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Private Know Your Station

ʀᴏᴛᴛᴇɴ ʜᴇᴀʀᴛ


Sith-Imperial Government Offices
Allyson Locke Allyson Locke


It was another late evening in her office on Jutrand, but Madelyn didn't mind. She didn't have much besides her work going for her these days. Jutrand was an unfamiliar city, and the people Madelyn had once leaned on in the Sith were mostly dead or gone. That should have been refreshing. A new Imperial in a new place, with a new youthful face and body to complement the persona. Alas, despite her reinvention, Madelyn remained maddeningly known in the ranks of this Empire. Not personally, but by that oh-so-intangible reputation.

Not for the first time, Madelyn leaned back in her chair and wondered what it would be like to change her life, to go where she was a complete unknown, perhaps to disguise herself and live the life of someone else. What would she be if she could choose anything? Perhaps a rich travelling businesswoman, or a dowager lady sailing the Galaxy on a yacht. It was not to be. Though Madelyn could certainly pack up and leave everything behind-she wore no physical chains- she had nevertheless swore and oath of service, one that her Renewal and her power depended on.

Besides, she felt she was growing close to some revelation in her work, the great and tantalising secret that had hung over Empires past, over the Order when she'd been there. If she worked long and hard enough, she felt she'd find it. She had to, because what else did Madelyn have? Not a lot.

Stretching, Madelyn stood up for a walk. She stepped out the office and made the short walk down a side hallway lined with thin blood-red carpet, her heels softly thudding until she stepped into the wide atrium, which itself was lined with large dark granite tiles and framed by imposing statues. In other words, rather typical Sith-Imperial decor. Madelyn turned her head towards the sets of doors at the end of the space. The sun had set hours before, and night was now falling in earnest. It was no matter. Her credentials allowed her inside at any time. She'd request a guard to walk her home, then be back at the office before sunrise anyway. There were only a few people milling about at this hour, most having hushed conversations on their communicators, or walking brisquely between meeting rooms.

One woman stuck out to her for some reason. A brunette with a sharp and familiar visage. She looked at her, walked a step or two, then slowed and looked again. On a whim, Madelyn halted and turned towards the woman. Her emerald eyes narrowed in curiosity, digging through her memories as she approached to figure out just where she knew this person from. She was beautiful, but Madelyn didn't think she was a former lover, even if that thought did tug at something at the edge of her memories

Standing in front of this perplexing person, Madelyn looked down at her, a slight frown knitting her brow.

"Pardon me." said Madelyn, her voice soft and slightly tired. "But you look familiar. Have we met?"


//: Madelyn Lowe Madelyn Lowe //:
//: Sith-Imperial Government Offices //:
//:Jutrand //:
Madelyn Lowe.

That name was a blast from the past. Allyson couldn't forget the woman's face, and even more so, she couldn't remember the words she had told her while undercover. It was one of the first times anyone had ever talked to her like that, forcing the understanding of class and status. All of it made sense, but the Lord Inquisitor or the Elder Valkyrie seemed to have missed the memo. Both women had slummed it with the Private Legionnaire Rae Cooke.

Still, at the end of it all - Allyson wasn't Rae Cooke, and the relationship she had attempted to foster with Jorryn fell apart. Even now, thinking about the Echani woman filled the Corellian with regrets. Maybe, if she had tried harder, something would have held on.

Madelyn Lowe may have been right in the end.

Allyson wrinkled her nose in disgust as she hated thinking that the shrewd woman had bested her. Recent rumors had stated that the woman had resurfaced, sadly after the death of her wife. Allyson found the irony in the woman dipping lower than her stature, having married her Lieutenant. Shaking her head, the Corellian adjusted the new Kainite legionnaire officer uniform cap. It was a struggle to get the new issues, but reestablishing her old cover wasn't too bad. It seemed that Jorryn before she left office, had preserved it.

Orders were received, and the building was quiet. Standing guard wasn't something she had done in a while, but with the temptation to corner Madelyn Lowe, it was too hard to pass up. With enough patience, Allyson watched the woman head down the hallway. She had been reborn; the rumors were true, which meant the other rumors were likely true. A sly smirk appeared on the Corellian's face as the woman drew closer. Unfortunately for Ms. Lowe, the spy was the only one left guarding.

Madelyn stopped and looked towards Allyson. She kept her stare straight, not giving the potential Minister any attention - as a proper guard would do. It wasn't until the blonde stood before her, staring her down. The way her face twisted in confusion, Allyson knew the familiarity was starting to stir in her mind.

And then the acknowledgment.

A salute and Allyson couldn't fight the smirk anymore as she stated her name and rank. "Yes, ma'am," she started, her eyes now peering into the viridescent gaze of the reborn Kainite. "Lieutenant Rae Cooke." The salute fell, and Allyson leaned in close, her voice gently above a whisper. She couldn't help but enjoy this moment. "Did you miss me, Minister? Will you show me my place, or can I continue to press my luck?"
ʀᴏᴛᴛᴇɴ ʜᴇᴀʀᴛ

Sith-Imperial Government Offices
Allyson Locke Allyson Locke


"Rae Cooke." said Madelyn softly. "Indeed." She cocked her head as the woman continued. An eyebrow raising slightly as she processed the rest of Cooke's words. Her eyes narrowed, confused. And then, all at once, the memory unearthed itself. Madelyn had been at the Manor, the night she found out her father had died. Eleanor had been there, Karina too. They were all gone now, in the Netherworld with Yves. Her whole family, save her.

