Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Kirchenhof's LOA Record

G'day Chaos,

So I was supposed to take an extended leave of absence in January but that got delayed otherwise I wouldn't be here right now, however this time I'm actually expecting to kick things off around July so alas I will be reducing my activity steadily upto that month, I will be actively trying to reduce my activity and time on Chaos. As an Admin of the Core Imperial Confederation I'll be angling to finish submissions already posted onto the live board for this faction but following that my presence and participation in authoring stories might be significantly diminished to the point of non-existence, safe to say I probably won't be making any new Factory or Codex submissions between now and then.

I might be able to make intermittent posts but Chaos isn't high on my priority list and during the last four years that I've been on the board I've taken several unannounced multi-month leave without telling anybody and I'm attempting to rectify that atleast in part by actually putting it out there that I'm not going to be around. I don't precisely know just how long that this period of reduced attention from me to the board will last for or just how extreme it will be, but safe to say the closer we get to July from here the worse it'll get and I can envisage that following July I'll probably only be around on Discord.

I've spoken to [member="Tanomas Graf"] regarding this and will be staying on as a Faction Admin at his invitation to provide him and the Faction's Admin team with faction narrative support and contribute to pertinent discussion. This isn't a goodbye from me, I hope to return to Chaos in a greater capacity down the line I'm just not precisely certain when that will be but when the opportunity for me to do some more writing swings around I'll make a post in this thread to let everybody know that I'm back and whether or not it's temporary due to some break in my schedule or expected to be more extended.

Below you will find a leave record for the dates when I expect my activity will decline sharply.

  • 30th June 2019 - 13th October 2019
  • 28th October 2019 - 2nd February 2020

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