Aleksandyr Gaillard
Image is Everything!
NAME: Klayan 'Mad Klay' Grubber
RANK: Captain, Pirate
SPECIES: Anaxsi (Human)
AGE: 33 standard years
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 1.8 meters
WEIGHT: 89.8kg
EYES: blue-green
HAIR: Blonde
SKIN: Caucasian
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
[+] Fit: An avid endurance trainer, Klay is fit and quick.
[+] Expert Gunslinger: For sport and entertainment, Klay can draw fast and kill quicker.
[+/-] Confident: Klay is confident in his abilities and those of his men which can boost morale or lead to miscalculations.
[+/-] Trusting: Despite being a pirate, Klay is holds up his own promises and expects the same of others.
[-] Alcoholic: Stress in the field leads to drinking before bed; a bad habit that can become costly.
[-] Technophobe: Klay is easily overwhelmed by complex technology; knowing little how to use it himself.
[-] Impulsive: Sometimes thinking before acting isn't part of his gameplan. Outbursts and random acts tend to be part of his character.
Parents: Jaily(Deadbeat) and Jane Grubber (Alive)
RANK: Captain, Pirate
SPECIES: Anaxsi (Human)
AGE: 33 standard years
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 1.8 meters
WEIGHT: 89.8kg
EYES: blue-green
HAIR: Blonde
SKIN: Caucasian
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
[+] Fit: An avid endurance trainer, Klay is fit and quick.
[+] Expert Gunslinger: For sport and entertainment, Klay can draw fast and kill quicker.
[+/-] Confident: Klay is confident in his abilities and those of his men which can boost morale or lead to miscalculations.
[+/-] Trusting: Despite being a pirate, Klay is holds up his own promises and expects the same of others.
[-] Alcoholic: Stress in the field leads to drinking before bed; a bad habit that can become costly.
[-] Technophobe: Klay is easily overwhelmed by complex technology; knowing little how to use it himself.
[-] Impulsive: Sometimes thinking before acting isn't part of his gameplan. Outbursts and random acts tend to be part of his character.
Parents: Jaily(Deadbeat) and Jane Grubber (Alive)
- Rain (nee Grubber) Ferreki (Alive)
- Oyue Grubber (Alive)
- Vara (nee Grubber) Halkari (Alive)
- Deadre Grubber