The Attention Seeker
NAME: Kitty Previously Koneko
FACTION: The One Sith
RANK: Acolyte
SPECIES: Felacatian
AGE: 16
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 5 foot 2 inches Large Cat form: 5 feet tall 18 feet long Small Cat form: 8 inches tall 14 inches long
WEIGHT: 100lb Large Cat form: 2,000lb Small Cat form: 6lb
EYES: Yellow
HAIR: Orangish Blond
Fur: varying shades of light brown
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Kitty has a hyper developed sense of balance, perfect night vision, and super fast reflexes and speed. She is also extremely flexible and acrobatic.
As a cat Kitty will remain youthful up until the last few years of her life.
As a cat Kitty's body retains water very well. She can even re-hydrate with saltwater and from meat alone. She can also withstand very high temperatures.
In addition she has an incredibly acute sense of hearing and smell.
In her cat form Kitty is very dangerous with astounding amounts of strength and claws that can shred durasteel.
Rating System
{||| ||| ||| |||}
{ Apprentice - Lower Knight - Upper Knight - Master }
Shii-Cho lightsaber form. {||| |||}
Shien lightsaber form.{||| ||| |}
Jar'Kai {||| |}
Force Powers:
Telekenisis {||| |||}
Force Barrier {||}
Force Speed {|}
Force push/pull {||| |||}
Verbal Force Meditation {||| ||| ||| |||}
A combination of meditation in the dark side of the force and verbal processing. Used as a method to sort out and understand her feelings. While using this technique her emotions are forced on others making them feel what ever she feels.
Force Rage {||| |||}
Kitty can only do this in her cat form and only while she is raging. After the rage has subsided she will always fall unconscious if this force power was used.
Kitty does not do well in hyperspace. She gets a sick feeling, bad headaches, and it causes her a lot of stress.
In her normal form Kitty is not very strong at all. She is actually physically very weak.
Kitty can only eat meat.
Catnip effects Kitty much like a drug causing a state of ecstasy and generally making her completely insane. Catnip is mostly an olfactory experience. The symptoms one would usually associate with drugs are caused mostly by its smell. Curiously enough the substance is not addicting nor is it in any way harmful. There is no craving or want for more after the catnips run its course. However once in contact again the process repeats itself. In addition if her small cat form has been discovered it'll force her into shifting to it.
While Kitty does have super enhanced sense that allow her to hear see and smell everything the bad also sounds and smells far worse to the point that it can leave her incapacitated. As such she does not do well in crowded areas.
Kitty is unable to swim.
Due to her special condition causing her to be far more cat like than others of her race Kitty is jam packed with some instincts and physiological functions that can prove very embarrassing in normal society. As well as somethings that might just down right confuse people predominantly feline communication.
Kitty has a very low pain tolerance. She is all around rather sensitive. Her senses are sensitive her body is sensitive her emotions are sensitive. The only reason she is still alive in the sith is because she has an awesome master.
Pulling the nape of Kitty's neck will instinctively cause her to go limp. Though with great force of will she can resist it.
Other than the fact that Kitty's digestive system is built only to process meat There are a number of foods which if eaten can cause sever reactions.
Onions, Garlic, Chives: causes anemia and stomach pains.
Milk and Other Dairy Products: most cats are lactose-intolerant and can't digest it.
Alcohol: Alcohol has the same effect on cats as it does on humans but to a much greater degree. Just a little bit of whisky can cause a coma.
Grapes and Raisins: Vomiting, hyper activity, and can cause kidney failure.
Caffeine: Caffeine in large enough quantities can be fatal for a cat. And there is no antidote. Caffeine poisoning causes restlessness, rapid breathing, heart palpitations, muscle tremors, and fits.
Chocolate: Can cause abnormal heart rhythm, tremors, seizures, and death.
Candy and Gum: vomiting, lethargy, loss of coordination, seizures, and liver failure.
