Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Knowledge is Power

ᴅᴀʀᴛʜ ᴀɴᴀᴛʜᴇᴍᴏᴜꜱ


New Pau City, Sisio Starport

Kaila entered the empty docking ring, Her golden eyes glowing faintly in the dimly lit room as they searched, unsure if she had arrived first or not. She had arranged specifically for this one to be empty and unstaffed as not to disturb her meeting with Darth Varynx Darth Varynx . Sisio was far from the most luxurious location to meet with a Lord of The Sith, even more so now that the Outer Rim Coalition was no long gone and unable to bring the stability this world so desperately needed.

But it was neutral territory, a relatively safe planet to meet on. She figured Lord Varynx may appreciate that aspect at least.

Still, she hardly knew the man. More so she knew of him rather. What little she did know seemed to suggest that he too was a scholar of the dark side, though his viscous reputation far exceeded her own. Far as most knew, she was nobody, her name and face barely recognized anywhere in the empire. Even her records seemed all but blank, so much in fact that Kaila hardly knew more than the empire about herself.

It had it's perks however, allowed her to move freely and to speak privately without being followed.

Like Varynx, she was cautious, although she still had much to learn. Learning was of course the reason she was, meeting a stranger on such a decrepit world, all but her face obscured by hooded black robes for the time being so that not even the Kainate would recognize her out here. She had very... unique problems, problems she had only hinted at in her message, though it was clear that she wanted something from the Sith Lord, and that she was willing bargain for it if need be. The details were scarce to avoid raising alarm if her digital presence had been compromised, but she tried to make her intentions clear nonetheless, and to make it known that she acted alone in this.

Darth Varynx Darth Varynx
New Pau City, Sisio Starport​

Varynx has received an intriguing message earlier in the week. It was from a lowly apprentice, from what he could gather, wishing to meet with him. His first instinct (and one that still remained) was that it was a trap from one of the many Sith he knew who decided they wanted the knowledge he possessed. He felt little reassurance even upon seeing that the meeting location would be in an empty location in neutral territory.

He had finally arrived and upon leaving his ship, he looked around only to see one other individual standing in the docking bay. She stood at around 5'9, she wore black robes that covered all but her face which made her look to be somewhere in her 20's. Varynx was cautious. While he couldn't sense anybody else nearby, he kept his guard up; he never takes chances.

He approached her, his movements being that of a person with the utmost confidence in themselves.

"I take it you are ' Kaila Irons Kaila Irons '?"


"Paranoia is my armour, and vigilance my shield. With them, I trust nothing but the certainty of my own power"
ᴅᴀʀᴛʜ ᴀɴᴀᴛʜᴇᴍᴏᴜꜱ

"That is I" Kaila said, bowing her head in greeting to the Sith Lord, and removing her hood. Long golden hair settled over her shoulders, and a youthful face beheld him curiously as one may expect. Perhaps deviating from expectations however, was her signature in the force. It was certainly that of a Darksider, but it seemed to fluctuate between the dark and something even darker. There was no one else present, but it was still as if one soul was about the slow process of eclipsing another despite meeting resistance.

And yet outwardly, the young apprentice seemed entirely focused on the matter at hand.

"You are Darth Varynx Darth Varynx then? I appreciate you meeting me here, despite the suspicious circumstances. I hope you can forgive the secrecy in time? I fear we would be discovered otherwise, and I do not believe my master would appreciate me meeting Sith outside our own circle without his prior knowledge"

Perhaps a wordy way of saying "Hello", but she believed a quick and honest introduction would go a long way in reassuring the reputedly violent Darth, who she needed on her side for the time being. Perhaps trust was not in the cards yet, but perhaps damage control of such an untrustworthy situation was.

"If you'd prefer a more... public location, one where incident would have additional consequences for myself, I suppose there are plenty places to drink in a city like this. Otherwise, I feel this place is more protective of both our privacy. Your choice really"

Darth Varynx Darth Varynx
"I commend your forethought young one. For a private talk, this spot most certainly works."

Varynx wasn't lying, he truly did appreciate those who think these types of situations through. Protecting knowledge and preventing those unwanted from learning it are always at the forefront of his mind. Now, he was still sceptical, he always was, but he felt conflicted at this very moment. On the one hand, he was faced with an apprentice, one he felt he would quite easily triumph over should there be a conflict. On the other hand, he could tell there was something off about this girl. She felt like one person present, but had someone else with her; it was something he had never seen as far as memory served.

"Now, what was it you wished to discuss, Apprentice? I'm a busy man and I don't have much time to waste on inexperienced Sith searching for my knowledge. So, please, talk."