But, it had not been only Lowe family that evening. Then Lord Inquisitor, Jorryn Fordyce had been there, with Vaylin, the Valkyrie. She remembered the tension. She remembered the advice that she she had given Rae: that she was courting someone above her station. That it could only end in tragedy. Jorryn had emerged years after the collapse of the Empire without Rae by her side, so Madelyn had always supposed it had ended that way. Still, Madelyn felt a slight pang of guilt when she thought back to the whispered conversation. After all, she had brought Yves into her bed only a month later, and within a year the pair were married.

"Did you miss me, Minister? Will you show me my place, or can I continue to press my luck?"

Madelyn smiled despite herself. This was a rather interesting way to end the work day.

"From where I stand," said Madelyn, "it seems like you already are." She paused a beat, her emerald eyes looking Rae over from head to toe, taking her in, wondering her intentions. She cast a look around the atrium, emptier than it was even a minute ago, but they were not wholly alone. "My office then?"

Madelyn turned on her heel, assuming the Lieutenant would follow her, and escorted the woman to her office.

Inside, Madelyn leaned back against her desk her hand tucked behind her. As she regarded Ms Cooke, her hand searched around, fingers wrapping around the small sharpened letter opener she kept there. Rae Cooke. The Legionnaire was now a Lieutenant in the Kainate. It was not unheard of. It wasn't even unlikely. But, something didn't seem right. Why was she here? And, hadn't Madelyn heard something from Jorryn when she had visited her in the Alliance, about the young Rae Cooke? The memory tugged at the edge of her mind, the details lost to her after years. Still, she held the knife.

"So, here you are, Rae." A slight edge had crept into the former Grand Vizier's voice. "But, I wonder why? Most of this floor is my staff. Are you... Working on a project?"


//: Madelyn Lowe Madelyn Lowe //:
//: Sith-Imperial Government Offices //:
//:Jutrand //:
The rumors were oddly true. Madelyn Lowe was a woman who held her composure in the most awkward of situations. Allyson half expected an outburst, but one didn't become Minister of the Order or even Grand Vizier with brash actions and loud outbursts. Lowe created a distance between them, and Allyson didn't chase, letting the woman have a reprieve from their introductions. To hear the woman speak the cover's name was almost perfect. Allyson didn't realize how much she had missed this slice of her life, but it wasn't anything beyond that. Rae Cooke was in the grave as far as anyone knew.

After their confrontation, Allyson wondered if Jorryn had given up the Corellian's identity. With Madelyn's reaction, she figured her secret was safe - but the Minister could always be lying.

The Corellian smirked as the invitation to the office was made; maybe Ms. Lowe didn't know. She walked a few steps behind, giving the proper distance between a guard and their official. Following the Lord Inquisitor, being alert, and protecting her with one's life had been part of her training. How easily Allyson fell back into the role she performed was almost tragic.

She followed into the office, Allyson watching the woman the entire way. Her movements and sway showed the slight edge she felt while potentially questioning what this encounter meant. Rae Cooke shouldn't exist anymore; they both knew this, and Allyson kept herself alert. Already, she had walked into the viper's nest unprepared, but meeting Madelyn face-to-face was worth it. The door shut behind Allyson as she followed the woman, stopping partway from the desk and letting her have the rest of the space. She turned and asked her question. The subtle motions behind her back weren't lost on the Jedi Shadow, but Allyson pretended to not see anything.

Dropping the hat, Allyson smiled and shrugged her shoulders. "Why? To see you, of course, Minister." her voice was lyrical as she teased. "I heard that the great Madelyn Lowe had been appointed to the Ministry of Order; I knew I had to see you again to show you that I made something of myself." Allyson laughed, hands in her pockets as she shrugged. Stepping forward at a slow and somewhat daunting pace. "The funny thing is," Allyson started, her face feigning concern as a hand rested against her chin. "You know Rae Cooke doesn't exist; she never did exist." Another shrug, this time exaggerated. "So then you're probably asking who I am if Rae Cooke wasn't real," That classic shit-eating grin Corellians were known for, particularly what Allyson was known for.

"Drum roll, please," Allyson patted her leg, mimicking rapidly, letting the Minster's mind catch up and wrap around the entire show that the Spy had put on. "When I was in the Empire, working under the lovely Lord Inquisitor, I was here under the orders of the SIA to gather intelligence and dismantle as many internal structures as possible. Jorryn, sadly, was easy to turn, as were the secrets she shared with me, such as the many battle plans, strategies, and profiles of the high-ranking officers. All of your secrets were mine." As she spoke, Allyson had walked up to the grand desk of the newly appointed Minister. Leaning forward, she stood close again to the blonde. A hand resting on the polished wooden desk. Her voice lowered, almost tempting, pushing the Kainite. "Didn't you ever wonder why the Alliance always seemed two steps ahead of you, Grand Vizier Madelyn Lowe?" The Corellian enunciated each syllable of the woman's title and name. She sighed gently, letting the heat of her breath caress the delicate skin of the Minister's ear.

"That was me," She grinned, close enough to take in the faint whispers of Madelyn's perfume. "Mm, I suggest rethinking what you're holding so tightly behind your back." Allyson pulled back and stared into the two fervent emerald eyes of the woman in front of her, unfazed. "Name's Allyson, Allyson Locke."
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ʀᴏᴛᴛᴇɴ ʜᴇᴀʀᴛ

Sith-Imperial Government Offices
Allyson Locke Allyson Locke

Madelyn's expression changed slightly when Cooke referred to her as Minister. Madelyn wasn't a minister, not yet. Her pending submission to the Dark Council was not so much a secret, but it certainly wasn't public knowledge. How did Cooke know of it? Something was wrong here.

