Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Kita Valoren


Voice ClaimYoung Caitlyn
AgeYoung adolescent - 14
Force SensitiveForce Sensitive (Empath)


As a tailspin of unchecked ambition, Kita is not on the best of paths. Like anyone who cares too much, she suffers from an undying loyalty that extends to anyone foolish enough to give her attention. An empath by nature, it's only recently she's learned to dial down the noise and shirk the weight of everyone else's baggage.


Amnesia Was Her Name
- After an unfortunate series of events and a shove out an open window rattled her brain; Kita lost all her memories. As of now she hasn't the slightest clue she's actually the dethroned princess of Lazerian IV.

Sharpshooter Extraordinaire - A bit of a non sequitur for a girl of her unimpressive stature, Kita nonetheless has a penchant for riflery. Much like her choice of weapon, she is direct and at times lethal.

Bleeding Heart Empath - Likely a product of spending her formative years as a satellite dish for others' thoughts and feelings, Kita has frankensteined most of her identity based on those around her. This has the unfortunate consequence of blind loyalty to anyone wielding the slightest influence over her. Without second thought, she'll stake her life on whatever hill someone close to her chooses.

Firebrand - Not one for subtility, her emotions - and subsequent outbursts- are an unrelenting force to be reckoned with. She feels far too much and far too frequently for her teenage brain to regulate.


Father - Alaric Valoren, Former King - Killed on the Night of Betrayal.

Mother - Amara Valoren, Former Queen - Killed on the Night of Betrayal.

Twin Brother - Caelan Valoren Caelan Valoren , Prince - Currently doesn't remember him.


Kita is a blank slate in the most literal sense. All her memories of the past have been sufficiently knocked out of her.

Not like this will have a major effect on anything...


Headaches and Jailbreaks - Waking up with an unfortunate case of amnesia, Kita gets saved from pirates by Kaila Irons Kaila Irons

This Weapon is Your Life - Kita goes searching for answer about her past on the Sith capital of Juntrand, crossing paths with Kasir Dorran Kasir Dorran
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