Yeast Dough: Before it's baked, bread dough needs to rise. And, that's exactly what it would do in a cat's stomach. As it swells inside, the dough can stretch the abdomen and cause severe pain. In addition, when the yeast ferments the dough to make it rise, it produces alcohol that can lead to alcohol poisoning.
Credit to for the information.
Kitty wears simple and occasionally revealing clothing not that there is anything but a bunch of fur to reveal. Her most common outfit is a tank top and shorts.
While considered beautiful or cute on the outside her teeth are sharp and gives her an offsetting smile to some.
Big Cat Form (also a perfect size comparison to the average person)
Small Cat Form Not yet discovered. (It won't let me have more than 2 pics T.T)
Born with a unique condition Kitty had more animalistic traits than others of her kind. These traits included cat ears, a short snout, cat nose, retractable claws, longer fur, a prehensile tail, and strictly meat diet. Her condition also made it much harder to control her stress and prevent from switching into her feral cat form.
Kitty was born into royalty however due to her condition she was seen by those of her kind as unfit for royalty due to her decreased ability to control herself it didn't help she was unknowingly force sensitive further adding to her alienation. Her parents loved her but to keep public favor they didn't give their daughter much attention.
Kitty's lack of control was only heightened by her strong emotional nature. She was kind and caring despite the public's unpopular opinion of her. Though often it would become too much and an incident would happen resulting in her transformation and the injuring of her people as well as herself. Her parents ended up locking her up to protect her from herself and others and she spend quite a lot of time locked up in her quadruped form. One day Kitty escaped and roamed around in an uninhabited wilderness. Unfortunately for her some slavers were in the area. They were knew to the planet and didn't know much about the people that lived there. Upon seeing the large cat they figured it would sell for a high price and attempted to capture it. They soon learned the thing was intelligent however they still managed to capture her. Upon finding out that she was polymorphic they stuck a shock collar on her and shocked her every time she would shift back into her normal form. They figured they could sell her for more in her cat form then they could in her bipedal form. Any time she would attempt to speak in her cat form they would shock her as well. Couldn't have people finding out she was intelligent. To emphasize her position they gave her the name Kitty. Any name she had before was quickly forgotten and that became the only name she knew.
She was eventually sold to a new master who was not to happy when he found out the pet he bought was sentient and not always on 4 legs. He wanted a pet not some self thinking girl who would just cause him trouble. He ended up putting her through rigorous and violent training to make sure she behaved like the pet she was supposed to be. She very quickly learned how to stay in her cat form however shifting back and forth at will was still utterly impossible. Like her parents this master was too busy to give her much attention with nothing else to do she began to crave every bit of attention she could get out of the man and cherished the occasional petting to no end at the same time though she hated him for keeping her in her cat form and training her to be but a simple pet. It was worse than a cage it was an invalidation of individuality, freedom, and sentience.
With all the free time Kitty had she ended up discovering on her own her force sensitivity and it became her favorite thing to play around with. One day her master was doing business with a sith and made the mistake of disappointing him. The sith didn't kill him but he left him on the ground with the wind knocked out of him and utterly phased. Kitty saw this as an opportunity to finally be free of her master and pounced on him unknowingly using the dark side of the force to enhance her already profound strength. She ended up severing his neck off with her paw. The sense of freedom overwhelming her she for the first time in several several years shifted back into her 2 legged form. However with the sense of freedom there was also sadness. She did very much enjoy his attention when she did receive it. The sith noticed the young ones use of the force and hatred for her master. The sith by the name of Darth Ferus ended up taking her to be trained as a sith.
In her time training to become an apprentice Kitty ended up asking herself would she rather be a sith or a jedi. The answer came easily to her. There were two things in the jedi code she was very much against. There is no emotion and there is no passion. Plus she saw the sith as the ones who freed here and their code emphasized freedom. It was a no brainer even if she heavily disagreed with the sith's cruel ways.
Kitty's sole goal in life became to please everyone around her especial her master Darth Ferus. She craved their attention and would do anything for it. She wasn't much of a talker and had some moralities the sith did not condone but she was determined. However as time goes on she begins to talk more and more at an increasing rate.