Madelyn didn't have to wait long for the worst of her suspicions to be confirmed and more. She stood still and silent, muscles tensed, her usually tempered features showing clear shock and alarm. Madelyn couldn't believe what was happening. Each dark truth that Cooke- no, not Cooke- revealed bounced around her head in a strange internal game of call and response.

Rae Cooke never existed.
She was here under the orders of the SIA.
Jorryn was easy to turn.
All Madelyn's secrets were hers

"Didn't you ever wonder why the Alliance always seemed two steps ahead of you, Grand Vizier Madelyn Lowe?"

Madelyn's eye twitched. All that ruin. Years of degradation and rot in the Alliance. Everyone who she had blamed for it was dead or gone now. That had allowed her to move on. She felt something sinister and ugly rearing its head inside her. There was only one thing she was waiting for, one thing that left Madelyn hanging on to every word, unblinking, eyes wide and alert. Her name. What was the spy's name?

Allyson Locke.

The knife dropped to the floor with a clatter, but not because Madelyn was cowed. No, she seethed with an anger that could only be released by her fingers around that smug Corellian's throat. How dare she. How dare that impudent little creature come here now. When Madelyn was on the cusp of leaving it all behind. Madelyn would not have cared had she read some file confirming the woman's identity. There were spies everywhere, especially in the twilight years of the 10th Empire. But this was far worse. She had come to gloat, waited years to simply show up and let Madelyn know that she had beaten her, and there was nothing she could do to change it. Nothing she could do to set it right. The past was set in stone.

Madelyn's eyes flashed and the office door slammed shut behind them without her moving it, hard enough to make the clear glass panel adorning it splinter, making the neat black lettering labelling her office unreadable. Madelyn let out a shuddering breath and stepped towards the woman, malice glowing behind her emerald eyes. Another step, and another, enough to hopefully force Locke to step back against the office wall furthest from the door, with Madelyn standing over her, close enough almost to touch.

"So what is it these days?" Madelyn hissed. "The SIA, or the Tsis'Kaar?"

Close as she was, Allyson would be able to smell the scent of Madelyn's perfume- tea and earthy spices- and hear her breath, shuddering with rage and some baser emotion. She still wondered what the spy's intentions were. Why explain herself? Why not merely stick a blade in her throat, or give her a bolt to the back of the head? No, this was something else. Madelyn leaned in, eyes fixed on Allyson's, her face less than a hands breadth from the spy's.

"Why are you here? If it is to humiliate me, and drag about the ghosts of my past. Then surely you have succeeded." She clenched a fist. "What do you want, Allyson?"


//: Madelyn Lowe Madelyn Lowe //:
//: Sith-Imperial Government Offices //:
//:Jutrand //:
Allyson held her breath, waiting for all the details to sink in. Everything that had happened to Madelyn after the fall of Bastion had been orchestrated somehow by the Corellian. She watched the small muscles in the woman's face twist as the realization of everything came to light. Allyson's grin only widened as Madelyn's fury exploded. The force blew through the office, slamming the door, shattering glass, and any papers the woman had carefully and meticulously over compulsively organized flew askew. Allyson reveled in the eruption of raw frustration from the typically calm and collective Madelyn Lowe.

With each step forward from the woman, Allyson took a step back, a tantalizing tango between the women. At the same time, Madelyn questioned - searching for the answers to satisfy something profound within her. The Corellian gave her nothing as she stopped the moment the office wall slammed into her. There was no backing down from the towering, imposing figure of Madelyn. Allyson continued to grin, enjoying the emotions coursing through the other woman. Laughing, Allyson leaned into Madelyn even closer; she wouldn't let the blonde have this moment.

"Wouldn't you love to know?" Allyson sneered. "Would it make you feel better Safer?" Allyson pouted her lower lip as she teased. There had to be a reason why Madelyn needed to know the woman's loyalties. Was she scared of the Tsis'Kaar? The SIA? It was delicious knowing that there was still more to dig into.

The tension between them was suffocating, a battle for desperate control. Madelyn was close, too close, and her perfume intoxicating. Her breath was hot and uneven, as the Corellian could see the struggle to maintain any ounce of composure. Allyson's fingers twitched at her side, her nerves getting the best of her. There was an excitement, a danger that she wanted to exploit.

The smug little grin never faded as Allyson let the silence continue. She had come to gloat, but also, there was something nice in seeing something or someone familiar. They were both relics of the past, long forgotten and rotting in the Alliance. It had been some time since Allyson had this tension and excitement. This would be a game she played as long as she could. Allyson's voice lowered, and she leaned even closer - dangerously close to the Kainite's face, "Do you really want to know why I'm here, Madelyn?"

Allyson's eyes softened slightly, taking in the infuriated face of the former Grand Vizier, a woman that the Corellian has screwed over more often than naught. "I just wanted to say…" Fingers grasped the firm cloth of Madelyn's uniform. The minimal space between them closed as Allyson pressed her lips to the officer's. It wasn't soft or gentle, but it was intense.

She pulled back and laughed, "I win."
ʀᴏᴛᴛᴇɴ ʜᴇᴀʀᴛ

Sith-Imperial Government Offices
Allyson Locke Allyson Locke


"Would it make you feel better Safer?"

Yes. She was surrounded by shadows. Many enemies, as many apathetic observers, others potential allies, all shrouded until Madelyn made a leap to one. Her proximity to Carnifex had shielded her last time, but his power was fractious here, by extension the fragment Madelyn wielded was fickle. The path up to the lofty heights of Sith-Imperial authority was narrow and treacherous. It took all her concentration to not lose her balance on the climb.

