Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Knights of the Pyre - Completed

"Law's Flame consumes the Shadow of Corruption"​

..:: Out of Character Information ::..


As times change so do our characters and the infrastructure that we develop around those characters. Just as Amelia as a character has changed in her views, shifting from a 'purge the force users' to potentially being married to a Force User; so to must the Holy Order of the Righteous Flame change along with its leader. Experiencing a similar shift, the order has become known as the Knights of the Pyre and thus their cause has changed as well. No longer a group dedicated to purging the Force Users from the galaxy, they are now a group dedicated to the protection of the Free Worlds Coalition and Commenor Systems Alliance; as well as dedicated to upholding the Laws and maintaining Order of the territories held by those Galactic Governments.

​Image Credit:
  • Paizo - Order of the Pyre - [HERE]

Role: Military Order

  • Amelia Sorenn-Syrush
  • Knight-Lieutenant Thel Jiktar
  • Sigma Praetorian
  • Sorenn-Syrush Industries
  • The Recopia System
  • Longsword class Starfighter
  • Harbinger class Cathedral Ship
  • Sorenn-Syrush Industries VibroHafted-Axe
  • Sorenn-Syrush Industries Tau Rifle Mark I
  • Sorenn-Syrush Industries Tau Squad Weapon Mark I
  • Sorenn-Syrush Industries Predator I
  • Sorenn-Syrush Industries Model 850 Flechette Launcher
  • Sorenn-Syrush Industries Dushkal Assault Rifle
  • Sorenn-Syrush Industries Hadur class Light Armor
  • Sorenn-Syrush Industries Praetorian Guard Battle Armor
  • Sorenn-Syrush Industries SPAD-MKI
  • Sorenn-Syrush Industries Medical Remote Mark I
  • Personal Survival Kit

..:: General Information ::..

Group Name:
  • Knights of the Pyre

  • Military Order

  • The Recopia System

  • Amelia Sorenn-Syrush
  • House Syrush
  • Sorenn-Syrush Industries
  • Free Worlds Coalition
  • Commenor Systems Alliance

Group Sigil:
  • A tower rising from flames


The Knights of the Pyre are a Military Order with a unique focus on the promulgation of law. They are interested less in the social goodness and charity seen in other such Orders (though are not completely against providing aid to those in need); but rather in the foundation and stringent maintenance of order at all costs. In their iron-handed exaction of law - specifically, the laws of the Free Worlds Coalition and Commenor Systems Alliance - Knights of the Pyre emulate the organized and effective armies of Clones once fielded by the Old Republic at the height of the Clone Wars. They are not concerned with morality or methods, only results. In their view, if people can not be trusted to obey the law out of their own senses of civility and social righteousness, Knights of the Pyre provide the need to obey out of fear of a master's stern hand.

..:: Social Information ::..

  • The Inperantike
  • Master / Mistress of Blades
  • Knight-Commander
  • Knight-Captain
  • Knight-Lieutenant
  • Knight-Corporal
  • Knight-Errant
  • Armiger


While there is no set means to becoming a full member, there are various ways in which one can rise through the ranks. Provided that an individual is of age (or otherwise has the permission of a parental figure or guardian; or is taken in by the Knights of the Pyre due to another reason), they are given the rank of Armiger. Those individuals with the rank of Armiger are in training to become a Knight of the Pyre and from here they have various means to becoming a full fledged member.

  • Defeat a Maelibus (or other dangerous creature) in single (or partnered) combat, which must be witnessed by a Knight of the Pyre.

  • Defeat a Force User in one on one combat which must be witnessed by a Knight of the Pyre or the success of which must be personally attested to by the defeated party or though a means of identifying to defeated party (if defeated party is deceased).

  • Prove oneself in the heat of battle or on a mission directly over seen by a member of the Knights of the Pyre that holds a rank of at least Knight-Lieutenant (this individual must personally vouch for the Armiger in question).

Once an individual is a full fledged member of the Knights of the Pyre, they can rise through the ranks as per the achievements required by other military organizations. With the highest achievable rank being that of Knight-Commander; unless otherwise risen to the rank of Master / Mistress of Blades by the commanding Inperantike, which in itself means that the individual is being groomed to become the next Inperantike.


Regardless of their severity, the Knights of the Pyre are not an inherently evil group; they are wholly unconcerned with morality, as even they know that one can not legislate morals. While there are those members that can be seen as 'evil' - particularly among the upper echelon - the majority of the Knights of the Pyre are impartial arbiters and enforcers of order and justice. Much like their Jedi counter-parts, Knights of the Pyre are taught to replace emotions with steely discipline, and are not interested in methods: only the end results matter.

With anonymity and no consequences, every individual becomes a criminal. The Knights of the Pyre combat the lawless tendencies within individuals hearts through ever-present watchfulness and reminders that no crime goes unpunished. Employing a vast network of informants, and paying out bounties for substantiated accusations, they publicly mete out grim punishments that fit the crime committed. They are resolved to the cause of Law and Order.

