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Approved Tech Knell's Scrap Armour

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Image Source: Raider power armor, by MuHut
Unedited Image:

Intent: Improvised armour for Knell
Development Thread: If necessary
Manufacturer: Knell
Model: N/A
Affiliation: N/A
Modularity: More plates can be attached
Production: Unique
Material: Durasteel, transparisteel visor, armourweave underlayer
Classification: Multipurpose
Weight: Around 75kg
Quality: 7

Special Features:
• Limb plates pack a great heft when swung
• Rebar and other sharp metal parts can cause extra damage
• Armourweave pouch and simple belt for storage
• Rudimentary weapon holsters

• Strong against kinetic damage
• Some defence against energy damage, as durasteel can withstand blistering heat
• The armour itself can be used to bludgeon
• Easily repaired with whatever's lying around

• Cobbled together, can fall apart with prolonged or major damage
• Primitive armour plating, with no tech systems or gadgets
• Heavy weight causes trouble with manoeuvrability
• Frequent maintenance required

Description: Having lived for a good long while, Knell has had his armour destroyed and rebuilt a few times. When a recent bounty took a turn for the explosive he ended up having to craft a new set from whatever nearby materials he could salvage. There are some bits of droid casing in there, some bits of starship hull, even some bits of other people's armour. After much careful welding, bolting and applied adhesive he produced this 'masterpiece', incidentally with a very trendy serrated, deathly brutish look. It is quite rough around the edges in a literal sense, and little more than a heavy metal shell. The thick plates ought to stand up to a lot of kinetic pummelling and a bit of blaster fire, but won't handle lightsabers well and might start falling apart at the seams with enough punishment. Maintaining it, however, is as simple as slapping scrap on and securing it. The armour's hard plating and jagged pointy bits are good for smashing things, though it's not particularly nimble in any sense of the term. Perfectly functional as far as Knell is concerned.


Star Wars Canon:
Pending initial review
Starwars Chaos:
Pending initial review
Pending initial review
Pending Initial review
Pending Inital review


This is cool but I'd need it to be classed as multi-purpose since it is both strong vs. kinetic and energy weapons as described in the strengths.
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