Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Knighthood and Old Acquaintances

It'd been awhile since I'd been back to Voss and now that my new ship was coming into the temple hangars I felt anxious. My Master had been absent for awhile now and in her absence I'd been offered the rank of Jedi Knight. I'd accepted but upon her return I would be undergoing the knighthood trials I felt I owed Master Rasu that much. I'd recently gotten a message from an old acquaintance Thema Csapla, a young Chiss woman whom I'd rescued from being trapped in her fighter. Last I'd seen her we'd been about to race swoop bikes on a track in the outlands of Voss. Then she'd been called away for some business concerning the Galactic Republic.

I'd gone back to my studies and life of criminal associations and I hadn't heard anything from her until recently. I'd told her to meet me on the hangar deck of the Voss temple and now I was waiting for her to arrive. I had a surprise for her along with a promise I meant to keep to her. I wasn't sure when my sister would return from her mission. Apparently she'd found a Master and was scheduled to be on Tund with her new Master for a few days so I had time to get some things squared while she was away. Jerking back to the present I keyed a command into my ship to drop two swoops along with gear. Then I transmitted the code to bring in the ship I owed Thema from stealth in orbit and landing coordinates next to my ship in the temple hangars.

Only waiting on her now....

[member="Thema Csapla"]

Alace T'Ran

One With The Force; The Force Is With Her
Alace was on a short trip to Voss just to visit all of the amazing locations having to do with the force. She was practically a tourist. Although, she was in a different major faction from the Silver Jedi, she would still come visit them. She would visit any of them in order to see all of these amazing pieces of force history. Currently, she was getting ready to leave the planet. She was currently in the temple hanger, waiting for her shuttle to arrive to pick her up. She was meditating while reciting words loudly in old tongue.
As I waited for Thema to arrive I noticed a young woman sitting on top of a cargo crate. She seemed to be meditating but once I noticed her chanting words in The Old Tongue my eyes narrowed and I pulled my helmet off clipping it to my belt along my left hip. Walking over I noticed that she was actually quite attractive she was an Arkanian off-shoot as well. Deciding to make myself known I said "one should be careful using The Old Tongue, let alone chanting in it loudly whilst meditating in the middle of a Jedi hangar. Then again I'm wearing full Beskar armor so who am I to talk?"

[member="Alace T'Ran"]

Alace T'Ran

One With The Force; The Force Is With Her
Alace was meditating until she was caught of guard by a woman's voice. She suddenly stopped speaking and slowly turned her eyes towards the woman that spoke. It was a human woman to appeared around her age. She was partially offended by this remark but she did understand how old tongue might attract some unwanted attention.

"I apologise," Alace said nonchalantly "Was I distracting? I was simply attempting to meditate. Was I distracting?"

Smiling I said "No not distracting, while I can appreciate the need to meditate you again may not want to speak in The Old Tongue around here as it's associated with Sith alchemic rituals and sorcery." Sinking to a crouch by her I extended my hand and said, "My name is Celiana and who might you be dollface?" I was curious as to when Thema would arrive but for now I didn't mind perhaps making a new friend...

[member="Alace T'Ran"] - [member="Thema Csapla"]

Alace T'Ran

One With The Force; The Force Is With Her
"It may be involved with the sith but it is also involved in the jedi. They mustn't worry. I only mean peace." Alace shook [member="Celiana"]'s hand "It is wonderful to meet you Celiana. I am Alace." She then stood up and wiped off any dust that might have gotten on her robe while meditating. This woman seemed to be very friendly with her despite the criticize about using old tongue "By the way. What did you mean by 'dollface'"

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