
Name: KniibiFaction: Independent
Homeworld: Tatooine
Species: Jawa
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Height: 0.80m
Weight: 27kg
Eyes: Bright yellow
Fur: Brown
Force Sensitive: No
Sexuality: Pansexual
Relationship Status: Single
Languages: Jawaese, Galactic Standard

Ship: An "ugly" X-Ceptor painted orange-red
Droids: WED-15 Treadwell repair droid equipped with a stun laser.
Weapons: E-11 blaster rifle
Kniibi was born and raised on Tatooine where she first gained an affinity for machinery, and not just collecting and 
Ever since, she was free to roam the galaxy on her own, boasting whenever she returned to Tatooine about everything she would come across and even bringing them gifts of foreign scraps and parts. Since she often finds herself among foreign species, Kniibi has adapted and chosen to occasionally speak Galactic Standard to appease those who wish to speak to her.
Quick to be annoyed and yet blissfully unaware of her surroundings, Kniibi can usually be found taking something apart (possibly something valuable) or dragging something that doesn't belong to her away from its (previous) owner. Even still, it wouldn't be a good idea to upset her, given that she carries around her own blaster rifle and her droid was built to be protective.Strengths and Weaknesses
(+) Tinkerer. Skilled at putting things together, even if she isn't exactly a master craftswoman. Her specialty lies in droids.(-) Physically Weak. Isn't the strongest or the most agile in combat. If she ever gets into close range combat, she had better hope she has someone else backing her up.
(-) Absent-Minded. Isn't all there most of the time, as if she has too much on her mind (she never has all that much on her mind).