Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Kitrine Corsair


Well-Known Member
Kitrine Allyana Corsair


NAME: Kitrine Allyana Corsair : Nickname: Kit
FACTION: The Silver Jedi Order

RANK: Padawan


AGE: 14

SEX: Female

HEIGHT: 5'4"

WEIGHT: 130lbs

EYES: Brown

HAIR: Brown

SKIN: Pale white



STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+ Extremely Force sensitive
+ Connected with her twin in the Force, can feel his thoughts and emotions
+ Quick wit

- Being connected with her twin makes it difficult to tell which emotions are hers so she gets confused.
- Born with a below average body temperature so does not handle cold climates well
- Difficulty piloting, tends to freak out and push the wrong button

She is short with brown hair and warm brown eyes.

Born on Kashyyyk to parents Katarine Ryiah and Ellion Corsair, Kit is the younger twin to Zedious "Zee" Corsair. She grew up in the Silver Jedi Order and was often watched over by other Jedi while her parents were off doing missions.

Kit has been a padawan for a bit now and is excited to extend her training in the Jedi Order.


Kit is late to a training class! She better hurry so she can learn the waterbending skills.

Told to stay put on a normal supply run, Kit makes the foolish decision to go wandering off to explore a cave collapse.

Arrested on false charges, Kit has to organize a jailbreak!

SJO is hosting a winter holiday. Sounds like a great time to play in the snow!

Kit breaks some dishes and gets stuck washing dishes at a diner until she can pay her fees. Luckily there seems to be some other kids around her age!

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