
| RANK | Prince
| SPECIES | Jin (Yu-Riben Mix)
| AGE | 24 Standard Years
| SEX | Male
| HEIGHT | 1.7 Meters
| WEIGHT | 67.6 Kilograms (~150 lbs)
| EYES | Amber-Brown
| HAIR | Black
| SKIN |Olive-Peach
| HOMEWORLD | Tiantang

||+|| Swordsman: After years of training by his maternal uncles in Riben-Jin swordsman arts, Kizuato has become proficient in the style of fighting. As a note, Riben sword-form seems to evolved from a mix of Ataru and Shien stances.||+||Diplomat: Being raised under the roof of the Imperial Palace, the Prince was taught the subtle art of diplomacy and negotiation, skills that the Emperor’s child would need in his future as a representative of his father.
||+||Force Training: Seeing that most of the Imperial Family has sensitivity in the Force, it is the duty of the local monks to train the young ones from a young age to hone the Force. As such, Kizuato is skillful in the Force, relatable to a freshly minted Jedi Knight who has passed their Trials.
||-|| Young: Due to his youth, the Prince of Tiantang is still inexperienced in some areas of life. In addition, his age also has negative social connotations for those who feel a twenty-something is too young for his role.
||-|| Honor-Bound: As per the customs of his people, the Prince is bound to an honor-code that is very strict. Vice versa, he is also a strict enforcer of this tradition, quick to punish any Jin (or outsider knowledgeable of his culture) to settle the slight against his own honor.
The Prince of Tiantang is youth barely touching his mid-twenties. He keeps his dark hair short, often tied in a top-knot during formal occasions. Outwardly, he appears little different than an Earth human of East-Asian descent, save for a benign genetic mutation that makes his eyes amber.
The Prince of Tiantang is youth barely touching his mid-twenties. He keeps his dark hair short, often tied in a top-knot during formal occasions. Outwardly, he appears little different than an Earth human of East-Asian descent, save for a benign genetic mutation that makes his eyes amber.

Born in the Imperial Palace, Kizuato become the Emperor’s second-born. Seeing as his father had many, legal concubine-wives, he did not share a mother with a majority of his siblings. His mother was a noblewoman of Riben-Jin heritage, an ancestry that the Prince did not soon forget. He would often find himself on excursion with his mother’s brothers, learning the art of traditional Riben-Jin swordsmanship. Back at home, he had a close bond and rivalry with his older half-sister, Zheng-Mei. Like his sister, he was also a pupil of the Fangshi Monks, learning to understand the Force as his people understood it.
Then came the prosperous day when the Empire’s first FTL ship, the Lingshi, went on her maiden voyage into the wider galaxy. It was mixture of pride for his sister, and jealous for being unable to go. Many months afterword, Zheng-Mei reported in, speaking of the war and strife that plagued the Galaxy at large. This caused the Prince’s people begin working on a functional warship. Luck had found them when a derelict, ancient Old Republic Hammerhead Cruiser was discovered in one of the colonies on the system’s edge.
When the Lingshi returned home, the Prince’s sister was brought before their father, and verbally stripped of rank due to failing to make intial, peaceful contact with the outside Galaxy. For this, Kizuato was ascended as his father’s new heir and new face of the Empire. With the now refurbished Hammerhead, designated the Shinryu, and new responsibilities, Prince Kizuato now heads to find allies among the war-torn stars to advance the planetary defenses of his people during an age of chaos.,

Tennoken, his unique lightsaber
A suit of armor composted of durasteel,leather, and armorweave cloth.
| SHIP |
The Shinryu, a refurbished Hammerhead-class cruiser bearing the Tianese Imperial Standard