Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Knooks


Knooks The Traveler


NAME: Knooks

FACTION: New Jedi Order

RANK: Jedi Consular


AGE: 20s

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: 1.8 Meters

WEIGHT: 80 kg

EYES: Silvery

HAIR: None

Exoskeleton: Tan



Hardy: Thanks to his species exoskeleton and regenerative capabilities. Knooks has been proved to be very durable compared to many of his contemporaries in the Jedi order without even needing to sport additional armor.

Lackluster Swordsmen: Knooks was never a very gifted duelist. In fights or sparring he usually remained competitive in anyway by utilizing supporting force abilities.

Stubbornness: Knooks has a habit of acting bigheaded and foolhardy. Though's he's typically far from arrogant he can adopt a very single minded approach to any task at hand.


Knooks looks like a typical male breather Gand, rather stalky insectoid and virtually always seen with his breath mask to keep him alive. He does own a number of varied breath masks he likes to wear. For his attire he typically sports standard Jedi garb such as their tunics and cloaks. He also supports three fingers on each hand.

Knooks was born on Gand, by a family with a proud history as findsmen on the planet. What allowed Knooks to stand out from his family was being recruited by the jedi Order during his childhood. When he rescued a visiting jedi who was lost in the endless cloudy haze of his gaseous homeworld. In those early years as a youngling he showed little promise from his instructors, and was almost sent to the council of reassignment and into one of the various jedi service corps and no longer further his training as a padawan. This was largely due to his lack of martial prowess with a lightsaber. However, he was adopted by a senior knight, who was the same jedi he helped save as a child to learn from who believed that Knooks still had a lot to offer the order through in a less conventional manner.

He was able to continue his jedi training and was eventually knighted, pursuing his interests as a Jedi consular and academic. Although instead of spending his days in deep libraries and contemplative study. He wanted to use his gifts and ties to the order in a more practical way with his interests in astrography. His place wasn’t in a temple’s meditation chamber, or on a battlefield as much as it was among the cosmos. Knooks became a practitioner in instinctive astrogation so without the help of fancy droids or navigational programs, traverse the stars. Taking his impressive navigational skills to the stars. Also even though his skills with a saber were always lacking Knooks had managed to become a rather decent telekinetic.

Knooks spends much of his time now working with frontiersmen and the like on more “Backwater” worlds. Most of time he works with the jedi order directly is with one of the numerous offshoot enclaves rather than the primary temple in the core. Helping along the fringes of settled space, and often works in the fields with archeologists to find lost relics and artifacts. However, he still refrains from speaking in the first person, believing he has not yet earned that honor as a Gand…

YKL-37R Nova Courier




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