Two lightsabers with a red blade.
FACTION: The One Sith
RANK: Acolyte
SPECIES: Felacatian
AGE: 16
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 5 foot 2 inches Large Cat form: 5 feet tall 18 feet long Small Cat form: 8 inches tall 14 inches long
WEIGHT: 100lb Large Cat form: 2,000lb Small Cat form: 6lb
EYES: Yellow
HAIR: Orangish Blond
Fur: varying shades of light brown
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Kitty has a hyper developed sense of balance, perfect night vision, and super fast reflexes and speed. She is also extremely flexible and acrobatic.
As a cat Kitty will remain youthful up until the last few years of her life.
As a cat Kitty's body retains water very well. She can even re-hydrate with saltwater and from meat alone. She can also withstand very high temperatures.
In addition she has an incredibly acute sense of hearing and smell.
In her cat form Kitty is very dangerous with astounding amounts of strength and claws that can shred durasteel.
Rating System
{||| ||| ||| |||}
{ Apprentice - Lower Knight - Upper Knight - Master }
Shii-Cho lightsaber form. {||| |||}
Shien lightsaber form.{||| ||| |}
Jar'Kai {||| |}
Force Powers:
Telekenisis {||| |||}
Force Barrier {||}
Force Speed {|}
Force push/pull {||| |||}
Verbal Force Meditation {||| ||| ||| |||}
A combination of meditation in the dark side of the force and verbal processing. Used as a method to sort out and understand her feelings. While using this technique her emotions are forced on others making them feel what ever she feels.
Force Rage {||| |||}
Kitty can only do this in her cat form and only while she is raging. After the rage has subsided she will always fall unconscious if this force power was used.
Kitty does not do well in hyperspace. She gets a sick feeling, bad headaches, and it causes her a lot of stress.
In her normal form Kitty is not very strong at all. She is actually physically very weak.
Kitty can only eat meat.
Catnip effects Kitty much like a drug causing a state of ecstasy and generally making her completely insane. Catnip is mostly an olfactory experience. The symptoms one would usually associate with drugs are caused mostly by its smell. Curiously enough the substance is not addicting nor is it in any way harmful. There is no craving or want for more after the catnips run its course. However once in contact again the process repeats itself. In addition if her small cat form has been discovered it'll force her into shifting to it.
While Kitty does have super enhanced sense that allow her to hear see and smell everything the bad also sounds and smells far worse to the point that it can leave her incapacitated. As such she does not do well in crowded areas.
Kitty is unable to swim.
Due to her special condition causing her to be far more cat like than others of her race Kitty is jam packed with some instincts and physiological functions that can prove very embarrassing in normal society. As well as somethings that might just down right confuse people predominantly feline communication.
Kitty has a very low pain tolerance. She is all around rather sensitive. Her senses are sensitive her body is sensitive her emotions are sensitive. The only reason she is still alive in the sith is because she has an awesome master.
Pulling the nape of Kitty's neck will instinctively cause her to go limp. Though with great force of will she can resist it.
Other than the fact that Kitty's digestive system is built only to process meat There are a number of foods which if eaten can cause sever reactions.
Onions, Garlic, Chives: causes anemia and stomach pains.
Milk and Other Dairy Products: most cats are lactose-intolerant and can't digest it.
Alcohol: Alcohol has the same effect on cats as it does on humans but to a much greater degree. Just a little bit of whisky can cause a coma.
Grapes and Raisins: Vomiting, hyper activity, and can cause kidney failure.
Caffeine: Caffeine in large enough quantities can be fatal for a cat. And there is no antidote. Caffeine poisoning causes restlessness, rapid breathing, heart palpitations, muscle tremors, and fits.
Chocolate: Can cause abnormal heart rhythm, tremors, seizures, and death.
Candy and Gum: vomiting, lethargy, loss of coordination, seizures, and liver failure.
Yeast Dough: Before it's baked, bread dough needs to rise. And, that's exactly what it would do in a cat's stomach. As it swells inside, the dough can stretch the abdomen and cause severe pain. In addition, when the yeast ferments the dough to make it rise, it produces alcohol that can lead to alcohol poisoning.
