Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Knowledge is Power

“I just can’t believe he would propose that kind of bill so soon after being elected,” said the newest senator of Brentaal IV, Marcus Tritum. “Maybe I should’ve done that…”

He sat in his private office in Hyperi 7, Luca Caldogne Luca Caldogne and Caulder Dune Caulder Dune across from him.

“Tell me, Caulder, did your little ears manage to find anything about this Leviticus?”

Marcus needed dirt on Dol Amroth in order to stop the new bill and Caulder had more assets at his disposal than Silver Shield jackboots. But Marcus needed some sort of proof.

Caulder Dune, now settled in his seat, issued a ragged, uneven sigh. "Marcus, wasn't it your job to straighten this place out? The lobby is still a mess. You didn't even change the signage."​
Hyperi 7, and the eviction thereof, had recently been mentioned in a senate session. The stain of history was now etched into the building's edifice. The only cure for that was a name change and some remodeling, neither of which seemed to have taken place yet.​
Once that was done, everyone could go back to pretending it was someone else's problem, from a different time and space entirely. The sooner that happened, the better for the Guild.​
"Try not to let this political hobby get in the way of your obligations," he rasped, "But yes, now that you mention it, perhaps I asked Mr. Harcrow to look into it, he does have some subtlety in him when the mood strikes. He might have talked up some locals and I might have had a hand in monitoring some servants' and aides' HoloNet communications."​
Servants always gossip. It is in their nature to do so - particularly when their employer is a freak-hermit in a stupid helmet.​
Caulder tapped irritably on his arm-rest. "Senator Kobitana visited recently," there was, perhaps, a tinge of jealousy in that statement, "My understanding is that she left in a rather sour mood."​
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“Did she? I guess you’re right, I will need to spruce the place up a bit. In case we want to have her and other senators over again. Can’t have the tower looking like uh…”

Marcus waved a hand.

“Well the way it is right now I guess. Look I’ll get Azimuth on it soon. But right now I’m a little concerned about planets suddenly barring us from doing business based on this new legislation. So what did Harcrow tell you?”
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Isar Isar | Luca Caldogne Luca Caldogne

"Oh, nothing unusual," Caulder droned, "Just that his records indicate he was born over four hundred years ago. That the Dol Amroth estate was, until recently, occupied by a distant cousin and descendant who has not been seen or heard from since Leviticus stumbled onto the scene."​
Caulder paused to ponderously yawn, "That the planetary government's investigation into that matter was cursory and unresolved. That some of the servants suspect foul play of the highest and most dramatic order. Etcetera. A grim picture, all said."​
The old man patted his breast pocket, absent-mindedly searching for one of those packs of Fiora-brand cigarras he had become so terribly fond of. It was amazing, the sorts of habits you could get away with picking up in old age when your respiratory system is made out of self-cleansing cybernetics.​
But of course he left them in the speeder.​
"If you ask me, he's probably a Sith Lord or something suitably cliché. Maybe a weird, fringe cultist or some kind of energy vampire. Something that's probably a criminal offense, even if he didn't smash his cousin's head in with a rock or whatever."​
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Marcus shifted in his seat and looked at Luca.

“Uh. Yeah. Probably.”

He cleared his throat.

“Anyway, so, this Leviticus shows up immediately after his cousin goes missing. And Leviticus has been what… locked in a basement for 400 years? You know, if I was a prosecutor he would be my prime suspect. And if I were law enforcement I’d be applying for a warrant to search his home…”
Caulder Dune Caulder Dune | Isar Isar

"It seems to be the norm for rich businessmen to hide some vulgar secretive obsession or religion these days." Luca responded without a trace of irony as he returned from pouring himself some water. If the others had indicated a desire, he would have poured some for them as well, putting the glasses in front of them.

"You'd think the pursuit of business or a political career occupies enough of their times, but no... diversification is not only the realm of finance and banking."

A sip from his glass as he leaned back into his seat.

"I believe we can all agree that this 'Leviticus' - odd name for a distinguished Senator - is a potential problem. Even if this metaphorical warrant does not reveal anything, I believe Mister Harcrow should be reasonably creative with any future investigation. Perhaps the Silver Shield Group can assist with a healthy dose of creativity, Caulder?"

If there was ever an euphemism.
Isar Isar | Luca Caldogne Luca Caldogne

"Had Abbadon would likely be a better place with you in charge, then," Caulder mused, "But as I said, the local authorities were not interested in pursuing it. Then the lemmings voted him into office."​
The logistics of escalating this into a federal investigation, and therefore applicable to Harcrow, were beyond Caulder. Something for Tritum to figure out if he wanted it so badly.​
Caulder leaned forward and took his glass, shaking his head, "My men are not going to be involved in any fabrications to make this stick. If Harcrow needs to get 'creative,' he can do that on his own. What else are we paying him for? Besides, making Amroth's shady backstory a matter of public interest will still be enough to sink him anyway."​
“No fabrications necessary,” Marcus said with a wave of his hand.

“Let’s keep it all above board. This will attract senatorial attention. Caulder is right. A murder investigation should be enough to sink his legislation. Especially since, for all we know, he really did kill his cousin. I don’t know a lot of men who wear metal helmets everywhere they go, but I’m pretty sure they’re the cousin-killing type.”

Marcus smiled. “But Dune, just remember what’s at stake. Your para military corporation being barred from operating in every planet in the Alliance that feels like it. And if you try to get around that creatively, well, we are talking sanctions, asset seizures, billion credit fines. It’s not pretty. And if we kill this bill we won’t need to worry about it. Besides, after we crush Leviticus’ clout our own political capital will be at an all time high. New inroads to power, gentlemen.”
Luca didn't look particularly convinced.

"I think both of you severely misjudge just how much the average Galactic Alliance senator cares about things like 'murder' or 'bad publicity'." Responded with a tone so dry it was more fitting on Tatooine. "About half the Senate consists of former Imperial Moffs, or close enough anyway, if that doesn't scream lack of self-awareness, I don't know what does."

But the man knew when he was outnumbered.

Neither Tritum nor Dune seemed particularly concerned, so why should Luca be? It wasn't like his bank had been planning on a wholesale purchase of any planetary government.

And unlike men with guns or industrial mining... money was always welcome in these places.

"Is there anything I can assist with in this venture? Otherwise I will assume it is in good hands with the both of you."

Isar Isar Caulder Dune Caulder Dune

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