CRS Dachuppity
OOC Account

Kim Ergo
Home Planet - Coruscant
Home Planet - Coruscant
Age | 2 Years |
Species | Synthetic |
Gender | Male |
Height | 6'2" |
Weight | 300 Lbs |
Force Sensitive | No |
Kim is the creation of underground operations and surgery's performed on Coruscant through nefarious means. His features are implemented to be to his original creatures idea of perfection. He is somewhere in his mid twenties to early thirties as far as appearance goes. Whoever made him sculpted him to have a good jawline, nose, etc. He has shoulder length hair that is goldish brown in nature and bright glowing gold eyes that are obviously mechanical.
His body suit/inner workings and flesh are all intertwined. The only parts of him that seem to be fully free are from the neck up. If he were to wear full clothing over his built in suit you would only be able to tell he is enhanced by a small amount of metal parts on his cheek. Something not to uncommon among the galaxy at large. Having been created by the idealism of "perfection" he is moderetly tall and with his mechanical parts weights more than he should for his shoulder width. If he were a normal man his weight would be somewhere around 235lbs having an impressive physique. Clad in a black under suit with a gold lined outer armor shell.
Armored Shell (Metal type to be determined - Will update)
Engineered Brain - (Codex Submission Pending - Will update) - Intentions: To be able to have his datapads, comlink, and similar devices be within the super computer that is his mind.
Mechanical Eyes - (Codex Submission pending - Will update) - Intentions: To have eyes that can see into mechanical workings/problems and compute/solve them in real time. Like looking at blown out schematics constantly.
Combi tool left arm - Ability to turn his finger into tool tipped appendages similar to Astromechs.
Blade integrated right arm - (Codex Submission Pending - Will update) - Ability to turn his right arm into an extended vibro blade coming from his elbow outward.
Engineered Brain: - Kims main power comes from his enhanced brain and ability to solve problems with the nature of his fast acting response system. He is a walking/talking hyper computer. Although he is only two years old currently he has the education from the entire holonet at his whims. This has created both a positive ability to be a genius but also hindered his personal growth.
Mechanical Eyes: - Second only to his brain, Kims eyes are miracles of science. Able to use the information relayed in real time he can break apart almost anything he looks at and come to an understanding of its nature/purpose and functionality.
Hardened machine exoskeleton: - Although he is clad in armor his body is not made entirely of flesh. Majority of his bones have been replaced to ensure he can withstand incredible weights and impacts.
Young: - Although he has the body of an adult, Kim is still a baby. His understanding of complex emotions and how to process them healthily are very obscured. His access to the holonet flooding his mind has created an altered if not outright worry some view of the galaxy at large. He see's beings that were not created "Perfectly" like him as sub-species. This with his regular immaturity is a whirlwind of problems.
Non Force User: - He has come to an understanding that he is a creation and will never possess the Midichlorians required to be a Force User. He must rely on his ability to process situations and find solutions to them to survive and can succumb easily to simple tricks of the force like being crushed, shocked, mind tricked, etc.
Lack of combat experience: - Seeing, is not doing. Although he has processed and watched combat through the holonet he has not practiced or been tested in real life. He believes himself superior. Why would a superior being need to practice something he already has mastered. (He hasn't)
Personal Beliefs and History
Birth for a synthetic being is not the same as a normal sentient. His first sensations were not familial touch nor did he grow into his world. For Kim, it was an assault. Immediately words flooded his mind from all over the holonet. Speech's, poems, tapes of battle and films of love. They barraged him without end. It was unknown, terrifying and obscure.
He opened his eyes and smacked away the bright light. Already his eyes were processing all of the components that it was made of along with everything around him. The information pouring in simultaneously along with the words - the never ending words!
As the man he assumed is his creator approached him and began to speak, Kim could not bare any more. He begged for it to stop, he put his hands on the shoulders of the white bearded man in the lab coat and pleaded for silence. When he was told he could not make it stop even if he wanted to; Kim killed him.
Next between the noise was the running. His body now feeling sensation outside as well. His neuron code activating so he could protect himself from danger. He felt the cold air, the rough asphalt beneath his feet, filled with grime from the slums and backrooms of Coruscant's underworld. He ran for what seemed like forever until he had no idea where he was. The skylines of the world never ending, never giving him respite.
Eventually, he would curl up underneath some trash in a dark alleyway. The only spot he had found where nothing else bothered to go.
After enough time processing Kim was able to live within and control his concept of reality. It was a brutal process at first but one that left him refined and aged above his years, although he is still a child. Believing himself to be the next necessary step on the evolution of the galaxy. He seems himself as above sapient and hopes one day to combine himself with the ever flowing force to create the perfect being. He spends his days learning everything he can to ensure he is perfect and updates his body himself now. He is learning to be habitable with other people and the journey between man and machine will be with him forever!
OOC: Many updates to come! Very late night when the inspiration hit me to create Kim but I am looking forward to his story!
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