And along came Allyson Locke, to give her a little push. Yes, knowing whay direction the spy was shoving her made her feel safer.

Then, Allyson surprised her. Madelyn felt the kiss as it spread from her lips throughout her body, growing in intensity as it went on. Madelyn returned it, leaning in, her fingertips tingling toes curling eyes closing from the sensation of it. She broke away long enough to gaze into Allyson's brown eyes, still half lidded. The Corellian spoke.

Allyson Locke had won. She had defeated her in a game years in the making. But, had she lost herself as well? Madelyn thought, tracing the events in her mind. Something clicked into place, and she smiled despite it all.

"So what you came here for was... Me?" Madelyn's voice was disbelieving, even a touch amused.

"You do not deserve me." Madelyn laid her palm on the woman's chest, at first seemlingly a gesture to push her away, to press her body against the wall. But, Madelyn's fingernails dug into Allyson's skin, and her other hand found itself tracing Allyson's jaw, fingers wrapping around her face. Madelyn looked down into Allyson's eyes and saw what lurked there, surely what must have hungered for ages, waiting in her mind, until today. How could she deny that?

"But I will grant you a taste."

This time, it was Madelyn whose lips pressed against her rival's. She drank in the scent of her, the sensation of her needy touch, tugging at her uniform. This was perfect. This was everything she needed. And completely the wrong person. She felt the need to breathe and reluctantly she pulled away, gasping. She stayed there for a moment, leaning against Allyson, gathering herself. A moment later, she was in control again.

"You want to know what I think, little spy?" Madelyn asked. "I think that you have been thinking about me for years, and whoever has been keeping you has just cut you off their leash." Madelyn's hand crept upward, wrapping around the spy's throat. Madelyn resisted the twitching in her fingers, the violent urge to make Allyson panic the way she'd made Madelyn only a minute earlier. She felt her heartbeat thundering in her ears so loud she could barely hear her own voice as she spoke. Soft, sibilant, menacing.

"You heard that I was here." said Madelyn. "You heard and it made you remember." Madelyn let out a slow, controlled breath. It took all her will to keep her composure. To go on. "And so you came to me. Not to gloat, and not to win."

"But to fall into my arms, and lie with me. Just like you wanted when you were Rae Cooke, heartbroken and alone in my manor."
The last words were almost a whisper, but the office was still and silent, save for their ragged breaths. She leaned in so that her lips were brushing Allyson's ear, her body pressed against her. "I can grant what you desire."

All of a sudden, Madelyn was pulling back. She released her grip on Allyson. She moved backwards. One step, two, again leaving a space between the pair of them, a yawning void where seconds before there had been acheing closeness. Madelyn felt dizzy, but she did her best to maintain the appearance of utmost superiority. It was vital she remained composed. This was the second bout of their game.

"If..." Madelyn said, returning to her position in front of the desk. "You tell me who you swear alliegance to..." Madelyn crossed her arms and smirked. "And admit to me you don't give a damn about them."

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//: Madelyn Lowe Madelyn Lowe //:
//: Sith-Imperial Government Offices //:
//:Jutrand //:
The shift was sudden, and Allyson realized she had lost control the moment she claimed victory. There were several miscalculations, and the Corellian realized that her hubris had put her in her situation. Madelyn was someone she had always been warned about. There was a reason the woman had not been a primary target, only one that information was gathered. Allyson had been instructed to avoid any and all contact, and the Spy finally learned why.

Madelyn Lowe was always in control. She knew what cards to play and where the hidden traps had been set. The woman was capable of turning a terrible situation in her favor. While Allyson lost herself playing house with Jorryn, Madelyn had been getting better and smarter. This was a losing hand that the Corellian had drawn.

But you never tell a Corellian the odds because the odds never mattered in the first place.

Allyson's body stiffened as she felt the woman's weight against her, her hand pressing into her chest while her hand held her attention. She watched, eyes never leaving the face of her opponent. As much as she wanted to fold, give into the words the Kainate was speaking, assuming that it was the truth - Allyson's truth for being here, she couldn't. The streak of stubbornness in the woman was long down to the blood red corellian stripes she typically wore. Allyson had been too stubborn to die on the FIS Kuragin when it was destroyed during an Alliance invasion - she wouldn't give in now.

As Madelyn continued, offering the little Spy a taste of what she provided, Allyson allowed herself to indulge in the sampling. Every hard-pressed kiss, hardened grip on her thick uniform, and every single push of the woman's cursed thigh made giving in sound so much sweeter. Allyson held her ground, even when the blonde pulled away from their final kiss. The Spy's tongue darted out, running over her lips, which were still burned from Madelyn's kiss. She didn't move as the tension threatened to crush her, but her Cheshire grin widened, almost enjoying the back and forth they were playing.

Even now, Madelyn focused on the Corellian Spy's allegiances; she truly needed to know if she felt safe or maybe because she wanted that control. The leash had been loose, and the Alliance couldn't hold on tight enough. The Jedi severed it, and Allyson roamed without a Master for now. Madelyn's desires were quite curious indeed.

"Perhaps." Allyson finally spoke, a hand rubbing around her neck; part of her was surprised the Kainite didn't take a moment to threaten her life; it would have made the encounter nearly breathtaking. It was hard to hide the blush that danced across her cheeks, coloring them and exposing her enjoyment of the exchange. Still, even with the growing space between them, Allyson could feel her skin crawling, aching, wanting the woman's heat back against her. Her eyes darkened as she watched it. It was Madelyn's turn to gloat and enjoy her perceived victory over the Corellian. Almost mockingly, Allyson shrugged, her face giving nothing away as she laughed, soft and humorless as the space widened between them. "You think you have control here?" Allyson started as she began to cut down the space between them. She wanted to feel that closeness; it made her feel alive, and Madelyn had apparently agreed.

