Yetari Sellix
The Traveling Doctor
Lorrd. Yet another world victimized by the endless wars and struggles that plague the galaxy.
The world had seen death on a colossal scale thanks to the comings and goings of powerful organizations ready to take what they wanted no matter the cost to civilian life, and while some groups were supposedly trying to bring order back the promise never seemed to be fulfilled. Yetari personally blamed all of this on the Jedi and Sith since their ideological debate has not only lasted thousands of years, but also brought about many, if not most, of the wars the galaxy had dealt with. In a delicious irony that almost made him believe in a higher power, the doctor himself happened to be force sensitive and had a Jedi for a father, before the man ran off to most likely die in some unknown region of space all because of a vision.
The fighting between this new group of Sith and the Republic/Jedi eventually came to Coruscant, where Yetari's life was forever altered, and now without a true home the lonely healer of mortals found himself drifting from place to place while helping whomever her could. His latest travels had brought him in contact with members of a group that sought to finally put an end to the squabbling of these greater forces, and as he found his way to this newest world full of suffering people who had nothing to do with the wars themselves Yetari began to wonder how exactly he could become good enough to help in the endeavors of those small-time heroes.
He was now walking through the streets of the capital on this war-torn world, and towards its famed university where large crowds of Lorridians were being kept in shelters since many of their homes were still gone. When face to face with someone the people of this world were able to sense things about individuals purely through body language, but when faced with nothing but huge armies and shadowy intentions how could they have seen this coming? Yetari was also about face something he hadn't seen coming, as he went to work with the other volunteers from across the galaxy to help whomever he could.
[member="Maya Whitelight"]
The world had seen death on a colossal scale thanks to the comings and goings of powerful organizations ready to take what they wanted no matter the cost to civilian life, and while some groups were supposedly trying to bring order back the promise never seemed to be fulfilled. Yetari personally blamed all of this on the Jedi and Sith since their ideological debate has not only lasted thousands of years, but also brought about many, if not most, of the wars the galaxy had dealt with. In a delicious irony that almost made him believe in a higher power, the doctor himself happened to be force sensitive and had a Jedi for a father, before the man ran off to most likely die in some unknown region of space all because of a vision.
The fighting between this new group of Sith and the Republic/Jedi eventually came to Coruscant, where Yetari's life was forever altered, and now without a true home the lonely healer of mortals found himself drifting from place to place while helping whomever her could. His latest travels had brought him in contact with members of a group that sought to finally put an end to the squabbling of these greater forces, and as he found his way to this newest world full of suffering people who had nothing to do with the wars themselves Yetari began to wonder how exactly he could become good enough to help in the endeavors of those small-time heroes.
He was now walking through the streets of the capital on this war-torn world, and towards its famed university where large crowds of Lorridians were being kept in shelters since many of their homes were still gone. When face to face with someone the people of this world were able to sense things about individuals purely through body language, but when faced with nothing but huge armies and shadowy intentions how could they have seen this coming? Yetari was also about face something he hadn't seen coming, as he went to work with the other volunteers from across the galaxy to help whomever he could.
[member="Maya Whitelight"]