Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Kito Askmar


Picture Credit:

NAME: Kito Askmar
FACTION: The First Order
RANK: Agent
AGE: 27
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 6'1"
WEIGHT: 82 kg
EYES: Green
HAIR: Dirty Blond


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
[+] Excellent marksman, feels most comfortable with a rifle in my hands, or a handgun, or any gun really
[+] Ruthless Killer, sparing no mercy to those he chooses or is assigned to kill
[=] Force Sensitive, but without any formal training, experience or knowledge on how to use it
​[=] Ambidextrous
[-] Cybernetic right arm, completely disabled if hit by ion weaponry or in the presence of a strong magnet wave
[-] Due to the nature of his cybernetic arm Kito must take specialised medicine to maintain control of it. While the drug has no apparent effect while taken if he has not dosed in the last 12hrs his body will begin to go into shock as it rejects his arm causing him great pain rendering him incapacitated until he receives a dose

Medium build and above average height for a human. He has little in the way of outstanding features besides his cybernetic arm which he makes no effort to hide the nature of.

Previously a professional hitman working from contract to contract, Kito decided it was time for a change upon discovering the existence of the First Order Security Bureau. Realising that there was no better place for him to put his skills to good use and to really test his limits, he applied as soon as he determined that he wouldn't be killed just for trying to step foot in the door. Now out of the academy he eagerly seeks to test the new tricks he has learnt.
Kito refuses to spend time during everyday life without at least some form of armour on, in his experience everyday life stops being everyday life right when you least expect it. and last time it cost him his arm.




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