Kitani Corandel
Jedi Academy Student

Kitani Corandel
FACTION: Jedi Order
AGE: 16
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 5' 6''
WEIGHT: 140 lbs
EYES: Azure
HAIR: White
SKIN: White
Contortionist: Kitani is able to bend and even flex her joints beyond the normal means.
Acrobat: Kitani has extraordinary feats of balance and agility
Frail:Being a skinny female has resulted in Kitani not able to go toe to toe with someone on brute strength.
Poor eyesight: Kitani is unable to see well in low lite conditions resulting in a harder time seeing objects or people that are directly in front of her
Lived below the surface on the planet Coruscant and homeless; The white haired female grew up around the worst and due to being frail and of course a female she was never taken seriously. Pushed around and such, she always had a reason to prove herself. It was until one day she happen to stumble upon at what she would find out that he was a Jedi. Being the nasty little girl she was, she would yell at the Jedi to simply get out of her way. Jedi humbly remain silent as he let her continue on her way. Kitani payed no mind to this as she went about her daily life day by day; unknown to her, the Jedi kept a close eye on her. He witness the debauchery she was apart of day to day with a group hooligans just to prove herself. It was until one day that everything hit the ceiling fan and in short she was in trouble. After messing with the wrong group of people she found herself alone and of course scared. Fearing for her life and anger at the fact that she was betrayed, she displayed a horrible display of her force attributes. Fragments and discarded bottles began to violently thrash about. Fearing the worse, the Jedi that remain at bay would be force to act and stop anything from getting worse. The Jedi sensing the anger emanating from the force sensitive female, he would have found his way to solve it peacefully. Kitani was able recognize the Jedi from before and would then be explain by him that there is reason for all of this. He extended his hand and would tell her that he will explain everything. Kitani felt a warmth in that man and would take his hand reluctantly, the rest was history.
Many years later Kitani now older and under the training in the Jedi temple, she has now become a Padawan under the guidance of that very same Jedi. She took on his qualities as an individual was now the opposite of who she was before. Zealot in her beliefs, calm and collected. The Jedi how ever passed away due to natural causes and stricken with sorrow, Kitani stays in the temple not knowing what to do. Her mind clouded in hopes that all will be well in the future.
If you can, as Master Yoda said, train yourself to let go of all you fear to lose. Is it easy? No. But one day you may be required to do so. We are people, yes. But we are Jedi, first, foremost and only. The path we choose to walk is sometimes a lonely one. Rewarding, but lonely." -Corvus Raaf
"The Code is clear on this.The Jedi who believes that he is more important than others only demonstrates that his opinion is to be ignored.Not my words, those of a Jedi Master from many, many years ago. -Corvus Raaf
"I want everybody to be on the same level as myself. Everyone has a voice. And I will listen. I am not above you, nor below you. We are equal." -Xander Carrick