Name: Kisume Sin
Rank: Scientist, Splicer (DNA)
Age: 25
Eyes: Red
Hair: Black
Species: Vahla
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 125 lbs
Force Sensitive: Yes
Faction: Unknown
Kisume is a cousin to Romeo, Felicia, Razer, and Noctis Sin, though who her parents are is unknown. Kisume's biggest goal is to do something that will put the fear, and respect back into the Sin name,and to create chaos where she can. As she neither supports, or is against the members of Romeo's side, or Crucix's, it is unknown to whom supports her funding. She is a brilliant scientist, and works in the field of medical, and biological fields. While also being extremely sexual, Kisume is also very weak physically, and has almost no training in the force.
Scientific Genius - When it comes to science, Kisume can run circles around most people.
Beautiful - On a Vahla's point of view, she is one of the most beautiful examples of her kind.
No Lift - She cant barely lift 100 pounds
Weapons of the Physical Kind - She doesnt know how to use a gun, or even a lightsaber for that matter.