Kiyen Korr
The Huntress

NAME: Kiyen KorrFACTION: Bounty Hunters' Guild
RANK: Bounty Hunter
AGE: 27
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 5'8"
WEIGHT: 146 lbs
EYES: Teal
SKIN: Pale

+ Gunslinger: Kiyen is an artist when it comes to accuracy and finesse with dual blaster pistols.
+ Unrelenting: Kiyen is an excellent tracker, both in urban environments and in the wild.
+ Close Combatant: Kiyen is strong, tough, and fit. She has extensively studied the martial art of Stava.
+ Self-Sufficient: Kiyen has all the skills to keep her gear working and herself alive in any environment.
- No-Fly Zone: Kiyen has never been trained in piloting, and consequently isn't any good at it.
- Cold As Ice: Kiyen has a distinct lack of empathy, and cares little even for supposed friends and allies.
- Greed is Good: Kiyen is in it for the money; for enough credits, she'll change any plan.
- The Iron Lady: Kiyen's many wired-in gadgets mean that ion blasts are physically painful to her.
With a cascade of fiery hair, flashing teal eyes, an elegant, fine-boned face, and a slender, toned form, Kiyen tends to turn heads. She turns them right back around again with a facial expression that says "kriff off" and an accompanying aura of menace. She shuns overt battle armor and big guns in favor of a more subtle loadout that allows her the element of surprise, and thus often appears to be unarmored. In truth, mesh inlays and ceramic plates woven into her clothes provide her with considerable, if not complete, protection.
Kiyen varies her arsenal based on her target, but tends to employ various types of grenades, a whipcord launcher, a dart gun, and a pair of blaster pistols, the specific type depending on the target's defenses and whether or not she's supposed to take him/her alive. As a result of her light (for a bounty hunter) arsenal, she moves surprisingly quickly and fluidly in combat. When she stops focusing on being menacing she can be rather charming, but it's never genuine; there's always a goal in mind.
Born on Dubrillion to a pair of doctors, Kiyen rapidly found herself incredibly bored with local life. Her parents did their best to be understanding, but she was consistently a problem child, and eventually they felt they could no longer handle her and had her shipped off to military school. A little discipline brought her a long way, but quietly she began to resent those who still had the freedom she'd cherished at home but misused it. When she came of age, she decided to join CorSec, the most prestigious group punishing those types.
Kiyen was a model student at the CorSec academy, excelling in all fields, especially marksmanship. She passed all her tests with honors and, thanks to equally excellent work out on the streets, made lieutenant within three years of graduation. But she again found herself frustrated; convicts kept going back to their criminal ways, and new lawbreakers cropped up constantly. The problem, in her mind, was that CorSec was not allowed to enforce the law harshly enough to actually discourage future crime.
If she'd just swallowed those feelings, as many cops are forced to do, she might've been well on her way to becoming a precinct captain. But another kind of resentment was bubbling up within her. Many of the criminals she brought down lived in opulence and returned to it the moment their lawyers were finished trashing her case, while she struggled to afford a decent apartment and keep up with the loan payments for the debt she'd taken on to go through officer training. That was two ways CorSec wasn't really about justice.
So Kiyen decided she was done with discipline and regulation. She quit her job, grew out her hair, and struck out as a freelance bounty hunter. Finally she was able to do whatever she wanted to the scum she was chasing, at least within the client's specified limits. Finally she could get paid the big credits for her very dangerous and very important job. And by the Force it felt good. She's hardly ever looked back since then, bouncing around the galaxy in search of scum to take down and money to bring in.
Her new motto: no regrets, only targets.

SHIP: Because she is a poor pilot, Kiyen sees no purpose in owning a ship.