Kaila Irons Kaila Irons


"Paranoia is my armour, and vigilance my shield. With them, I trust nothing but the certainty of my own power."
ᴅᴀʀᴛʜ ᴀɴᴀᴛʜᴇᴍᴏᴜꜱ

"Very well, I shall skip the pleasantries" Kaila would nod, already figuring a man like Varynx would prefer she cut to the chase. It would have prevented her from stalling, if she ever intended him harm to to lure the man into trap. But she really was alone and here to negotiate an exchange. All business really.

"I wish to offer an exchange of sorts. I am interested in whatever you can tell me about Force Ghosts, particularly how to bind them. How to kill them. Any method of control really, if you know of such a method"

It was a tall order, her voice betraying her own skepticism on the possibility. And yet she had read of Jedi somehow fighting back Sith Spirits, so there must be a way. Her only concern however, was whether she required the light to do it. An unpassable obstacle if true.

"On my end, I have access to the Kainite archives of Malsheem, most of which is accessible only by Seekers such as myself. I am not interested in compromising the larger Kainate itself, but I would be willing to search them for any particular knowledges besides, or keep an eye out for further developments. I know that is a vague offer, But the information stored on the Malsheem is vast, and I am yet unsure of your specific interests"

It was a risky move, certainly more so to herself than to Darth Varnyx, but she needed that information.

"I'm afraid that continued research of the spirits on my part would arouse suspicions as I've already gathered certain documents on the subject, and I'm hoping to keep my research private for my own reasons. Whatever documents I copy for you however, could pass for one-off curiosities if done correctly, rather than a larger project"

Darth Varynx Darth Varynx
Now that most certainly caught his attention. Access to the Kainite Archives was something he'd heard of, but never believed he'd gain access to. This was a golden opportunity to gather knowledge he originally thought he'd one day have to take. He turned back to the Apprentice before giving a small smile; a calm smile that gave off no reassurance.

"Well, you present an intriguing offer, one I would be a fool to reject. You are a smart one. Knowledge should never be given, it should be traded. One should only request knowledge if they have something of value in return."

Varynx moved to a nearby create where he sat down.

"To bind a ghost or spirit, one is required to force walk. It is an ability I've researched, but never attempted due to how risky it was. It was discovered by Lord Ergast many millenia ago. It is the ability to bind a spirit to one's own body and will and make use of their power as their own. However, it required great strength of will, since binding an unwilling ghost provides greater power."

Varynx opened his eyes and looked at the Apprentice.

"I'll assume you wish to know this because you're dealing with your own spirit. Regardless, when one performs the ritual, they cannot bind more than one ghost, otherwise it would become far too great a burden on the body."

He stood back up before gesturing to his ship.

"I can help you preform the ritual, help you bind your spirit. But then, you must give me knowledge from your Kainite Archives. Do we have an agreement?"

Kaila Irons Kaila Irons


"Paranoia is my armour, and vigilance my shield. With them, I trust nothing but the certainty of my own power."
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ᴅᴀʀᴛʜ ᴀɴᴀᴛʜᴇᴍᴏᴜꜱ

He seemed pleased, that much was good. Initially had concerns that the otherwise vague offer would leave him with doubts, but he seemed to be an intelligent sort and recognized the potential in that deal. And it seemed her was offering potential in kind.

There was a flicker of curiosity in her eye when he mentioned "Force Walking". She had heard it referenced in old tomes and such but never the specifics, nor outright instruction. If it could do all that Darth Varynx claimed then it may indeed be the solution to her problem. Which was, as he suspected, a ghost of her own. She could feel the spirit of Darth Parasideus stirring within, disturbed by the implications of the host's bargain.

Though it was not without risks, it seemed. For one it seemed that she needed to travel with Varynx, a variable that she failed to consider, and she did not like the idea of being cooped up in a fortress or some such consolidation of another Sith's power. A place where she held none of the cards and a quick escape could not be guaranteed.

"That depends," She announced, deciding that she needed just a little information now rather than later.

"Will it increase the risk of possession? Or... worsen an existing case? As you guessed, I have an unwanted passenger who has become... problematic" Her jaw clenched after spilling her secret. He was the first that she had openly admitted this to, and even if she knew her intent couldn't remain entirely hidden, it still stung to admit such a weakness. Although, one could argue that her efforts to remain in control thus far pointed to a strong will.

"I also want to know where exactly we're headed. For my own safety"

Darth Varynx Darth Varynx
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Varynx showed a slight smile underneath his hood. This Apprentice wasn't like those he's met before, maybe because she wanted knowledge or maybe because she seemed to be as cautious as he was. Either way, he was impressed with how careful she was being. Normally, a Sith would be so self-confident, they wouldn't fear anything in front of them, even if they were heavily outmatched. That's what he valued most, Sith being assured on their own power, but cautious enough to know when outmatched, or know when to keep secrets close.

