@[member="Aeron Kreelan"]
It was a rare thing for Ayden to be in his office, much like it was rare for Cira to be in hers. Mostly, he was out and about, working with technicians on projects, or training and teaching Thadd. However, the queen of Rydonni Prime had issues with their security arrangement, so it fell to Ayden to see the matter addressed. It was hardly an enjoyable experience, but it came with the position.
As he finished with one data pad and set it aside to pick up the next, his hand froze and his eyes rolled up to gaze at the door. Someone was waiting to see him. This was normally an event he wouldn't have noticed. However... this woman carried a strong will, and an equally bright signature in the Force. A cursory glance at a security monitor showed her face clear enough and a search was started for information on her.
Rather than getting up, Ayden waved at the door, opening it before she had a chance to knock. He said nothing else and didn't even care to look at her when she walked in, instead going back to one of the data pads with the queen's innumerable complaints. Whatever this person wanted, she'd put her cards on the table soon enough. Until then, Ayden was content to simply continue on with his business.