Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Kira Logán


NAME: Kira Logán
FACTION: The Jedi Academy Network
RANK: Apprentice/Padawan
AGE: 19
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 5 ft. 9 in. (1.8 meters)
WEIGHT: 135 lbs.
EYES: Brown
HAIR: Brown
SKIN: Tan; freckled


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :

+ Altruistic
+ Assiduous
+ Precise
+ Valor
~ Daring
- Naive
- Reckless
- Weak (Physically)

APPEARANCE: Kira has a naturally thin frame, taking away from her physical strength. She stands at 5 feet 9 inches, towering over most girls her age. Freckles dot random spots of skin and her hair is usually done in braids. Her usual attire consists of long sleeve tunics and loose fitting robes, with pants that are tight around the ankles.

Kira was born to a Republic ambassador and an ex-Bounty Hunter on Coruscant. She was quite well off as a child, though her parents had to pretend they weren't married so that her mother could keep her job. She had loving parents; probably the best childhood anyone could ask for. She was a late bloomer, meaning she didn't find out she was Force sensitive until she was four, a rare occurrence in Force users. She still had time to enter the Jedi Academy, so her parents had her taken to the temple.

Her training got off to a rough start with her being a bit lost in Force use. She only started to get the hang of it when she was ten. However, on the other hand, she was naturally proficient in lightsaber dueling, using the reverse grip technique, much like Ahsoka Tano. On her Youngling pilgrimage to the Ilum caves, she received a yellow kyber crystal, indicating her combat skill balanced with her intelligence.






A Padawan to a Master (Training) -- Ended

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