Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Kira Salis


NAME: Kira Salis
RANK: Sith Sorceress
AGE: 27
SEX: Female
WEIGHT: 160lbs
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Black
SKIN: Pale
Update:Force Powers.
Force powers
• Psychometry
• Telepathy
• Force sense
• Force fear
• Force horror
• Force insanity
• Force Illusion
• Force Jump
• Force Light
• Force lightning
• Force persuasion
• Force Affliction
• Force Plague
• Cleanse Mind
• Sith alchemy
• Affect Mind
Force wound
• Force choke
• Force grip
• Force crush
• Force scream
• Force Stun
o Force Stasis
 Force Stasis Field
• Force Pull/Push
• Drain Knowledge
• Alter Environment
• Force cloak
• Force confusion
• telekinesis

Kira is cold and callous, and can be very vindictive she trusts absolutely no one. Kira is the type of person to analyze every angle before making any rash decisions. Which tells you that she will do whatever is to make sure she gets what she wants, usually through some sort of manipulation. If Kira does not like you, you would Surely know it, most of her acquaintance’s understand that she is not one to be crossed or underestimated unless you fell under her good Grace’s.

Kira takes pride in herself and always tried to look her best, It was well known she was a perfectionist she had to be the best at whatever she put her mind to no matter the cost or sacrifice, whether it be physically, mentally or emotionally.


Kira is 5’8 and about 160 lbs, and physically fit with long black hair When she is working she wears her usual Inquisitor robes, but that’s not to say she doesn’t enjoy the finer tastes


Kira always knew the dark side and its power, her father as she knew him was a powerful Sith lord and began training her from a young age being born on Koriban. Her mother Sarah as well was a Sith Inquisitor, teaching her that there was more to the force than sheer rage and anger and taught her there were more ways than one to get what you want other that bestowing fear on your enemies .

Kira grew up learning different aspects of the force, her father wanted her to follow in his footsteps of a Marauder while her mother wished her to follow her teachings as an Inquisitor.All through her life she had been trained well in the force, and combat training. In the End Kira learned from experience that being an Inquisitor best suited her Character.

Kira had failed her trials to become a master, Her parents disowned, stripping her of all her dignity sentencing her into exile. All that she was to become had been taken from her, her destiny as a powerful sorceress on Korriban was all but a mere dream. She set out into the Galaxy in search of herself. Kira became all the more determined to prove to herself that she was more than what her parents thought of her. Kira had nothing left except the passion to become a powerful sorceress and have her vengeance bestowed on them and wipe them from history.

While Kira spent many years secluded and alone researching ancient tomes and text of the sith, learning and training herself in the ways of sorcery and Alchemy. Consumed by power she turned her rage into passion to learn more about the dark arts. After Spending numerous years in seclusion had taken its toll and twisted her thought process. Kira viewed people as tools only to be manipulated to serve a purpose. Needless to say she did not have any friends only acquaintances, which left a hole in her heart, a darkness which led to pain an suffering. Led by her own feelings of pain she sought of ways to seduce , manipulate, and turn those to the darkside using sorcery and other methods. She enjoyed using their own fear as a weapon, manipulating their minds-the and result breaking their will to resist the dark side.

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