
Name: Kiyohime-class Blaster Rifle
Intent: Creation of a Standard-Issue Blaster for the Inari Shogunate and the Shadow Dynasty, as well as develop a production staple for the Izanami Ironworks.
Development Thread: N/A, will be completed if necessary
Manufacturer: Izanmi Ironworks
Model: N/A
Affiliation: Inari Shogunate and Shadow Dynasty
Modularity: Yes
- Universal, Quick-detach Sight Rail (Interchangeable Scope)
- Additional Laser Pointer or Grappling Hook
- Internal Dallorian Alloy Construction
- External Duranium Plating
- Hadrium Blaster Barrel
- Magnatomic Grip
Size: Handheld
Length: 54.3 cm
Weight: 4.8 kg
Ammunition Type:
- II-EEa Phobium-based Powercell (Standard or Supercharged)
- II-EEc Kiyohime Tibanna Gas Canister
- Tibanna Gas Canister
600 shots (Standard, Stun) - 200 shots (High Powered)
[*]Phobium-based Powercell
- 90 shots (Standard, Stun)
- 30 shots (High Powered)
[*]Standard Powercell
- 30 shots (Standard, Stun)
- 10 shots (High Powered)
Effective Range:
- Standard / Stun
Optimum: 120 m - Maximum: 480 m
[*]High Powered
- Optimum: 300 m
- Maximum: 1200 m
Rate of Fire:
- Standard
Semi-Automatic: 120 rpm, No cooldown - 6-Burst: 40 rpm, 3 s cooldown per reload
- Fully Automatic: 1200 rpm, 10 s cooldown per reload
- Semi-Automatic: 60 rpm, No cooldown
[*]High Powered
- Semi-Automatic: 60 rpm, No cooldown
- 3-Burst: 30 rpm, 3 s cooldown per reload
Special Features:
- Internal Dallorian Construction: High thermal resistance, minimizing cooldown and overheating. Allows for Automatic firing.
- Built-in Targeting Computer: Enhances scope, compensating for dark, hazy, smoky or other visually impairing conditions and provides display data specific to the weapon's current operating mode, as well as means of changing the mode electronically.
- Expanded Firing Chamber: Increases the damage of the blaster rifle by allowing for the formation of wider plasma beams.
- Extendable Stock: Can be compacted in order to fire the weapon with one hand. Additional stability if wielded with both hands.
+ High Damage Output and rate of fire
+ Accurate and precise
+ High functionality and versatility in combat
- Cost
- High energy requirements (requires specialized energy cell and tibanna canister)
- Requires specialized facilities for the manufacturing of the Dallorian Alloy components
Quality: 3
Production Cost: 600 credits
- Material Cost: 400 credits
- Manufacturing Cost: 100 credits
- Labor Cost: 50 credits
- Assembly Cost: 50 credits
Created and manufactured solely by Izanami Ironworks, the Kiyohime-class Blaster Rifle is the standard-issue blaster rifle for the Inari Shogunate and the Shadow Dynasty. Blaster technology depends on not only the energizing of electromagnetic radiation, but also the compression and focusing of it into a high-energy particle-beam. There are currently two designs in which this process of compression and focusing is accomplished: the plasma-based design and the particle beam-based design. The Kiyohime-class Blaster Rifle relies on the latter, which allows for a more efficient and accurate blaster rifle. However, unlike other blasters rifles relying on the particle beam-based design, the Kiyohime-class is in fact much more inefficient, due to the fact that a greater amount of energy is utilized to further energize the blaster 'bolt' during the excitement of the tibanna-gas.
Initially, a small amount of compressed tibanna gas is moved from the Heter valve and into the XCiter chamber, which energizes the gas further with the power pack. Then, the actuating blaster module, assisted by components in the hadrium blaster barrel, processes the extremely high-energy gas into a compressed beam of intense energy particles, coupled together with intense electromagnetic radiation, to generate an energized particle beam. The electromagnetic radiation provides the structure to the tibanna gas, allowing it to retain its shape after being propelled outside of the blaster.
However, the Kiyohime-class Blaster Rifle possessed a much longer firing chamber than traditional blasters: instead of other firing chambers which have a larger chamber, allowing for wider and broader energy beams, a longer firing chambers allows for a longer blaster beam. The intent of this is to create a greater piercing capacity of the Kiyohime-class Blaster Rifle as well as increase its damage output. However, in order to accommodate this increase in damage and piercing capacity as well as retain a fast rate of fire, a significantly greater amount of energy is required.
Primary Source: Heavily based on the E-11.