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Private Kleptomania

Location: Eternity Bar, Coruscant

Stacolt Plohol danced his heart out.

He made a lot of money from this last job he took from a client: An Twileak merchant who has been harassed by Blue Suns. The gang has been stealing her merchandise and selling them on the black market. The task was simple: Take out a bunch of Blue Suns who were about to smuggle her stuff to Omega and bring her things back. It didn't take long for Stacolt to find the Blue Suns who were about to depart to Courscant The gang was no match for somebody as brilliant as Stacolt, once they were slaughtered. Stacolt managed to take the stolen goods to the merchant who was so thankful that she showered Stacolt with a LOT of credits. Excited, Stacolt spent the money on his favorite hobby.


Taking a big swig of Chandrilla exported wine, Stacolt rocked his head back and forth to the beat. This is a human made remix and an old one at that, but still the beat was very addicting to listen to it helped by the fact that human music is rarely played in the Eternity Bar humans aren't common on the planet Courscant. While dancing Stacolt briefly observed the dance floor: A bunch of aliens: Mostly new money types dancing the night away. The Eternity Bar is way rowdier compared to the serene, relaxing mood that it usually is. However, Eternity Bar held a rave night of sorts in an effort to attract humans. It seemed to work as there were more humans (mostly obese gullible looking old men) dancing with the Zeltron and Twileak dancers.

Stacolt screamed along with the crowd into the air as the beat got louder, his body surging with adrenaline as he danced more frantically. It was a time to be alive, Stacolt is young, in his prime, he got paid and more importantly no more Alliance and their morally questionable bullshit. As soon as he thought of the Alliance, Stacolt's heart sank a little, but he tried to forget about and partied even harder. While he was dancing, a Houk approached Stacolt. He saw the Houk walking towards him. From his experience, Houk love to fight and are willing to pick one with any person who eyeballs them.

But not this one apparently, this Houk appeared courteous and well dressed, wearing a light green suit and his face actually not covered in scars. "Excuse Mister Stacolt Plohol?" The Houk asked.

He was even polite! Stacolt eyes lit up, "I don't think there's anything more unpredictable than a polite Houk." He thought in a panic, if there's anything that his parents taught Stacolt (or the one thing that he actually listened to.) was to beware of the nice ones, as they are the ones who will most likely rip you off, or in this case rip your face.

Playing it cool Stacolt responded: "Yes what is it."

"I've been sent to retrieve you, my boss has a job offering and he is willing to pay you a large sum. He would like to explain the details in private"

That got Stacolt's attention.

"You have my curiosity." Stacolt said resisting a grin, Stacolt has been suckered in these "offer you can't refuse." deals. They usually end up in ambushes by angry enemies.

"Splendid!" The Houk replied happily "Please follow me."

Andrica Sujoi Andrica Sujoi


Location: Coruscant | Eternity Bar
Wearing: Dress
Tags: Stacolt Plohol Stacolt Plohol


Andrica took her first steps into the famous Eternity Bar. Rave night was made to bring out the humans. That meant that it would be easy pickin’s for Andrica on the sloppy rich businessmen who came thinking a party would consist of young attractive girls just looking to have a good time, probably thinking they were getting away from simple homes and partaking in alcohol and maybe spice to have an artificial good time. And the rich bastards would take advantage of that. And Andrica would take advantage of the rich bastards.

After dancing with a couple of the fat bigwigs and pocketing a few trinkets and cred chips, Andrica took a break to try to find something a bit more interesting. She made her way to the bar and ordered a non-alcoholic drink. She wasn’t afraid of getting too drunk to get away with her plays, it was just there were better tasting things and alcohol was just a waste of time for most Zeltrons and especially Andrica. Her eyes scanned the crowd til she locked in on a Houk. And the human it was interacting with. The Houk seemed out of place. The human seemed like he belonged in the rave.

After a brief interaction that surprisingly did not end up with the human on the receiving end of a pounding the two looked as if they were going to leave. This was interesting. Andrica guessed that the Houk was a lackey with a less than legal job he was peddling. And the human was more interested in credits than laws. That led Andrica to the assumption that this meeting might be profitable to her as well. So she flipped a cred chip to the bartender and started to follow.
Stacolt followed the Huok to one of the private sections of the Bar. Once inside, Stacolt saw a human male kissing up on two Twileak dancers, one on each side. "Mr. Gladus." the Huok chimed.

The Human was not paying attention as the Twileak were busy saying what a good Turian he was and other things that made Stacolt chuckle but only a little and out of the Human's sight. He doesn't want to make a bad impression.

The Human Gladus is sharply dressed, dark blue he looks young around Stacolt's age but clearly a very successful Turian.

Once the Twileak were done, Gladus turned his attention to Stacolt: "Ah Stacolt Plohol! Just the Merc I've been looking for!"

"Please call me Stacolt." Stacolt said.

