NAME: Kirpo [Keer-poh]
LANGUAGE: Ewokese, Pidgin-Basic
RANK: Ex-slave
AGE: 17, young adult.
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 1.23 meters
WEIGHT: 64 kilograms
EYES: Black
HAIR: Dark Auburn/Brown
SKIN: Black
FORCE SENSITIVE: Mild sensitivity, no discernible powers
While rather tall for an Ewok at 1.23 meters, he still stands at roughly hip height for most humanoids. Years of back-breaking labor have shaped his body, strengthening his muscles while also wearing down his spine. His stance is awkward, hips and chest thrust forward, back in the arch of a bow ready to snap.
Kirpo’s fur is naturally a dark brown, but the orange sky of Abafar has bleached it until the hints of red auburn have overtaken most of his body. In order to keep cool, he keeps his fur trimmed short, giving him a fuzzy, soft outer layer where hints of his black skin are visible. On his outer, lower left calf, a rectangle patch of black skin is fully exposed with a white brand E-2291
Despite the Void’s harsh conditions, Kirpo has not taken to wearing much clothing like the other slaves. He leaves his body bare save for the headwrap which he pulls across his face to keep from inhaling sand during harsh winds. However, he dare not fully cover his head as he has not yet earned his hood.
-Strength: Despite his small stature, Kirpo is quite strong, able to move nearly anything he can get his arms around.
-Endurance: He is used to working long days in the sand and does not tire easily.
-Tracking: Kirpo is also rather skilled in tracking, though not in a traditional way. He has an uncanny ability to find other living creatures, especially when hidden in the wastelands with little other organisms around.
-Smell: Like most Ewoks, Kirpo has a highly sensitive sense of smell. He can identify most species from half a kilometer away.
-Memory: Kirpo has a sharp memory for physical features. He can vividly remember details of the characteristics of those he has met, including colors and strange markings on their person.
-Personality (+): Incredibly patient, Kirpo has no difficulty watching and waiting for the perfect opportunity. His stubborn determination keeps him motivated during even the most trying times.
-Speed: Due to his posture, his walk would be better described as a waddle. Kirpo’s maximum speed is little more than a toddler’s stride. Any attempt at running usually ends with his face in the ground.
-Sight: As an Ewok, Kirpo can only see about a meter ahead of him before his sight goes blurry.
-Fighting: Kirpo has no experience with fighting. He can whack a Void Strider senseless with a scrap of metal, but that’s about all he’s got.
-Language: His Basic is very limited. He can grasp general meaning but has difficulty replying. He is completely illiterate.
-Personality (-): Kirpo’s desire to reach home often leaves him daydreaming about Endor, making him appear spacey to those around him. His ravenous curiosity often leads him into sticking his nose where it shouldn’t be (literally!) and has cost him a chunk of his toe. Kirpo is also not the most intelligent of creatures. He tries to create new tools as he’s seen Trippet do, however many of these inventions end in disaster.
As a mere wokling, Kirpo was stolen from his home, along with several other Ewoks and woklings, most notably Shaman Trippet. They were taken by slavers to the Outer Rim, where they were sold to various locations. Kirpo and Trippet were taken to Abafar where they were intended to be made into jerky. However, Shaman Trippet already had more than 70 rotations and his meat would be tough, and Kirpo was too small to be worth the effort of skinning. So the pair were turned into mining slaves until Kirpo became full grown.
Growing up, Shaman Trippet took it upon himself to teach Kirpo everything he could about Endor, about the tall, green trees, completely unimaginable in the sandy wasteland of the Void. He spoke of wet leaves, and cool clay, and bright feathers to decorate their hoods. Oh, the hoods. Kirpo desires nothing more than to take part in the Festival of Hoods and finally earn that leather cap Shaman Trippet always wore and never let Kirpo don.
But more than the hood, Kirpo dreams of his tree. According to Shaman Trippet, every Ewok has a seedling tree planted upon their birth. Should he have grown up on Endor, he would have had the responsibility of caring for the tree, watching it grow and grow until it was two, three, four times his height. And upon his death, his spirit would join with the tree for the rest of eternity. To be nestled in the cool, wetness of another living thing, encased and safe to give guidance to future shamans… Kirpo couldn’t imagine a more wonderful fate.
But reality was more bleak.
