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Kiskla Grayson (WIP)

In Umbris Potestas Est

NAME: Kiskla Freya-Grayson
FACTION: The Republic
RANK: Jedi Master
SPECIES: Human/Kiffar
AGE: Twenty
GENDER: Female
HEIGHT: 5'10"
WEIGHT: 126lbs
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Blonde
SKIN: Slightly tanned


(+)Physically capable: Kiskla is exceptionally speedy with her movements, especially when under the pressure of battle. She also pushes her body to the limits, and is exceptionally acrobatic.
(+)Outgoing: able to strike conversation should it provide her gain
(+)Ace pilot (very reckless maneuvers most are timid to attempt, usually evasive)
(+)Eloquent: Skilled in the art of speech, her wit is one of her most valuable assets to her arsenal
(+)Racial: Being a Kiffar, Kiskla has the ability to read into an inanimate object's past: psychometery
(+) Marks(wo)man: Being raised by an adept bounty hunter, Kiskla was trained from her youth how to shoot. Without the Force's aid.

(-)Overconfident: Although quick, her mind usually precedes her movement. In the planning of the next move, she often loses her place in the current situation. And being told that she has a strength in the skies has caused a swollen head, therefore she presumes accomplishment before completed.
(-)Eloquent Her wit gets her in a lot of trouble. Picks fights with people twice the size of her.
(-) Uncomfortable around droids. She doesn't trust them or their wiring -- hence why she flies an A-Wing with no room for an astromech droid.
(-) The Ones: Although these Force Entities are her prisoners, she is also theirs. At times, they overpower her mentality and do their best to use her body as their vessel.
(-) Fiery temper: Hey. Some find this attractive. But it goes against the whole Jedi thing.
(-) Emotional.
(-) Alcohol Kiskla has a very low tolerance to liquor.

Starfighter: RZ-1 A-Wing Named Crimson

Melosa and S’het married when S’het was only eighteen, and Melosa was twenty. They struggled in the first year and a half of their marriage on Kiffu, so S’het took up a few extra jobs in order to work for a way off his home planet. After setting up a reputation as a fairly accomplished bounty hunter, they earned enough credits to get a ride to Naboo, where they settled with Melosa’s parents for support. As their lifestyle became more comfortable, the two of them began to consider a family. Within their first year back on Melosa’s home planet (Naboo), they birthed their first, and only child. S’het began to take on more work, and continue to build his reputation in the galaxy. As his reputation grew, S’het recognized the necessity to teach his daughter to defend herself, should his enemies come searching for him or his family as leverage. He spent hours of his time dedicating to teach her to shoot, constantly reminding her not to miss the first time, because she may not get a second chance. He also informed her on the importance of tracking your prey and bestowed her with her Phrik vambraces on her sixteenth birthday. While Kiskla’s father was away, her Force sensitive grandfather taught her the basic stances of Jedi Martial Arts. In his youth, he had been trained as a Guardian and therefore was adept in the physical aspect of the Force. It was he that taught Kiskla how to utilize the Force when engaging in physical combat. When she entered her teen years, he passed down his lightsaber to her as a memoriam of what valor ran through her genes. (It is the one of the sabers she uses today, with some slight modifications for her own comfort).
When she was seven, her grandfather could no longer handle the growing girl. Her capabilities demanded more attention than he was able to give in his elderly age. And so, with reluctance and much protest from her father, Melosa enrolled her young daughter in the Jedi Academy to be trained alongside other talented younglings. As she trained, Kiskla's potential was recognized and she never graduated with the rest of her pod. Instead, they re-located her at the age of twelve to train with Jedi Knight Antares Marclonus .
Under his wing, Kiskla learned the ways of the Force that would aid her in combat. He trained her to be a Jedi Guardian, and constantly praised her as an excellent student with a great future in The Galaxy. At the age of fifteen, Kiskla was nearing the end of her training with Knight Marclonus when she received a distress signal from her mother's Naboo residence. She got there as rapidly as she could, only to find that her grandmother had been slain with a note and co-ordinates to find the rest of her family. The note was addressed to S'het, her father under his bounty hunter alias. She took up the chase instead, and sought vengeance. Each time she arrived at the co-ordinates, she was too late. Once she met up with the perpetrator, she slay him, unleashing all of her anger in a menacing duel that didn't last long for the murderous mercinary. Recognizing that this was not the only threat that plagued her bloodline, Kiskla dedicated a year to tracking down other hunters, pirates, or assassins looking to eradicate her father. In this time, she abandoned her Jedi training and disconnected from Antares Marclonus, instead focusing on the martial training her father had taught her.
At seventeen, Kiskla once again returned to study with her master before it was his turn to disband. At eighteen, Kiskla found a new master who was hell bent on completing her training and getting her promoted. Influenced by Master Valentine's cynical perspective, much of Antares' benevolent teachings faded away.

(To be continued and adjusted)


A little disconnected.
Become a beacon of hope.
Oh, so it's you again.
Wildfire and Wraith.

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