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Approved NPC Kirk Rand

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Intent: To provide John Doe a right hand man.
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Role: John Doe's second in command

Age: 31
Force Sensitivity: Non-Force User
Species: Human
Appearance: Kirk has a top of messy brown hair, with fair skin and hazel eyes. He has no distinguishing scars on his body. Kirk often dons a brown leather jacket, with a button-up white shirt. His black trousers have a yellow Corellian bloodstripe running down the side, earned during his time in the Corellian military.


Name: Kirk Rand, affectionately referred to as 'Kirky' by John Doe.
Loyalties: John Doe, The Jesters
Wealth: Well-off.
Notable Possessions: None.
Skills: Handy with a blaster, Trained in Slicing, Trained Leader, Military background.
Personality: Kirk is quite sarcastic and full of quips, especially with those below him. He is not cruel or unkind, though, and he does his best to insure that the men and women under him live to see another day. With John Doe, however, Kirk is absolutely serious in all his dealings. Although he is afforded relative safety due to his years and seniority, he knows that one slip up could mean the end of him.


Weapon of Choice: Blaster Pistol
Combat Function: Kirk Rand is handy with a pistol, having been formally trained by the Corellian military and many years of combat experience to hone his craft. This makes him a deadly and effective marksman. Needless to say, he also trained in other conventional weapons, such as the blaster rifle, vibroblade, knife, and grenades. However, John Doe prefers to have Kirk in a support position, leading his men rather than fighting next to them. He is a competent commander, using his knowledge of tactics and skill in slicing to shift the battlefield in his favor. That's not to say that Kirk isn't willing to get his hands dirty.


Kirk Rand was born and raised in Corellian to a criminal family belonging to a smugglers outfit. As young as 12, he would help his parents in their trade. Once he became a man, Kirk joined the Corellian military, quickly distinguishing himself for his sharp reasoning and excellent marksmanship. He was transferred to a Special Forces unit, where after enduring a horrific selection and training process, he served honorably for 8 years, earning several awards, including the Corellian bloodstripe. Once his contract was up, Kirk transferred what he learned in the military to the criminal world, quickly earning a name for himself as a smuggler and competent leader. The smuggler soon found himself on Nar Shaddaa, and it wasn't long before John Doe snatched him up, for a hefty fee, convincing him to leave his own budding enterprise to join his. Kirk now serves in a leadership role in John Doe's business, earning the unofficial title of The Right Hand and using his expertise to help expand John's syndicate.
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