"Do you want me to throw myself at your mercy and tell you the secrets that I know?" Allyson stopped a few feet from the woman standing before her desk, basking in her control. "Yes, you're right." said Allyson, "I did hear that you were here; I came looking for you; I needed to see you." There was some honesty in the words as they hung; Allyson was given a taste that some of her wanted more of. "You really think you've won, don't you? You think you won the moment I walked into your office." Allyson continued to close the distance, once more close to the woman, keeping her firmly where she was against her desk. "The thing is, Madelyn, I let you have that kiss; I let you take control because I wanted to see how far you would go," Allyson continued to smile as she leaned in, mirroring the way Madelyn had teased her, letting the heat of her breath and the soft notes of her woody fragrance linger. "And I'll admit you didn't disappoint."

Allyson pulled back and once again shrugged. "What more do you need from me? I am being assigned to the Tsis'Kaar." From the Corellian's understanding, it was the best place for her, but rumors of its leader brought questions of doubt. Still, judgment hadn't been ruled out yet. "Do you demand my answers because you want me to pledge my loyalties to you? Do you wish to be the one I sing all the secrets I uncover?" Her movement was quick as she pressed herself against the taller woman, pushing her back against her desk, a leg resting between hers, applying the same pressure as the minister had done to the Spy previously, Her voice low, tempting, and almost goading, "Or do you wish to have a little spy of your own, to warm your cold bed at night, to fill your ears with coveted secrets?"

Allyson grinned and nuzzled gently against Madelyn's ear,

"Is it you who desires me?"
ʀᴏᴛᴛᴇɴ ʜᴇᴀʀᴛ

Sith-Imperial Government Offices
Allyson Locke Allyson Locke

"I needed to see you."

The idea that there was someone out there thinking of Madelyn, dreaming of her, that filled her with... Something. Pride? Joy? Madelyn wasn't entirely sure. She had never been very good at reading her own emotions. It was easy enough to read others'. They wore their hearts on their faces, in their body language and the tensing of their muscles. But Madelyn was a closed book, even to herself. Loathe as she was to admit it, all she knew about herself was that she was a creature of instinct. She sensed Allyson was too.

Madelyn's emerald eyes sparked as Allyson drew closer. She stopped, either to hesitate or to remind Madelyn she still maintained a semblance of power in their exchange. But Madelyn could see that her heart wasn't in it. Allyson continued to close the distance between them as she spoke. This time, it was her who came to Madelyn.

I let you have that kiss; I let you take control because I wanted to see how far you would go,"

"And I'll admit you didn't disappoint."

Madelyn held her breath, doing her best not to reveal the effect Allyson was having on her. She was close enough to feel the heat radiating off her body now, and it took all of Madelyn's will to resist pulling her in once again. The desire infuriated her. How dare this spy, this enemy, make her feel like this. Still, desire could be shaped, and Madelyn could see her own wants reflected back at her. That, she could work with. She would just have to resist herself until the time was right.

"I am sure you told yourself that is why you're here." Madelyn retorted. "But I know better." Allyson had let her have that kiss. Madelyn did not doubt that, but not because she was playing some greater game, no, it was because deep down she truly, deeply desired it. That was power in Madelyn's hands, power she could use, if she played her cards right. The Corellian girl would struggle and resist, there could be no doubt. That was her nature. But both of them new already that Allyson had determined the end of this little confrontation the moment she had kissed Madelyn. She had broken first.

When Allyson pulled back again, it was a relief. Madelyn let out a held breath, and all at once she realised something about the power she held, about the tension that commanded the room. The first hints of an idea began to form in her mind, but she needed to know more before she could put it to action. Luckily, Allyson was obliging.

"What more do you need from me? I am being assigned to the Tsis'Kaar."

The Tsis'kaar. That was better than the alternative. If it had been the Alliance, Madelyn doubted she could have allowed the poor girl to live. But this was something she could work with, a risk she knew how to manage. Even so, hearing Allyson's credentials confirmed made Madelyn's stomach drop. She could never allow herself to trust this woman, regardless of the use she could provide Madelyn, regardless of her wit and charm, she was the enemy. Always.

"I am glad you told me." Madelyn said evenly. Despite her best efforts, she couldn't keep the hard edge out of her voice. She had to do better than that.

All at once, before she could process the admission, Allyson was up against her again, and Madelyn couldn't help herself. Her hands searched across Allyson's waist and back as she leaned into Madelyn in a way that made her body buzz pleasantly, dulling the voice in her head that told her she needed to keep control, almost drowning it out. Almost.

This time, Allyson Locke did not retreat back, did not break off their tense contact. Never mind the fact Madelyn's arms were wrapped around her so tightly, it was Allyson who chose to stay. Madelyn wanted to allow it, wanted to submit to it. Allyson had made her decision. So had Madelyn, so why not just allow it to happen? They certainly both wanted it. All Madelyn had to do was return the kiss, and allow herself to fall into Allyson's embrace.

But she couldn't. It was not right. It was not the way she was. Madelyn was too prideful to allow it. Anger flickered inside her chest again, beating back her desire and allowing her thoughts to ring clearly again. This intruder, this spy, had deigned to come here, revealed a betrayal years in the making, and then dared to resist Madelyn. She had pushed back, pressing against the desk, even though she knew she wanted to be on the other side. She teased, and tried to play a hand she did not have, pushing on despite knowing she had already lost.

