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Approved Location Kirima force academy

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High Commander of the Lilaste Order


  • Intent: To create the Lilaste Order's Force Academy on Kirima, located in the Kalinda system, to train recruits in both Light and Dark side Force abilities. This submission provides a roleplay setting for developing characters and exploring the unique philosophy of the Lilaste Order.
  • Image Credit: N/A
  • Canon: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: N/A


  • Military Base Name: Lilaste Order Force Academy
  • Classification: Academy / Training Base
  • Location: Planet Kirima (Kalinda system, Lilaste Order territory)
  • Affiliation: Lilaste Order
  • Population:Moderate
    • Personnel Breakdown:
      • Instructors: 50
      • Cadets: 300
      • Support staff: 100
      • Security personnel: 100
  • Demographics:
    • The Academy population is diverse, with a mix of Force-sensitive individuals from various species. It includes humans, Twi'leks, Zabraks, Mirialans, and other species commonly found in the galaxy. All recruits are Force-sensitive, undergoing rigorous training in either Light or Dark side abilities, with the goal of mastering both.
  • Accessibility:
    • The Force Academy is secluded and heavily secured. Located within the mountainous regions of Kirima, it is accessible only by authorized Lilaste Order members. It is hidden from public view, with cloaking devices masking its position from orbital or aerial detection. Entrances are guarded and monitored by advanced security systems, ensuring only approved personnel may enter.
  • Description:
    • The Lilaste Order Force Academy on Kirima is a vast structure integrated into the natural mountain formations of the planet. It features tall spires, open courtyards, and massive training chambers dedicated to honing the abilities of Force-sensitive recruits. The Academy reflects the Lilaste Order's philosophy, promoting a balance between the Light and Dark sides of the Force. The atmosphere is one of disciplined learning, with a focus on control, combat prowess, and the study of the Force in all its aspects.


  • Hall of Balance:
    A grand central hall where all students come together for lessons and discussions on the philosophies of the Force. The Hall is symbolic of the Lilaste Order's dedication to mastering both the Light and Dark sides, with teachings delivered by instructors who specialize in each.
  • Combat Arenas:
    State-of-the-art arenas equipped with training droids, holographic simulators, and sparring tools for lightsaber and Force combat training. These arenas allow students to practice their skills in both individual and group combat scenarios, including simulations of real battlefields.
  • Meditation Chambers:
    A series of quiet rooms used for deep meditation and study of the Force. These chambers are designed to help students connect with both the Light and Dark sides, offering a tranquil space for introspection and Force mastery.
  • The Force Nexus:
    An underground chamber discovered during the construction of the Academy, radiating with a powerful concentration of Force energy. It is used for advanced training and tests of will, as the Nexus amplifies Force sensitivity and allows for deeper understanding of the Force's mysteries.
  • Archives:
    A repository of holocrons, ancient texts, and records detailing the history of the Force and its users, both Light and Dark. Students and instructors alike come here to study past teachings, expand their knowledge, and explore the legacy of Force wielders throughout history.
  • Training Grounds:
    Outdoor spaces where physical conditioning and survival skills are taught. These grounds host various exercises, including endurance runs, tactical drills, and live-fire exercises, simulating real-world scenarios where both physical and mental strength are tested.


  • Security Rating: High
  • Security Measures:
    • Perimeter Defenses:
      • Ray-shielded checkpoints
      • LO-21/AAA
      • LO-22/AP
      • LO-24/AT
      • Advanced sensor grids
      • Cloaking devices for stealth from orbital detection
    • Internal Defenses:
      • Force-detection systems
      • Patrols by both security droids and Force-sensitive guardians
      • Surveillance drones monitoring all critical areas
      • LO-5T [ loaded with either LO-35R or LO-23C]
    • Special Features:
      • Energy shields surrounding key areas
      • Anti-aircraft defenses to guard against potential space or air assaults


The Lilaste Order Force Academy was established on Kirima following the Lilaste Order's consolidation of power in the Kalinda system. With the influx of Force-sensitive recruits and the Order's philosophy of uniting both Light and Dark side users, the Academy was built as a place of learning, where the dual aspects of the Force could be studied in depth.

Built into the rocky landscape of Kirima's mountains, the Academy reflects the Order's balance between nature and the Force. The discovery of the Force Nexus during its construction further solidified the Academy's importance as a place of spiritual and martial growth. Many of the Lilaste Order's greatest Force users have trained here, honing their abilities in combat, diplomacy, and mastery of the Force.

The Academy serves not only as a training facility but as a symbol of the Lilaste Order's commitment to bringing balance to the galaxy, teaching recruits the importance of wielding the Force responsibly, whether they lean towards the Light or the Dark.
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Laphisto Laphisto

Please link to the Lilaste Order
Please link to the equipment being used in security measures. If they are factory items please provide the proper permissions. If they are canon items the Wookiepedia article will be fine.

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