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Kiruoum Kirdci Mdehm Hikec Byzih Synmir


(c) James Cameron's Avatar, photoshopped by Tef​

NAME: Kiruoum Kirdci Mdehm Hikec Byzih Synmir, "Kiki"
FACTION: Hrosha-Gul
RANK: --
AGE: 35 years old
GENDER: Female
HEIGHT: 5'9" (1.75m)
WEIGHT: 178 lbs (80.7kg)
EYES: One blue, one plaeryin bol
HAIR: Blue
SKIN: Purple, blue markings
FORCE SENSITIVE: Absent in the Force


+ Omnidisciplinary Scientist. There isn't a lot that Kiki can't figure out given a few hours to study it. She assimilated every piece of information during her schooling back on Rhadamanthus. With time, she'll do the same for shaping...or astrophysics, or nuclear engineering, or ionic propulsion, or plasma weaponry, or a hundred other things.
+ Genius Bruiser. Unlike many shapers and scientists, Kiki is in no way defenseless. She's tall, strong, durable, and dangerous. All Qineam are warriors, no matter their vocation, and though she's been abandoned by her kind, Kiki is a prime example of how even "scholars" are deadly on Rhadamanthus.
- All of the Other Reindeer. Kiki is rather overtly a pariah amongst her people. Her failure ostracized her amongst her clan and in the eyes of others, but more importantly her infertility is a sin that cannot be forgiven in a Qineam mind. At best she would be overtly shunned amongst her kind; at worst, hunted.
- Sense Loss Sadness. Prior to being shaped by the Hrosha-Gul, Kiki was possibly the most Force-sensitive Qineam born in many generations. While she didn't even know that she could use it or what it was, the Force still guided her, protected her, and showed her things she otherwise would have missed. She hadn't realized how integral it had been to her existence until after she lost it.
~ The Madness Place. i DOn'T knOw wHaT yOU'rE talKINg ABOUt.

Kiki's ship has been destroyed twice now. She doesn't have one, and hitches rides from other people.

Kiruoum's mother, Kirdci Mdehm, rather set the standard for her daughter's life largely since the day the girl was born. Kiruoum Kirdci Mdehm Hikec Byzih Synmir started her life around scholars, grew up learning the sciences of Qineam life, and came of age alongside a dozen other eggheads with too much investment in thought and planning rather than blood and action. At a glance, Kiki didn't mind much. She was surrounded by people who could think like she could, understand as she did. When she was placed in the role of scholar and taught as such, she excelled and enjoyed the company of her peers. And when she graduated and took her position as the maintenance officer of a planetary defense node, she applied herself with gusto.

...For, like, a month.

Never before in Kiki's life had she been bored. She always had something to do, some new way to apply herself, some new manner of thinking to try out, some new process to adopt and adapt. When she was placed on a single node, maintaining its zyrthi stone-heartbeat and keeping its joints and radiation cannons functioning, she immediately found her surroundings terribly dull! There was no challenge, no learning. She simply subsisted as she was, with the promise from Kirdci Mdehm that she'd be reassigned to more stimulating duty if she did a consistently good job for a few months.

Kiki could not wait. Her boredom became unbearable within a matter of weeks and she quickly found new ways to advance her understanding, new theories to test out. She had plenty of free time when her node was asleep, after all. Why not spend some of it pursuing more personal interests? Independence in a species that relies on fascism to function is unorthodox at best and dangerous at worst. For Kiruoum, it seemed to end up as the latter.

The young Qinae became so caught up in her extracurricular activities became more vital to her than her duty to the city she was supposed to defend or the node that she was supposed to maintain. This was not without cost; in one of its less maintained days, Kiki's position was attacked by a trio of massive Rhadamanthan monsters. Her defense node was not healthy enough to protect her, let alone the city behind her. She was batted aside, bleeding from an incredible stomach wound and quite incapable of saving the city she had allowed to become overwhelmed. Her situation did not improve in the prison hospital she was taken to afterwards to await trial, as the doctors told her in no uncertain terms that her body had been irreparably damaged by her attackers, and would never be able to support a child.

This was tantamount to telling a human she would die from cancer within the next month.

In her trial, Kiki didn't attempt to defend herself. She realized she had committed crimes unforgivable to her people. It was the axe for her...or the alternative. Determined to have a chance at life, young Kiruoum appealed to the assembly for exile to benefit the species, as a Pitrzohduna explorer. The primarchs could always use another deep-space explorer, and none objected to her request. Kiki was granted a single ship, a single heat lance, and a simple survival pack. Her fate was sealed. She would die in space, and perhaps find something useful for the Qineam in the process.

The intrepid adventurer's ship crashed into a world close to the Rhadamanthus system's borders, where she doubtlessly would have died had she not been found by Something new. A blue woman named [member="Domino"] rescued the young Qinae, though her suspicion was strong when she heard Kiki speaking in the language of the Yuuzhan Vong. Curiosity once again got the better of her, and Kiki's relentless questions to a grieving woman set her on a quick path to the nearest drydock. She worked for a time as an assistant on a human world, learned a bit of their ways, and quickly found passage back to the planet her ship had crashed on to retrieve the wreckage.

Using human technology, Kiki got it flying again, then went to continue her directive: explore. Of course, (bad) luck would have it that she only crashed again on a world on which "technology" was delicious with a mild balsamic glaze.





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