The nerve of it. Madelyn could not abide that.

With Allyson whispering her sweet words in her ear, Madelyn's hand crept up the spy's back, her fingers wrapping around her fine brown hair, before closing so that she had a tight grip. Gently, but firmly, she tugged, so that Allyson's face would be pulled up to to hers, so Madelyn's emerald eyes gazed into hers, unbreaking. The flecks of green in the spy's eyes were like the fragments of Madelyn that had embedded in her the night they met. She held her there, straightening up from leaning back on the desk, so that she once again stood above her, so that Allyson still had to look up to her.

"Is it you who desires me?"

"I do desire you."
Madelyn said coolly, despite the flush across her cheeks and her laboured breaths. "Let us be honest, Allyson, hmm?"

"I will take you to my bed."
said Madelyn. "You will tell me your coveted secrets. You will pledge your allegiance to me." Madelyn's grip relaxed. Allyson's chance to pull away, or to stay, and be with her.

"And in return, I will give you access, purpose, a leash." Madelyn's voice was quiet and firm, her gaze still unbroken. "Because this is what we both want."


//: Madelyn Lowe Madelyn Lowe //:
//: Sith-Imperial Government Offices //:
//:Jutrand //:

Allyson studied Madelyn's face. Every twitch and muscle that tightened her jaw with every word that the Corellian spoke told her enough. It was true; not many could read the woman. This made it easy for her to climb ranks and command so many. Her presence demanded respect, and while Allyson challenged her, there was always a hint of respect for the woman and her station.

Seeing the woman react, despite trying to hide the desire knotting in her chest, Madelyn remained calm. She never betrayed her emotions, and Allyson couldn't help but want to continue to push, challenge, and get her break. The Spy wanted to see just a glimmer of that desire to bleed through.

Feeling the pull of Madelyn's coiling around her, Allyson would be lying to say she didn't want this. Being close, feeling the heat radiating from the soon-to-be minister, was enough to continue to draw the Corellian back in. Every breath she inhaled, the intoxicating blend of spice and tea, the further she drowned. It was so easy to let herself melt into the woman; her power wielded so effortlessly. The spy had spent years navigating the webs of deception, playing whatever part that was required of her as easily as it was to change clothing - but this game was different.

Fingers threaded through her brown hair, each point of contact burning as she fought to show any semblance of enjoying the blonde's attention. She was the first to break, as Madelyn's firm grip reminded the Corellian of the woman's control. The pull elicited a small grunt from Allyson as she held Madelyn's gaze, her body becoming taut from the tension. This was surrender but not a loss - it was still her choice.

There was no hesitation from either of them. Allyson listened, and the smile on her face only grew. Was this the break in the woman she had been looking for?


Slowly, Allyson's body relaxed into the hold as she leaned closer, licking her lips and gently tasting the burn from their kiss. "You always did know how to get what you wanted, Madelyn." Her hand slowly glided up the arm that held her back, not to resist what was happening but to affirm that the woman would soon get what she wanted. Allyson was choosing this.

"I will give you what you want," Allyson murmured, "My secrets, my loyalty," Allyson continued as her hand pulled, relaxing Madelyn's from the grip on her hair. "But don't confuse it with submission; I give you what you want because I choose to, not because you take them." Even though she spoke the words, the line between taking and giving was blurred beyond recognition.

Allyson didn't care.

A hand gripped the fabric at the official's waist, pulling her closer, as another snaked around her back, keeping Madelyn in place for a brief moment. Again, Allyson remained close, drowning herself in what made Madelyn captivating. "Make sure you pull my leash hard," the Corellian's words were tempting, almost daring, as she smiled and brushed her lips gently against Madelyn's ear. "How do you want me?"

Allyson dragged her lips down the curve of her new handler's neck without giving her a chance to respond. A hand sliding from her waist gripped tightly on her thigh as her leg positioned itself between.

Everything was a challenge.
ʀᴏᴛᴛᴇɴ ʜᴇᴀʀᴛ

Sith-Imperial Government Offices
Allyson Locke Allyson Locke

"You always did know how to get what you wanted, Madelyn."

Indeed. For some reason, Madelyn's gut wrenched at the words. Allyson was right. She had always taken, always found a way to have her desires granted whether or not she deserved it. Here she was doing it again, and though Allyson was a spy, a traitor and a liar, Madelyn knew she didn't deserve her either. But she would take all the same. She would get what she wanted, because Madelyn couldn't help herself. She felt Allyson's hand sliding across her skin and she allowed it to happen, wanted it to happen.

So it seemed did Allyson, for she spoke the sweet words of assent that Madelyn had asked of her. Madelyn could see that the Corellian had not broken under her pressure, only realised like Madelyn had that despite their history, they both yet had things they could do for each other, both here, now, in this room, and outside it. Madelyn could see the fire of independence in Allyson's eyes, and she was glad for it. It made her want her more. She had no wish to break Allyson over her knee, only to partake in what she offered, and to give in return. Allyson seemed to have arrived at a similar place. Her verbal jabs were not as provocative, nor as pointed. They had met each other in the middle. Was it an impasse, or a truce?

"Good." Madelyn said, voice low. "We understand each other." Even as she spoke, Allyson's hands tugged at her urgently, pulling her in again. Madelyn stepped into her, arms wrapping around the Corellian spy as her hands searched. Their hips and torsos pressed together, Madelyn's hand on the snall of Allyson's back. She kissed Allyson's bare shoulder over and again. It was the only place she could reach, and Madelyn was unable to keep herself from tasting her again.