Credit to for the information.

Kitty wears simple and occasionally revealing clothing not that there is anything but a bunch of fur to reveal. Her most common outfit is a tank top and shorts.
While considered beautiful or cute on the outside her teeth are sharp and gives her an offsetting smile to some.
Big Cat Form (also a perfect size comparison to the average person)

Small Cat Form Not yet discovered. (It won't let me have more than 2 pics T.T)
Born with a unique condition Kitty had more animalistic traits than others of her kind. These traits included cat ears, a short snout, cat nose, retractable claws, longer fur, a prehensile tail, and strictly meat diet. Her condition also made it much harder to control her stress and prevent from switching into her feral cat form.
Kitty was born into royalty however due to her condition she was seen by those of her kind as unfit for royalty due to her decreased ability to control herself it didn't help she was unknowingly force sensitive further adding to her alienation. Her parents loved her but to keep public favor they didn't give their daughter much attention.
Kitty's lack of control was only heightened by her strong emotional nature. She was kind and caring despite the public's unpopular opinion of her. Though often it would become too much and an incident would happen resulting in her transformation and the injuring of her people as well as herself. Her parents ended up locking her up to protect her from herself and others and she spend quite a lot of time locked up in her quadruped form. One day Kitty escaped and roamed around in an uninhabited wilderness. Unfortunately for her some slavers were in the area. They were knew to the planet and didn't know much about the people that lived there. Upon seeing the large cat they figured it would sell for a high price and attempted to capture it. They soon learned the thing was intelligent however they still managed to capture her. Upon finding out that she was polymorphic they stuck a shock collar on her and shocked her every time she would shift back into her normal form. They figured they could sell her for more in her cat form then they could in her bipedal form. Any time she would attempt to speak in her cat form they would shock her as well. Couldn't have people finding out she was intelligent. To emphasize her position they gave her the name Kitty. Any name she had before was quickly forgotten and that became the only name she knew.
She was eventually sold to a new master who was not to happy when he found out the pet he bought was sentient and not always on 4 legs. He wanted a pet not some self thinking girl who would just cause him trouble. He ended up putting her through rigorous and violent training to make sure she behaved like the pet she was supposed to be. She very quickly learned how to stay in her cat form however shifting back and forth at will was still utterly impossible. Like her parents this master was too busy to give her much attention with nothing else to do she began to crave every bit of attention she could get out of the man and cherished the occasional petting to no end at the same time though she hated him for keeping her in her cat form and training her to be but a simple pet. It was worse than a cage it was an invalidation of individuality, freedom, and sentience.
With all the free time Kitty had she ended up discovering on her own her force sensitivity and it became her favorite thing to play around with. One day her master was doing business with a sith and made the mistake of disappointing him. The sith didn't kill him but he left him on the ground with the wind knocked out of him and utterly phased. Kitty saw this as an opportunity to finally be free of her master and pounced on him unknowingly using the dark side of the force to enhance her already profound strength. She ended up severing his neck off with her paw. The sense of freedom overwhelming her she for the first time in several several years shifted back into her 2 legged form. However with the sense of freedom there was also sadness. She did very much enjoy his attention when she did receive it. The sith noticed the young ones use of the force and hatred for her master. The sith by the name of Darth Ferus ended up taking her to be trained as a sith.
In her time training to become an apprentice Kitty ended up asking herself would she rather be a sith or a jedi. The answer came easily to her. There were two things in the jedi code she was very much against. There is no emotion and there is no passion. Plus she saw the sith as the ones who freed here and their code emphasized freedom. It was a no brainer even if she heavily disagreed with the sith's cruel ways.
Kitty's sole goal in life became to please everyone around her especial her master Darth Ferus. She craved their attention and would do anything for it. She wasn't much of a talker and had some moralities the sith did not condone but she was determined. However as time goes on she begins to talk more and more at an increasing rate.
Two lightsabers with a red blade.