Name: Kirk Tektus
Faction: CIS
Rank: Major (Confederate Defense Force - Navy)
Species: Human
Age: 30
Height: 5'11
Weight: 190 lbs
Eyes: Slate Blue
Hair: Dirty Blonde
Skin: Fair
Force Sensitive: Yes (unaware and untrained)
Loyal - Kirk is loyal to whatever cause he dedicates himself to and carries out his duties with a passion. His loyalty makes him easy to trust and reliable in times of dilemma or crisis.
Knowledgeable - Kirk's skills as an academic stems from his interest in learning. He processes and analyzes information quicker than most people to help support his intuitions
Intuitive - Kirk has a hunch when it comes to almost anything, these hunches are not really definitive and are more speculations than anything. But they've helped him make decisions that have advanced his life.
Indecisive - Despite Kirk's intuitive nature, he hesitates to act on them questioning himself a lot. He also overanalyzes problems and when he's in a position power he struggles more on making decisions.
Timid - It's really hard for Kirk to have something said to his superiors since he's more keen on keeping his head down and doing whatever he's told. Which is unfortunate as he has been subject to incompetent leaders before.
Self doubt - Because of Kirk's history, he doesn't believe in his abilities. It's what kept on the short of the stick in his career.
Appearance: Kirk is mesomorphic with his body toned
Biography: Kirk's family were birthed from immigrants that came from Tatooine who then moved to Naboo. Kirk went to a really good public school but because he was from the outer rim, he experienced a lot of bullying and discrimination. But he was told by his parents to ignore them and focus on his studies. Fortunately for him he found a lot of comfort in his studies, an affinity to learning, and processing information to make conclusions. Books and information would be his friend for most of his life. He graduated with honors from his school and he didn't really know what to do afterwards. He did go to university to learn information and data science, graduating with top honors.
With no way of knowing where to go, he joined the officer corps of the Royal Naboo Security Force. He faced the same discrimination in the Royal Naboo Security Force even as an officer. Though he had excelled in the guards technology division nonetheless. But since he was part of a Security Force he started to polish his skills in battle tactics, strategy, and blaster training to help boost his stature. As a lieutenant in the guard he did see his fair share of praise and earned a lot of respect but didn't receive any commendations or promotions like his peers.
It wasn't until a committee of naval officers from the Confederate Defense Force visited the Royal Guard for potential recruits. They saw the lieutenant and his company performing a combat exercise and they were all impressed with his skills and thought his talent was wasted on Naboo. So they asked him to join the Confederate Defense Force as a naval officer. He agreed without knowing what was in store for him. He was promoted to major after his transfer to the Confederacy and was given his own Munificent cruiser. He was fitted with a crew who acted appropriately as his subordinates and looks forward to counting his career with the Confederacy.
Through his time with the Confederacy, Kirk had spent multiple operations supporting the Confederacy's expansion with his naval and technical expertise. His most notable military achievement was the containment of the Blackwing Virus on Atrisia and the research and establishment of the Life Engines to stabilize the planet's atmosphere. For his efforts he was Through his endeavors, Kirk became High Marshal of the new Capital Sector Fleet. With his new position, Kirk was given greater responsibility in optimizing the naval capabilities of the Capital Fleet on top of security and optimizing the Confederacy's technical capabilities to maintain sector security.
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