoping for the final death that hasn't come, and takes the highest risks he can without even realizing it at times.

Weakness: Impulsive

The best laid plans often go astray, and no matter how much he prepares, something has always gone wrong for Kilum; he's developed an impulsive streak, and listens to his gut even when it may get him in more danger.

Weakness: Hurt

The experience and elite training of all those old soldiers comes at a price; their traumas. Bralor sometimes will suffer from flashbacks or memories that he doesn't understand, that can muddy his thoughts..

Strength: Army of One

With his marksman-like accuracy, standout piloting skills, quick thinking and martial arts training in both the Echani and Mandalorian ways, Kilum is nothing if not a dangerous man. A man who lives and breathes combat, it is where he is most comfortable and most threatening.

Strength/Weakness: Frosty

The years have taught Kilum that the only one he can trust is him. Cutting himself off from others, he shows little emotion; even behind the helmet.

  • Raena Min - 55,000 Credits: Hired by the Veroan Corporation, Ollix Medlabs, Bralor was tasked to capture a Togruta dissident leading a cell of Imperial-sympathizing Selkath. Planning on doing damage to the Kolto supply, Bralor found his target at one of the underwater production facilities and destroyed much of the base and its tainted product before turning over his quarry alive.
  • Narcissa - 100,000 Credits in Aurodium and an Exotic Rifle: Hired by Darth Abyss, Bralor was tasked with the capture and return of his 'Daughter' and Sith Experiment, Narcissa. Given intel on the half-Starweird's location, Kilum tracked the troubled girl and allowed her to stab him in order to subdue her.

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