S u p e r i o r

[Insert General Information Graphic]Name | Kim Joo-Hyun
Aliases | Kim
Age | 38
Species | Atrisian
Gender | Male
Occupation | Ex-Hitman
Force Sensitive | Yes, but not trained
[Insert Physical Information Graphic]
Height | 6'0"
Weight | 180 lbs
Build | Athletic
Eye Color | Brown
Hair Color | Black
Hair | Shaved
[Insert Psychological Information Graphic]
Sexuality | Heterosexual
Relationship Status | Single
Personality |
[Insert Ability and Traits Information Graphic]+Know the Body+ Joo-Hyun's profession has given him much insight to a living being's body. Extensive study of both human and alien anatomy has allowed for him to identify and efficiently strike weak or vital areas that can incapacitate or cause the victim to die in a short period of time such as vital arteries.
-No More Killing- Joo-Hyun after having come to a realization of his past actions and how many people's lives he has ended with his hands now seeks to save as many as they had taken. As a result, he refuses to kill anyone, no matter how vile of a person they may be. However, this does not mean he will not break a few bones and limbs along the way of those he deems as wicked.
+The Best Do Not Rest+ Over the many years Joo-Hyun has trained to become an assassin, he has learned a great many skills to help him accomplish his jobs. He is an expert in hand to hand combat, both armed and unarmed, usage of any commonly produced weapon of any variant, as well as the ins and outs of every aspect of his field. He is a force to be reckoned with even amongst those that share similar occupations.
[Insert Equipment Graphic]
Typical Attire | Joo-Hyun's typical attire usually consists of a pinstripe suit along with a pair of leather gloves so that he does not leave behind any fingerprints. Though he does not kill anymore and does not need to worry so much about leaving fingerprints, wearing gloves is more of a habit for him. His suit is woven from shell spider silk to provide some protection.

The woman who had bought Joo-Hyun had brought him to the far reaches of Hutt space, where he was met with three individuals of similar age to him; A female Rodian by the name of Deemo, a male Arkanian by the name of Dekker and a human female by the name of Syrena, all of whom came from similar situations. They were slaves sold by their parents from a young age, and here they stood now, already having outgrown the naiveness of children. It was for that reason that they were brought under the wing of the woman; perfect little balls of clay that would do anything to live a better life than what fate had given them.As it would turn out, the mysterious woman who had brought them together was notorious in the shadowy corners of the Outer Rim and Wild Space as an infamous hitwoman, and it was well past her time as well as her prime to the point where she deemed it necessary to pass down her craft and skills to those she had called her own. From a young age, they learned and fought, striving to be the best to gain the woman's favor as the best among the four. Joo-Hyun never entertained such a notion as striving to be the best for attention, but rather so that he would never have to worry about himself ever once the woman inevitably would pass away or her past caught up to her to bare its fangs.

Joo-Hyun was an indifferent individual, and it was probably why his adoptive 'mother' took a particular interest in his growth. He would grow to become a young, up and coming hitman by the time he had reached his twenties, much sooner than his adopted brother and sisters. He was a mad dog in a mad world, baring his fangs when those who thought to trample him attempted to and tearing them apart when they refused to step down. He did as he was told, without question and without thought to an extent where some may call second nature. It wasn't until later in his young adult life that he began to think for himself.
By his mid-thirties, Joo-Hyun had established himself in a rather stable position that regularly received work, having been successful in not being identified in his jobs by any law enforcement. Whether it was fate or destiny that decided to throw a rock at him is uncertain when he took one of his last jobs as a ruthless and merciless hitman. He had been hired by a gang to kill a man who had owed protection money. Joo-Hyun did not think much of the man's life; his business, whether he was an honest or treacherous living being. He was given a face and asked to deliver a corpse.
Joo-Hyun had arrived late in the night in a relatively quiet neighborhood where the man was to be found. It was to be a quick job, but things went bad. As Joo-Hyun attempted to fatally stab the man, a blaster was drawn on him. A quick swing, a crack of a pistol and the scuffle was finished. The man he was sent to kill suffered a fatal injury that had outright killed him on the spot, but not before a physical round had been fired into his lower abdomen. The body had been left on the scene as he quickly fled the area.
His wounds, however, would not let him get far as he stumbled through the neighborhood, barely being able to keep his conscious. He would stumble and collapse by a home where he would have likely perished had a woman who came out not found him and immediately got him rushed to a hospital. Joo-Hyun would vaguely remember anything that happened after arriving at a hospital except for one thing before he had slipped into unconsciousness; the woman's face, and the genuine concern that she had shown as well as the kindness of her actions.

By the time Joo-Hyun had awoken, the doctors had treated his wounds, but the woman was nowhere to be found. Having received the medical attention he needed, he quickly got himself out of the hospital to try and find the woman who saved his life. A man of his background did not have much trouble finding the details about her and her whereabouts and he soon set off to go and meet her. His search would bring him to a funeral home where the woman was in mourning with her eight-year-old son over the loss of her husband.
It normally would not have bothered him to come in and give his condolences as well as his deepest gratitude, but the image of the deceased man struck a chord deep within him. It was the face of the man he had been hired to kill, that nearly also killed Joo-Hyun in the attempt. It was in that instant that he felt something that he thought he would never experience; regret. Rather than introduce himself and do what he had initially come to do, he left. He was beginning to feel a shred of what he had been taught to ignore, to look past.
Still dressed in his bloodied clothes, he went to the local police station and turned himself in from the guilt he felt, having killed an innocent man because he owed money who was a loving husband and father and now faced with the eternal guilt that he would never be able to confront the woman who had no reason to save his life and let him die where he had fallen. Since it was the only crime he had admitted and turned himself in for, he was sentenced to twenty-five years in prison for second-degree murder on a clean record.
[Moar TBA]