"Sure Stacolt." Gladus smiled "For the past two years, you've been making a name for yourself! I've become a fan of yours."

"Would you like my autograph then?" Stacolt quipped trying to make a joke.

Gladus chuckled "Nah I want you human for a job. You see, I always wanted to get my hands on some treasure from the Alliance. It's said to contain lots of credits and extremely rare weapons that'll sell a lot in the black market. It belonged to the members of the early days in Alliance Defense Force. One day they were supposed to transport a bunch of credits to a wealthy banker on Denon. When flying from the Courscant, they've hit by a stray asteroid and shot down on an unknown planet. The ship has never been found until now. Just recently, I've received a tip that a Duros has the map to the location to the crash site. He's on Denon and he's going to leave in three days to seek it. I would like for you to "talk" him into giving you the information."

The job started to sound a little sketchy to Stacolt. A search for a lost treasure? He wasn't in the mood for a treasure hunt, the pay better be good "Hmmm how much are we talking here."

Gladus shrugged "About 10 million credits that's in there and half of it it's yours. Just leave the legendary weapons to me, I make and sell guns for a living so I know the price of those weapons."

Stacolt chuckled at that. "Wow, I'm not sure what if the info is false?"

Gladus shook his head "Hey Stacolt, this is once in a lifetime. Even if the location turns out to be false, I'll pay ya 200K out of kindness. Like I said I'm a weapons dealer and a good one to boot. What do ya say?"

Stacolt was intrigued the location may most likely be bullchit but at least the pay is excellent. "I'm in."

"Excellent! Stacolt." Gladus said and the two shook hands. "I don't know the Duros' real name but he goes by: Big Daddy." You can find him in an apartment suite: "Sunshine" about 3 miles from the bar. Good luck human."

"Thanks" Stacolt said who can possibly interfere in this wonderful day?

Andrica Sujoi Andrica Sujoi


Location: Coruscant | Eternity Bar
Wearing: Dress
Tags: Stacolt Plohol Stacolt Plohol


The Houk led the human identified as Stacolt Plohol to another part of the bar. Andrica was a little surprised by this. She knew that all sorts of business took place in the bar, but the Houk stuck out, moving in on a patron who had obviously not come for business and pulling him away from the dancefloor was another action that seemed to stand out. Moving to just another part of the bar was a risk. But when Andrica saw who was the source of these actions it made sense. She had heard of Gladus. Andrica was something of an admirer of weapons. Not using them as much as, but admiring definitely. Her prized possession was a blade that she stole. Never has tasted blood in her possession, but it is awfully pretty. Being a weaponphile Andrica made it her business to know most of the big names in the game.

She gave a sigh of relief when she saw the two Twi’lek catering to the arms dealer. For some reason it was hard for a twenty-something Zeltron to anonymously get close to a situation if there wasn’t something else pretty for skin seekers to focus their attention on. With the Twi’leks in place Andrica was able to get close enough to the situation to evesdrop. She almost was caught however when she giggled at Plohol’s arrogance at hearing that Gladus had been watching him. She would make sure to ask Plohol for an autograph some time just to see what his reaction would be.

For now she merely listened. It was a nice little story. Likes of which she heard all over the place in her work. Missing treasure ripe for the picking. Only one person knows the location however. They usually ended up being goosechases. But Andrica liked keeping active, and one of these times it was bound to be the truth. Ten mil, plus fancy old weapons was certainly something that Andrica would be willing to spend a few days researching, by researching that meant following Plohol around and seeing what he found.

Seemed that a guaranteed two hundred K and the chance at five mil was enough for the smuggler to buy in as well. So now it was just a matter of finding out who the one person with the location of the treasure was… “Hey girl!” one of Gladus’ security guards called out to her. Not loud enough for Gladus, the Twi’leks or Plohol to hear, but with enough force for Andrica to know that he meant business. “No one is supposed to be there.”

Andrica made a pouty face. She didn’t think the normal flirtations were going to work on this guy. He was worked up at doing his job already. Maybe she could play innocent enough to hear the finish of the conversation. “I’m terribly sorry. Is there something special about here?” she asked, feigning ignorance. She couldn’t help but take a step towards the security guard and lean against him.

“Duros,” and, “‘Big Daddy.’ You can find him in an apartment suite: ‘Sunshine’ about 3 miles from the bar,” were heard and Andrica moved to rubbed the security guards chest as he informed her that his boss was too important for random girls. Even hot Zeltrons. Andrica nodded her understanding, lifted a security card of unknown value from the guard’s person, and got herself lost in the shuffle of bodies on the dancefloor. As she danced she looked at the card not knowing if she would ever use it, but she needed a memento from all of her experiences. So she placed it out of sight in the cleavage of her dress and left the club heading towards the Sunshine apartment suits. She knew the place. Should be hard to figure out which place belong to a Duro named Big Daddy and get in before Plohol arrived to hear what the story was with the treasure.

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