Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Name: Kira Fenn.
Alias: The Shadow Queen.
Age: 20 Years Old.
Species: Human/Kiffar.
Sex: Female.
Height: 5'8.
Weight: 135 lbs.
Force Sensitive: No.
Alignment: Lawful Neutral.
Faction: The Shadow Dynasty.

Simply put, Kira Fenn looks fierce. Being a Kiffar, Kira has three red slash tattoos that stretch symmetrically across each side of her face, ending just over her eyes, proudly representing the Fenn tribe of Kiffu. She appears both Caucasian and Asian with lightly tanned skin beneath her tattoos. Her light grey irises compliment her inviting smile, though only inviting if she intends it to be. Her defined eyebrows seem to intimidate those unfamiliar with her and her voice radiates confidence and sternness.

Her black hair is separated into multiple braids held together with gold coloured bands, going down to her shoulder blades in length. A durasteel helmet with a retractable visor, either guarding her face or laying idle on the top of her helmet, accompanies her hair. When over her face the visor completes her headgear and essentially turns into a full helmet. The visor provides ample support during the night and can transition between a scope lens, night vision lens or basic lens. When in basic it wields a feint red glow and a bright green glow when in night vision. A red circle projects itself over her right eye lens when it shifts to the scope setting.

Her shoulders share similarities with her face, both having intricate red tattoos imprinted onto them. Lacking shoulder pads, she makes up for it with durasteel gauntlets that reach until her elbow, spiked to make them lethal in hand-to-hand combat. Her gauntlets turn her fingers into dangerous weapons with spikes on each tip. Her chest plate extends down to her stomach, her sides turning from plates to a thin metal fishnet armour. A bright rectangular light shines red in the center of her stomach.

Her legs host a similar fishnet armour towards her upper thighs, her hips covered by a purple cloth skirt, held up by a large metal belt holding the skull of a fearsome beast she slew on Kiffu as well as four daggers. From her knees down she has armour plates that second has footwear, shin guards and plate legs all at the same time. Her figure stands at 5’8 and is often seen with a rifle almost three quarters her height.


- Patience
- Persistence
- Sniper/Rifle Work
- Confidence
- Leadership
- Hand to Hand combat
- Dagger Use
- Laid Back
- Deception
- Psychometry


- Values lives over money
- Stubborn
- Strictly gun/dagger weapon knowledge
- Easy to trust others
- High Maintenance
- Grudge Holder



Born to the head of the Fenn tribe on Kiffu, Kira was adorned with red facial tattoos matching the ones her mother had. Kira has high standards to fill and skills to excel at. From a young age she was exposed to violence and the arts of war. Kiffu, a planet of many tribes, is constantly in a state of civil war. While many of the tribal warriors would take to combat with spears, swords and arrows, Kira’s mother refused to put her daughter in the midst of any bloodbath and put her to training with a sniper rifle.

Training with the most renowned of the Fenn, Kira quickly became a good shot and provided unmatched support in the battlefield. Although dissatisfied with having to train her patience and precision she took it to herself to learn how to wield daggers, her mother only later approving due to the defensive plus side.

Her potential was quickly seen to be a proud and powerful warrior of Kiffu, only fit to take on the role as leader of the Fenn when her mother’s time came to pass. It was in her late teens, however, that Kira discovered the rare ability of the Kiffar, Psychometry. With her confidence already increasing as years went by she began to think she was higher than Kiffu, that she could create change beyond her planets tribal battles.

Although initially apposed to Kira’s rash thinking and impulsive decision making, it was evident to her mother that Kira held potential that was greater than what she was holding herself down to be. She insisted and reinforced her ideals to her mother and to those of her tribe and after months of banter and continued bloodshed, Kira left. She had no goal, no plan but to impose change on the galaxy.

She needed credits. She needed something to do. She took on Bounty Hunting as a way to cope with her extra time. Despite the toxic reputation bounty hunters often receive, Kira still has a moral compass. She, unlike many others, do not view targets with a bounty as anything less than what they are- alive and “human.” She takes on jobs to destroy what she believes to be corrupt individuals or companies. Hunt down those who are doing actions that disagree with her moral code.

Her reputation peaked as one of the most skillful snipers, but many feared to hire Kira. She was known as dangerous but a “prude” in terms of hiring. She worked expensive but efficient and picky. Her psychometry gave her that edge on tracking down contracts that otherwise would have escaped. Her work took her to a planet that many associated with the dark side. She was sent to simply investigate. Gather information. Eclipstica brought curiosity to Kira. When she arrived on the planet, a keep engraved onto the side of a mountain peeked her interest.

She used her psychometry generously, though most items drew a blank or told her little information- until she came across a crown. It was dirty, half sunken in rubble and dirt. The shine it once withheld was gone and all that remained was broken pieces of what she assumed to be a kingdom. What she found, what stories the crown told her, were breathtaking. She saw a thriving faction and a group sewn together with unbreakable trust. She saw a cause for change: The Shadow Dynasty.

Her new path had begun and where it would take her, she had no clue, but she was eager to walk down it.




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