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Approved Tech Kimoyo Beads

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Manufacturer: Bobbajo | Romi Jade
Type: Electronic
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Limited
Weight: Very Light
Size: Very Small
She Left Behind A Legacy

Kimoyo Beads

Basic Information​
TypeWrist link
OwnersJakku Jedi Enclave
CategoryJedi Apparel


The Kimoyo Beads are incredible tools that blend some of our spiritual traditions with cutting-edge tech. Each bead has a function and helps our Jedi stay grounded, while also providing vital support in the field. From secure communication and medical scans to stealth and navigation, these beads have it all. They're perfect for the Jedi way—combining old wisdom with new innovation."​
― Romi Jade, Jedi Master and Founder of the Jakku Jedi Enclave​

The Kimoyo Beads are advanced technological bracelets tailored specifically for the Jedi. These beaded bracelets are designed to be worn on the wrist, integrating various technological functions to aid Jedi in their training and missions. Each bead is crafted from a combination of advanced alloys and cutting-edge technology, serving unique purposes to enhance the wearer's capabilities. Additionally, each bead is adorned with Bendu carvings, allowing them to be used like traditional malas to count repetitions of mantras or prostrations, aiding Jedi in focus and meditation.​
These multifunctional wrist devices blend traditional aesthetics with advanced technology. They are crafted to support Jedi in their quest for knowledge and mastery of the Force, despite being non-Force sensitive themselves. These beads enable Jedi to stay connected, heal, navigate, and gather information efficiently, embodying the spirit of learning through experience emphasized by the Jakku Jedi Enclave. The Bendu carvings on each bead allow for use in traditional meditation practices, enhancing focus and spiritual discipline.​


  • Manufacturer: Bobbajo, Romi Jade Romi Jade
  • Affiliation: Jakku Jedi Enclave - X, Jedi Order
  • Market Status: Closed-Market
  • Model: N/A
  • Modularity: Yes
  • Production: Limited
  • Material:
    • Beskar Alloy: Provides durability and resistance to extreme conditions.
    • Kyber Crystal Fragments: Embedded for enhanced energy management and healing properties.
    • Durasteel: Ensures robustness and longevity.
    • SynthLeather: Used for the bracelet's band to ensure comfort and flexibility.
    • Micro-circuitry: Advanced miniaturized circuits to power and control each bead's functionality.

  • Comlink Bead: Facilitates secure long-distance communication with other Jedi and headquarters.
  • Holo-Projection Bead: Projects holographic images and recordings for briefings and instructions.
  • Medical Scan Bead: Performs comprehensive medical scans to diagnose and monitor health conditions.
  • Healing Bead: Emits bio-signals to accelerate healing and stabilize injuries.
  • Navigation Bead: Provides advanced navigation assistance, including maps and route planning.
  • Data Storage Bead: Securely stores vast amounts of data, accessible only by the wearer.
  • Environmental Analysis Bead: Analyzes surrounding environmental conditions to detect hazards and resources.
  • Signal Jammer Bead: Disrupts nearby communication signals to maintain operational security.
  • Surveillance Bead: Deploys micro-drones for reconnaissance and surveillance missions.
  • Stealth Bead: Generates a personal cloaking field to render the wearer invisible for short periods.
  • Chrono Bead: Measures and keeps linear time. Could be set to follow more than one time standard - local time, ships' time, and Galactic Standard Time.
  • Summon Bead: Programs and sends signals to summon ships, vehicles, or droids.

: Each bead serves a unique purpose, making the bracelet an all-in-one tool for various situations.​
Durability: Crafted from advanced materials, the beads can withstand harsh environments and physical stress.​
Enhanced Training: Provides non-Force sensitive tools to simulate Force-based experiences.​
Health Support: Includes medical functions to ensure the wearer's well-being.​
Stealth and Security: Features like the Signal Jammer and Stealth Bead enhance operational security.​
Meditation Aid: Bendu carvings allow the beads to be used for counting mantras or prostrations, aiding in meditation and focus.​

  • Multifunctional: Combines several essential tools into a single, wearable device.
  • Portable: Lightweight and easy to wear, ensuring it doesn't hinder the wearer's mobility.
  • Advanced Technology: Uses cutting-edge tech to provide reliable and efficient support.
  • Customizable: Beads can be programmed and adjusted according to the wearer's needs.
  • Spiritual Integration: Bendu carvings provide a traditional aspect, supporting meditation and spiritual practices.
  • Dependency on Technology: Overreliance on the beads may reduce traditional skills and intuition.
  • Energy Consumption: High-tech functionalities may require regular recharging or energy management.
  • Complexity: Advanced features might require training to use effectively.
  • Limited Force Integration: Cannot directly interact with or enhance Force abilities.
The Kimoyo Beads consist of 12 highly specialized beads, each incorporating state-of-the-art technology and adorned with intricate Bendu carvings. These carvings not only add a spiritual element to the beads but also make them functional for traditional meditation practices. The beads form a seamless bracelet that provides the Jedi with an array of tools essential for their survival, communication, medical needs, and training in the harsh environments of Jakku and beyond. The bracelet is designed to be lightweight, durable, and resistant to extreme conditions, ensuring it can withstand the challenges faced by Jedi in their journeys.​


Out Of Character Info

Intent: To codify a piece of tech worn by Jedi of the Jakku Jedi Enclave.
Permissions: N/A

Technical Information

Affiliation: Jakku Jedi Enclave | Jedi
Modular: Yes
Material: (See below)
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Romi Jade Romi Jade

Love it! I loved this in the comics as well. One thing, we don't accept Pinterest or Reddit links to images unless the original site can't be found, these sites not respect the original artist, and anyone can post the arts there, what they found on the internet. In this case, the original host can be found, so please use this link.
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