NAME: Kirpo [Keer-poh]
LANGUAGE: Ewokese, Pidgin-Basic
RANK: Ex-slave
AGE: 17, young adult.
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 1.23 meters
WEIGHT: 64 kilograms
EYES: Black
HAIR: Dark Auburn/Brown
SKIN: Black
FORCE SENSITIVE: Mild sensitivity, no discernible powers
While rather tall for an Ewok at 1.23 meters, he still stands at roughly hip height for most humanoids. Years of back-breaking labor have shaped his body, strengthening his muscles while also wearing down his spine. His stance is awkward, hips and chest thrust forward, back in the arch of a bow ready to snap.
Kirpo’s fur is naturally a dark brown, but the orange sky of Abafar has bleached it until the hints of red auburn have overtaken most of his body. In order to keep cool, he keeps his fur trimmed short, giving him a fuzzy, soft outer layer where hints of his black skin are visible. On his outer, lower left calf, a rectangle patch of black skin is fully exposed with a white brand E-2291
Despite the Void’s harsh conditions, Kirpo has not taken to wearing much clothing like the other slaves. He leaves his body bare save for the headwrap which he pulls across his face to keep from inhaling sand during harsh winds. However, he dare not fully cover his head as he has not yet earned his hood.
-Strength: Despite his small stature, Kirpo is quite strong, able to move nearly anything he can get his arms around.
-Endurance: He is used to working long days in the sand and does not tire easily.
-Tracking: Kirpo is also rather skilled in tracking, though not in a traditional way. He has an uncanny ability to find other living creatures, especially when hidden in the wastelands with little other organisms around.
-Smell: Like most Ewoks, Kirpo has a highly sensitive sense of smell. He can identify most species from half a kilometer away.
-Memory: Kirpo has a sharp memory for physical features. He can vividly remember details of the characteristics of those he has met, including colors and strange markings on their person.
-Personality (+): Incredibly patient, Kirpo has no difficulty watching and waiting for the perfect opportunity. His stubborn determination keeps him motivated during even the most trying times.
-Speed: Due to his posture, his walk would be better described as a waddle. Kirpo’s maximum speed is little more than a toddler’s stride. Any attempt at running usually ends with his face in the ground.
-Sight: As an Ewok, Kirpo can only see about a meter ahead of him before his sight goes blurry.
-Fighting: Kirpo has no experience with fighting. He can whack a Void Strider senseless with a scrap of metal, but that’s about all he’s got.
-Language: His Basic is very limited. He can grasp general meaning but has difficulty replying. He is completely illiterate.
-Personality (-): Kirpo’s desire to reach home often leaves him daydreaming about Endor, making him appear spacey to those around him. His ravenous curiosity often leads him into sticking his nose where it shouldn’t be (literally!) and has cost him a chunk of his toe. Kirpo is also not the most intelligent of creatures. He tries to create new tools as he’s seen Trippet do, however many of these inventions end in disaster.
As a mere wokling, Kirpo was stolen from his home, along with several other Ewoks and woklings, most notably Shaman Trippet. They were taken by slavers to the Outer Rim, where they were sold to various locations. Kirpo and Trippet were taken to Abafar where they were intended to be made into jerky. However, Shaman Trippet already had more than 70 rotations and his meat would be tough, and Kirpo was too small to be worth the effort of skinning. So the pair were turned into mining slaves until Kirpo became full grown.
Growing up, Shaman Trippet took it upon himself to teach Kirpo everything he could about Endor, about the tall, green trees, completely unimaginable in the sandy wasteland of the Void. He spoke of wet leaves, and cool clay, and bright feathers to decorate their hoods. Oh, the hoods. Kirpo desires nothing more than to take part in the Festival of Hoods and finally earn that leather cap Shaman Trippet always wore and never let Kirpo don.
But more than the hood, Kirpo dreams of his tree. According to Shaman Trippet, every Ewok has a seedling tree planted upon their birth. Should he have grown up on Endor, he would have had the responsibility of caring for the tree, watching it grow and grow until it was two, three, four times his height. And upon his death, his spirit would join with the tree for the rest of eternity. To be nestled in the cool, wetness of another living thing, encased and safe to give guidance to future shamans… Kirpo couldn’t imagine a more wonderful fate.
But reality was more bleak.