Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Knights of Ren Missions

Welcome to brothers and sisters to the mission centre of the Knights of Ren.
Here you will find the official log of missions and assignments that are available to the members of our Order.
These missions are considered to be self-contained stories unless otherwise noted, and you are free to go about them however you wish. Each mission is repeatable by multiple members of the order, although occasional once off titles will be made available to reflect changes and updates within the faction and the board as a whole.
If you wish to claim a mission, post in this thread stating which mission you wish to take, and when the mission is complete, post again with a link to the relevant topic.
Rewards will be issued for completed missions.


Mission: Search & Destroy
Location: Galaxy Wide
Description: The galaxy is tainted by disbeliefs and lies concerning the Jedi and the Force. The general populace have been raised with the belief that the Jedi exist to serve them, protect them, and otherwise be a cradle of support for civilisations own inability to survive without order.
The Knights or Ren are tasked with seeking to find not only the Jedi themselves, but any relics or artefacts of their order that may attract their kind or allow the spread of Jedi corruption among the uninitiated. This is a task that is allowed throughout all ranks of the Ren as it is our duty to seek out these tools of corruption and put an end to them.
Potential items include: Jedi Holocrons, Jedi Lightsabers, Items crafted by Jedi Artisans and any other light side relics that were created by the Jedi Order or their ancestors. If the item cannot be destroyed, it should be transported to the First Order headquarters were it can be processed.

Mission: Seek & Acquire
Location: Galaxy Wide
Description: Once the Empire of Old ruled the entire Galaxy, from Outer-rim to Deep Core they held territory and maintained an order unlike any the Galaxy has witnessed since. These paragons of discipline left behind many powerful artefacts after they were destroyed by the foul betrayal of the Skywalker clan, and to allow these items to be unclaimed is a crime against the First Order and its maternal ancestor.
All Knights of Ren are tasked with actively searching and returning these artefacts of the Galactic Empire back to the First Order, this is a activity in which all means necessary are given.
Potential Items include: Armour of the Empire, Decyrpted Data of the Galactic Empire, derelict star ships, personal belongings of ancient paragons such as Darth Vader, Grand Moff Tarkin and the Emperor God himself Palpatine.

Mission: Assassination
Location: Sullust
Description: A Galactic Alliance envoy is enroute to meet with the Galactic Republic in order to discuss possible means of transporting supplies between the two factions to better the chances against the One Sith and other potential threats. This envoy must be removed before he can reach the Galactic Republic’s own ambassador. You are to attempt at his life and assure the meeting never takes place. If it can be made to look like an accident do as such, we need no message of defiance sent in this situation.

Mission: Resistance
Location: Tatooine
Description: A small settlement on Tatooine has been linked to the recent hiding of usurpers from the uprising on Eriadu. They must not be allowed to escape the justice of the First Order and you have been selected to lead the hunt for them. Depart to Tatooine and hunt down these traitors, use any means necessary to bring the Supreme Leader’s judgement to them. Rumour states that six fugitives in all are scattered among the settlement. Be cautious.

Mission: Galactic Investigations
Location: Galaxy Wide
Description: The Knights of Ren work closely with First Order Intelligence and are among some of the first assets used by the Ubiqtorate when searching for information on the rest of the galaxy. It is tasked to you to uncover as much information on the galactic players, their motives, locations and any information that might lead to a First Order advantage once more direct action is required.
Leave no lead un-chased, no rumour un-heard. All of it is relevant if we, the First Order, hope to control the galaxy as a whole.
Current leads possibly include: The Galactic Alliance’s expansion outside of Sullust, the ceasefire between the Republic and the One Sith and the Hutt Cartel’s struggles with the Techno Union.

Mission: Raid
Location: Space - Galaxy Wide
Description: The galaxy is full of pirates, slavers, smugglers and other ill-sorts. As a Knight of Ren you have the freedom to seek out these low lives, end their campaign against order and bring assets into the First Order for processing. These missions are free-form, as long as the job gets done any means are accepted. End their operations or bring them under the fold of our own control.

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