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Codex Denied Kis'wa be Manda'yaim (The Shard of Mandalore)

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Jebaaj Skleros


  • Planet Name: Kis'wa be Manda'yaim (Translated to Part/Shard of Mandalore
  • Demonym: Kisalor
  • Region: Outer Rim Territories
  • System Name: Reia or Reian System
  • System Features: Two central stars, three gas giants orbiting at the outer edges of the solar system each orbited by a few small moons. The main attraction is a massive asteroid belt in the inner part of the system rich with rare metals and resources.
  • Location:
  • Major Imports: [ What the planet frequently buys from other planets. Common materials and ores should just be listed (Ex. Durasteel ore), while anything special or rare should be linked. ]
  • Major Exports: [ What does the planet produce and bring to the galaxy, note that not all planets have to produce things. They can be barren or have riches yet to be discovered. Common materials and ores should just be listed (Ex. Durasteel ore), while anything special or rare should be linked. ]
  • Unexploited Resources: [ Does this planet have resources that are not yet utilized by the population? Common materials and ores should just be listed (Ex. Durasteel ore), while anything special or rare should be linked. ]
  • Gravity: Minimal Gravity, 3% of standard
  • Climate: Cold void of space
  • Primary Terrain: Craggy mountains, ravines, and valleys
  • Atmosphere: No Atmosphere
  • Capital City: Gaulika
  • Planetary Features: Gaulika is an O'neill Cylinder built into the massive asteroid of Kis'wa be Manda'yaim and serves as the sole habitable zone inside the system.
  • Major Locations:​


Gaulika is a massive hollow steel drum built into the rock of Kis'wa be Manda'yaim that is constantly spinning at a steady rate. On the interior of this drum are a myriad of buildings providing housing, services, and garrisons for the populace of the asteroid who live in this bizarre situation thanks to spin gravity and centuries old life support that is constantly being retrofitted and repaired. It acts as the homeland of the Skleros Mandalorian Clan who guard their asteroid belt and the beskar within viciously. The drum, and all of its many buildings, are mostly constructed out of durasteel except for a few ceremonial or military structures built from the precious beskar that Gaulika is responsible for mining out of the belt of asteroids that encircle the two stars of the system. Every citizen of the spinning city is a citizen of Clan Skleros, the remnants of a group of unlucky Mandalorians who were stranded in the system when hunting down a band of jedi during the early onset of the Gulag Plague. These unlucky and unwitting settlers were stranded in the system with nothing but a Kandosii-Type Dreadnaught after a brief conflict where the jedi boarded their ship. With only a few small fighters available to them large scale evacuation was impossible due to many planets being ravaged by the plague and thus no ports being safe, the only option was for the survivors to attempt to do what they could in their dire situation. The dreadnaught was dissassembled, weapons of war were turned into mining equipment and refineries and slowly Gaulika was built into one of the larger asteroids. It was chosen specifically for the high concentration of beskar found within, an incredibly rare find which was interpreted as a sign that they were destined to settle in the system regardless of its lack of habitable worlds. The lack of modern factories at their disposal made complex gravity generators difficult to construct and so Gaulika was designed for a much more primitive but cost effective way of keeping substantial gravity: spinning.

Since the end of the plague, clan Skleros has continued to operate from Gaulika, having long since adopted it as a kind of ancestral homeland they were destined to build and claim. Their blood and sweat went into every inch of durasteel, and the bodies of their ancestors are laid to rest in the great spokes connecting to the center of the drum, each spoke acting as a ceremonial mausoleum forged of beskar and housing the skulls of thousands each one revered and honored as a founding member of clan Skleros. Entry into these spokes is strictly regulated with only those of clan Skleros allowed to enter and yet even then they must be under armed guard. Each spoke connects to the inner generator, a rod running the length of the drum which gives off a constant bright glow. This generator runs exclusively off of kyber crystals, the first few having been taken from the jedi that had stranded the first colonists in the system.