Above all else their primary focus is the defense of those members worlds residing within the territories of the Free Worlds Coalition and the Commenor Systems Alliance. The Knights of the Pyre; though brutal in some of their means when it comes to the application of Law, are still light handed when it comes to those in need. They are just as likely to aid in the resettling of refugees as they are to imprisoning those that would take advantage and commit crimes against those same refugees.

The Knights of the Pyre would likewise meet any brutality and savagery mete out upon those of the Free Worlds Coalition and Commenor Systems Alliance in kind. For while members of their order stand against such acts; they are not adverse to utilizing them against those that first enacted such terror upon others...

Training for the Knights of the Pyre is intended to hone their minds and bodies. They are taught to resist the mental intrusions of Force Users to better steel themselves against such opponents. Likewise to hone their bodies, they are pitted against one another, or against such creations as war droids; or even a juvenile gundark in some instances (or other such dangerous creatures). They are versed on the laws and customs of the worlds within the Free Worlds Coalition and Commenor Systems Alliance, as well as the laws of those very institutions of Government.

..:: Tenants of the Order ::..​
Without culpability chaos reigns...​
There is no Chaos, There is only Order...​
Root out corruption in any form...​
Watch for weakness and corruption...​
Savagery must be quelled, in the land, home, and mind...​
Stand in the face of Barbarity...​
Pursue those that escape...​
Act without hesitation for the good of all...​
Law's Flame consumes the Shadow of Corruption...​

  • N/a


  • The Protection of the Free Worlds Coalition and The Commenor Systems Alliance

  • Establishing Citadels within the territories of the Free Worlds Coalition and Commenor Systems Alliance for the purposes of defending their member worlds and training new members; as well as provide logistical support and humanitarian aid

  • Root out corruption within the territories of the Free Worlds Coalition and the Commenor Systems Alliance

..:: Members ::..

  • Amelia Sorenn-Syrush

..:: Historical Information ::..

  • 3,680 BBY - Amelia Sorenn is born on the Epicanthix Homeworld of Panatha.

  • 3,670 BBY - Amelia Sorenn loses her family after her younger sister lashes out with the Force during a nightmare. Amelia is the sole survivor albeit gravely injured. She is taken in by Aagar Syrush and is later named the sole heir of House Syrush, taking the name of Amelia Sorenn-Syrush.

  • 3,644 BBY - House Syrush falls to a Killik assault. Most of its members are taken in by other Houses with Amelia Sorenn-Syrush presumed dead.

  • 1,000 BBY - A woman matching Amelia's description is seen serving during the closing days of the New Sith War, specifically the Ruusan Campaign though disappears shortly after.

  • 22 BBY - Reports indicate a woman matching Amelia's description as serving the Galactic Republic during the Clone Wars and even being in service to the Galactic Empire following the former's reformation into the later. She disappears sometime during the New Republic Era.

  • 836 ABY - A predecessor group known as the Knights of Kal'Shebbol are founded by the individual known as Tasgetius. They are focused on training their members in the ways of Teras Kasi and the belief that all conflicts can be traced back to the schism between the Jedi and Dark Jedi.

  • 843 ABY - The Knights of Kal'Shebbol collapse with the disappearance of Tasgetius and much of its command structure. Those few remaining members go into hiding while others reform into the newly christened Templar Order (which is often confused with the Templar Order formerly of the Confederacy of Independent Systems).

  • 844 ABY - The Templar Order is dealt a blow when a large portion of its members are trapped in the Netherworld of the Force during what the galaxy will later remember as the Netherworld Event. What few remain do their best to hold against the horrors unleashed during this time, though the Order eventually falls apart and its members go into hiding.

  • 845 ABY - Amelia Sorenn-Syrush reappears and reclaims the titles of House Syrush on Alderann. She also begins to recollect those that belief in a similar ideal of purging Force Users from the Galaxy. Establishing the White Spire in the Feenix System as a base of operations. This new order is named the Order of the Righteous Flame due to the eternal flame emblazoned upon its banners.

  • 849 ABY - The Omega War sparks across the Galaxy causing Amelia Sorenn-Syrush to bring the reformed Holy Order of the Righteous Flame to Alderaan. The following events see the Order lose strength as members leave or are felled during the conflict. Others leave due in part to the Order's shift towards a more lenient acceptance of some Force Users.

  • 850 ABY - The Holy Order of the Righteous Flame is a shadow of its former self, with only the most staunch loyalist to Amelia Sorenn-Syrush Remaining. They claim Alderaan, and specifically the Corporate Headquarters of Sorenn-Syrush Industries, as their bastion.

  • 851 ABY - With the events surrounding the recent Incursion of an unknown enemy within the Territories of the Free Worlds Coalition and its neighboring Galactic Entities, the Holy Order of the Righteous Flame is dismissed by Amelia Sorenn-Syrush. In its stead a new Military Order is reformed from her most loyal followers. Rather than focusing on purging Force Users from the Galaxy, this new Military Order is focused on the defense and security of Law and Order within the Free Worlds Coalition and Commenor Systems Alliance. The newly formed Knights of the Pyre make their home in the Recopia System within the territory held by the Free Worlds Coalition; with its members seeking to further establish citadels across the member worlds of the Free Worlds Coalition as well as the Commenor Systems Alliance.

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