"Make sure you pull my leash hard,"

In response, Madelyn raised her arm, tracing a path with a long-nailed finger around the woman's neck, and then down across her collarbone, her hands lingered there, but unlike when she had pressed Allyson against the wall earlier, her fingers did not wrap around her throat.

"Well." said Madelyn with a knowing smile. "Only because you asked so nicely."

"How do you want me?"

Madelyn felt Allyson's hot breath in her ear, the whispered words making her physically shiver in anticipation. This was infinitely better than if she had merely seduced Madelyn, or Madelyn had broken Allyson's resolve. In the proverbial leash there was a hidden promise to each play their part. The handler and her source, bound together not because of obligation, or manipulating, but because of desire. It was intoxicating, unlike anything Madelyn had ever experienced. The potential they had together was limitless, if they could only stop from tearing each other apart in the process.

"I want you..." There were so many ways that Madelyn could finish that sentence. She wanted Allyson underneath her. She wanted Allyson on her knees in front of her, she wanted Allyson to say her name in whispered tones. Madelyn moaned slightly as the Corellian trailed kisses down her neck, and embarassed, she pressed her lips together. Allyson pulled herself even closer, so that their bodies were entangled. Madelyn wanted to allow it, to succumb to it. But, there was only one thing Madelyn wanted that Allyson would not give her, something she was about to lose all hope of having if she continued: Control.

Madelyn placed her hand on Allyson's chest again, this time gently pushing her away instead of drawing her closer. If she let things continue as they were, she would be unable to resist Allyson. Ever. Period. That, Madelyn could not allow to happen. Ultimately, this office visit was an intrusion. If Allyson wanted the rest of what Madelyn had to give, it would be on her terms.

"I want you..." Madelyn repeated in a sultry tone, still holding Allyson at an arms length. "To take me to dinner."

It would be ever so fun to make her wait for it.

Madelyn leaned in close again and laid another kiss- long, lingering and intense- onto the spy's lips, enjoying the sensation, and allowing her to process the fact it would soon be over, at least for the moment.

"We'll go somewhere nice, spend the evening together. Then perhaps we will both get what we want."
Madelyn said it as if she were offering something generous, but the rapid rise and fall of her chest gave away the desire she was fighting to suppress. Madelyn fought her urges and still talk, green eyes almost glowing. It was time to pull on the leash, so to speak. "My house. Tomorrow. I'm assuming you already know where I live."


//: Madelyn Lowe Madelyn Lowe //:
//: Sith-Imperial Government Offices //:
//:Jutrand //:
Allyson was caught off guard. She had been following the back-and-forth of their banter, the shift of power and control. Madelyn had made the final grasp, the moment when the line was drawn between them. She was in control; she held the leash, and Allyson obeyed.

Madelyn had pushed her away, and Allyson let the silence stretch. The tension between them was electric, charged with something deep and passionate. Allyson could still taste Madelyn on her lips, still feel the warmth of her body pressed against her, and now the cruel master was making her wait. It was a game that Allyson knew wouldn't be the end - this was a dance they would continue to participate in for as long as they found it interesting.

"Dinner," Allyson repeated as she exhaled deeply. Her eyes took in the sight of the woman, her voice doing its best to show her authority—the calm she believed gave her control. Her body betrayed Madelyn, telling the Spy the desperate desire they both knew was there. Obviously, her mind and body were at war, conflicted with the Corellian's presence.

"You always did like control," Allyson murmured as she stepped in, her low voice velvet, smooth and knowing. Allyson smiled smugly, "But I wonder, was it for my sake or…yours?" The sight of the woman, the conflict in her eyes that burned with heat as she looked at the Corellian. It was intoxicating. Leaning in, Allyson let her lips graze against Madelyn's ear, "I'll take you to dinner if that's what you want." Allyson pulled away enough to let her gaze into the brilliant emerald eyes; silence lingered while Allyson leaned in once more; she wanted to feel the burn of the woman against her lips again.

Though, she stopped, lips hovering over Madelyn's. She whispered, "I'll see you tomorrow," Allyson began to pull back, grinning. "I do know where you live - I wouldn't be the galaxy's best spy if I didn't."

//: Jutrand Luxury Apartments //:
//: Attire //:

Allyson stepped out of the speeder and adjusted the cuffs on her jacket. On the way over to Madelyn's, Allyson had suddenly become irritated. She had played right into the woman's hand. The woman had given her a set of orders, and Allyson obeyed without question. She even dug out a suit she rarely wore and rushed a cleaning of it - just so she could attempt to impress the high-class Imperial.

With a sharp pull on the cuff, the jacket straightened, and her hand adjusted the Windsor knot of the tie. Something had compelled her to wear it, which, again, she just mentally blamed Madelyn. In her hands was a small gold-wrapped box with a red bow; inside, Allyson had purchased an assortment of fine chocolates, which she had discovered while studying the woman. Along with the chocolates, Allyson had brought a single red rose.

Why was she nervous? Again, Allyson cursed the woman as she headed down the hallway, stopping in front of Madelyn's door. Exhaling, she tried to eliminate the annoyance she was feeling from having been played as she had.

Gently, she knocked and waited.
ʀᴏᴛᴛᴇɴ ʜᴇᴀʀᴛ

Jutrand Luxury Apartments
Allyson Locke Allyson Locke


"You always did like control,"

Madelyn's fingernails dug into her palm, hard enough to call forth a few droplets of blood that ran down her fingers like tears. Madelyn hid the bleeding hand behind her back, as if she was merely using it to brace herself against the desk.