Gaulika is also home to a massive computer network, a mini holonet controlled and regulated by the leader of clan Skleros. It is heavily encrypted, and is the main avenue for communication within the drum. It is also home to the genetic records of each and every member of clan Skleros, originally designed as a way to prevent genetic bottlenecking with so few colonists it now acts as a form of genetic security where every clan member may open doors by the computer system reading a sample of their genetic code and checking their credentials.

  • Native Species: Many humanoid species, all Mandalorian.
  • Immigrated Species: Immigration is strictly prohibited.
  • Population: Sparse: 137,219
  • Demographics: 100% Mandalorian. A majority of this population is not any one particular race, as the originally colonists were of a variety of humanoid species. Many trace their ancestry back to Human, Chiss, Twi'lek, Zabrak, and Epicanthix bloodlines. There are a few other near-humans in the mix as well, but any non near-humans who were apart of the original colonists were few in number and unable to host a decent population.
  • Primary Languages: The primary language is an offshoot of Mando'a, sharing grammar and many words with its father language but also using unique words to the culture or borrowed words from other cultures entirely. This language is commonly just referred to as Gaul'a by other Mandalorians who know of its existence.
  • Culture:

The original colonists in the system were fiercely conservative Mandalorians who traced their many clans lineages back to the Death Watch and its members. In the past few hundred years their culture has shifted, yet a clear theme of Mandalorian supremacy and martial prowess still permeates much of the culture.

The Taboo: The showing of one's face is incredibly taboo, especially in public. It is mostly viewed as a sign of intimacy between close family members. Those in the city who do not have armor, either as punishment for some crime or some other unique reason are expected to cover themselves in a veil, facial wrappings, or a mask.

The Resol'nare: The Resol'nare and the Canons of Honor are considered to be absolute law in Gaulika for its citizens. Those who would go against the Resol'nare are strictly punished, often being denied vital rations and medication or if the greivance is too extreme: executed. The strict following of the Resol'nare has led to a population of heavily armed and well trained warriors all capable of defending their home should the need arise. This has made this relatively small station a death trap for cocky pirates and renegades who see it as some small backwater mining colony.

The code has also seen a unique lack of economy on the station, as all are expected to contribute to the clan and thus the station without coercion or convincing. Thus jobs and duties follow no market system but rather are handled directly by the upper clan leadership who assign young clan members as apprentices to different jobs throughout the station and who will then be distributed to areas where they are needed when their training is complete where they will work to better the clan.

Droid Abolition: Droids are strictly forbidden from entering territory controlled by clan Skleros. Viewed as unthinking soulless machines they were originally banned due to the belief it would make the warriors of clan Skleros lazy and reliant on working machines yet that slowly blossomed into a near phobia of droids with many members of clan Skleros being uneasy around walking thinking automata.

  • Government: Martial Dictatorship: Gaulika, and in extension the whole system is governed by the sole clan leader of clan Skleros. This leader, known as the Mando'Gaul is believed to be a kind of mini-mandalore who united the clans in the system into the one clan Skleros and who's lineage has continued to lead them.
  • Affiliation: Clan Skleros
  • Wealth: Low: Wealth is of no consequence to the people of Kis'wa be Manda'yaim
  • Stability: High: There are very few dissenters within the ranks of clan Skleros, and those who dare break the law often end up severely punished or executed setting a clear example to all would be rule breakers and acting as a sufficient deterrent.
  • Freedom & Oppression: By many standards the people of Kis'wa be Manda'yaim are certainly not free. Following an age old code which is enforced at gun point barely seems like the land of the free. Yet, most of the population would follow the code regardless of the threats of violence, and are free to do basically what ever they wish regardless. Clan members are able to leave and return at their own fancy, marry who they please, and do as they wish as long as it does not bring dishonor on the clan.
  • Military: A small asteroid populated by 137,219 Mandalorians complete with an array of shield generators and surface to space canons. So heavily militarized.
  • Technology: (WIP)
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