Allyson leaned forward for a parting kiss, and Madelyn turned her head to receive it, closing her eyes in anticipation. She felt the heat of Allyson's face close by hers, but the kiss never came. Touchè, thought Madelyn as she pulled away. A small reminder that Madelyn did not hold all the power. She would have to watch Allyson closely.

"I'll take you to dinner if that's what you want."

Madelyn inclined her head slightly in assent. That question, she had been expecting, and her face showed no trace of the uncertainty concealed just beneath the calm facade. She wanted Allyson to take her to dinner, but she also wanted to to tell her not to leave, invite Allyson to undress her slowly, in the warm lamplight of her office. Thankfully, the Corellian spy did as she was told. Madelyn did not know if she had the resolve to resist her again.

"Looking forward to it." said Madelyn. That was an understatement. She was the one who had made this happen, and yet she ached for tomorrow to come quickly.

Allyson slipped out the door, and Madelyn released a breath she felt like she had been holding for hours. She turned a slow circle around the office. Her eyes passed over the papers strewn about, past the cracked window in the door, and Madelyn thought about how she had the Galaxy's best spy under her thumb, and yet she felt completely out of her depth.


It had been a long day of waiting. Madelyn had barely been able to concentrate on her work. She had got ready as soon as she got home, then simply sat in her apartment for hours, waiting until the time Allyson was supposed to arrive. It was, in a word, pathetic.

But to her credit, Allyson was punctual, arriving just on the hour as Madelyn had instructed. That pleased her, almost as much as it pleased her to see the Corellian in a suit.

"My my." said Madelyn, looking Allyson up and down, unable to hide how impressed she was. "Don't you clean up well?" Madelyn's eyebrow quirked up as she saw the rose and the gift wrapped box. A bashful smiled pulled at her cheeks and Madelyn accepted the bloom, inhaling its sweet scent. Placing the rose beneath her teeth to hold, Madelyn delicately unwound the ribbon on the box, revealing the sweet confections. Again, she smiled despite herself.

"I see you haven't forgotten your Imperial etiquette" said Madelyn lightly, trying to throw Allyson off the scent of her gratitude. Suddenly, she realised she hadn't considered the prospect of getting a gift. She didn't really want to carry them all evening. "I'll bring these upstairs." said Madelyn hurriedly, then added, "Care to come in for a drink? Our reservation isn't for a little while."


Madelyn Lowe Madelyn Lowe //:
//: Jutrand Luxury Apartments //:
//:Jutrand //:
//: Attire //:

Something was charming watching Madelyn react to the gifts. It made the Corellian smile, forgetting who they were in this galaxy. Allyson stood in the woman's doorway momentarily, her eyes drinking at the sight of Madelyn. There was something special, and the spy couldn't help but appreciate the woman. She stood there so effortlessly graceful, a vision that felt familiar and achingly out of reach. There was something beautifully alluring seeing the way the woman's lips curved into a smile from behind the rose. But, the way Madelyn moved, the quiet elegance that surrounded her - consumed Allyson's attention.

"You can thank Jorryn for my manners." Allyson laughed, remembering how much the Echani valued her appearance. As much as the Corellian missed the woman, she was distracted by the blonde in front of her right now. "Drinks sound good," she nodded and moved to follow the Minister into the luxury apartment.

Allyson found her gaze trailing over the woman. She wouldn't admit to it, but the spy couldn't help thinking of how she longed to press her up against the bare wall, feeling the heat of her skin beneath her hands and feeling what it would be like to slide the black fabric off her slender frame. Allyson's breath hitched as her eyes trailed along the plunge of the woman's neckline down her bare back. Her hand covered her mouth as she blushed, her mind betraying her.

Thankfully, the walk through the hallway into the apartment took Allyson's attention. It was bare but elegant. It is evident that Madelyn had recently moved, but Allyson wondered why nothing from her estate was here. It could have been due to her previous life and wanting to let it go. Moments like this reminded Allyson that her timeline and others were quite different. Madelyn had lived almost a lifetime since they had seen each other before yesterday.

Leaning against the back of the sharp, squared-styled sofa, Allyson endeavored to compliment the woman. "You look stunning, by the way." Allyson fought the crack in her voice as she swallowed heavily. Her mind once again wandered. A cheeky little grin spread across her face, "I can happily forget my Imperial manners for the night if that's something I can entice you with." She laughed before tilting her head, watching the woman.

Allyson hoped it wasn't just her that felt the tension in the apartment. Her mind was filled with what had happened the night before and how abruptly the Minister had decided to end it. Allyson remembered how the woman looked before she had walked away. The rise and fall of her chest, the flush in her cheeks, and the way her eyes almost begged for the Corellian to stay.

Her gaze dropped briefly, but how Madelyn's dress clung to her curves held her attention longer than it should have. The thoughts in her mind were anything but innocent, but Allyson had no intention of voicing them. Instead, she stepped into the apartment, closing the space between them and feeling the hum of tension radiate through her. Allyson wanted to taste that tension. She wanted to feel Madelyn's breath against her lips and her skin beneath her fingertips.

Allyson could feel the urge to cross the light, make this real, and pull Madelyn into something more than just a drink and some words. The bare room around them only made the pull stronger. It was too perfect; everything was so clean and sterile that something needed to be added, something messy to break the tension. Unbuttoning her jacket, Allyson relaxed more against the sofa, waiting for the drink Madelyn had offered her. She would have to settle for the drink if she couldn't sate her thirst with the woman's lips.

"I thought of you today, all day. How did the rest of your evening go, your day?"

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