"Worry not, the ship I arrived on has a meditation chamber inside. In there, we will have full privacy to allow for full concentration."

He began to move towards his ship.

"To answer your other questions: it depends on who's performing the ritual. It takes a strong will to bind the spirit, and a stronger one still to contain it. Bind a spirit properly and their power is yours, if you don't, the spirit may just break your body from the inside. Regardless, if you wish to have a chance at keeping your... 'companion' under control and their power, yours, I recommend you come with. Not many other Sith understand Force Walking as I do, simply for the reason I try to limit knowledge I find from entering other's hands. So, you either try your luck with me, or find another. Your choice."

Kaila Irons Kaila Irons


"Paranoia is my armour, and vigilance my shield. With them, I trust nothing but the certainty of my own power."
ᴅᴀʀᴛʜ ᴀɴᴀᴛʜᴇᴍᴏᴜꜱ

"A useful artifact indeed" Kaila had read of such chambers, how certain powerful sith lords built them into flagships and used them to amplify their own power such that they could reach out to touch and to harm others from incomprehensible distances. If only she could build her own.

Darth Varynx must be capable, to have one of his own, and while a capable man was dangerous, she would rather be in capable hands during such a procedure than the hands of an incompetent fool who would get her killed without even meaning to.

She chose to follow the man, just out of arm's reach for now while she listened.

Just as she had made an offer too rewarding to pass up, he made an offer that she could not rightly refuse. For if she did, she would forever be fighting for control over her own body, exerting all her will just to perform basic tasks. Her choice was to inevitably lose this war of attrition or to finish it here and now in whatever manner lord Varnyx deemed appropriate.

It was an easy choice to make. One which she could already tell was upsetting to the restless spirit.

"Not much of a choice, but one I am prepared to make. Very well, We shall do this your way"

She sighed anxiously, preparing to steel herself for what was to come. She'd come this far, surely that must count for something?

"If I may..." Kaila decided to pursue another thought, to clear her head

"How is that you know so much of this power? My own research suggested it was a lost art, and that even during the time of it's use it was rather obscure. I'm surprised that it survived at all"

Darth Varynx Darth Varynx
Varynx reached his meditation chamber and sat down, indicating the Apprentice to follow suit. Upon hearing the girl's question, he looked at her with a glint in his amber eyes.

"An interesting question, with a rather simple answer. The Sith are... fools. They seek to challenge each other for power, to take the knowledge they want, either through force or manipulation. But knowledge exists everywhere. So, upon becoming a Darth, I poured all my time into traveling the galaxy, finding secrets and knowledge all around it. One day, I cams across a holocron of Darth Nox, an ancient Sith Lord and perhaps the greatest Force Walker in history. I learned of the ritual from his holocron. Sometimes to defend yourself from your enemies and rivals, you need something to leverage. For me, that's hidden knowledge."

He took a breath and looked at the girl.

"Now, the ritual consists of two conditions. One: pacification. An angry ghost cannot be tethered, you must first calm them or weaken them to the point their will is weakened. Second: the binding itself. Binding a willing ghost leaves it it's own will and therefore you gain less power. An unwilling ghost allows you to draw more or their power. Understand?"

Kaila Irons Kaila Irons


"Paranoia is my armour, and vigilance my shield. With them, I trust nothing but the certainty of my own power."
ᴅᴀʀᴛʜ ᴀɴᴀᴛʜᴇᴍᴏᴜꜱ

Kaila sat as bid, cross legged as she prepared for whatever meditation or ritual was required to see this through. She appeared interested in what Varynx had to say even if the answer was ultimately simple. Holocrons fascinated the young apprentice, even if she had only ever been able to hold one in her time.

But then he explained the ritual itself. She looked less intrigued, less eager, more... worried.

"It's... it's listening"

Her voice was almost a whisper despite knowing the spirit would hear her regardless. It could hear everything that she could, see everything that she could see and more, even feel the things she felt. It wasn't always spot on, but it was enough to make things difficult.

"How am I to calm the spirit if it knows my intent?"

Her only hope now was that Darth Varynx would not take offense on the technically that she was not truly alone, even if no living thing accompanied her. She hated to admit it but she would be rather lost without his guidance on the matter and without him, she had no hope of controlling the spirit.

She needed him.

And she didn't like needing someone.

Darth Varynx Darth Varynx

"Hmm, well it would depend on the spirit. But, in your case, I wouldn't worry. Even if it knows what you are doing, the very fact it has yet to retaliate tells me that your spirit simply believes you'd be unable to bind it."

Varynx closed his eyes and sensed the presence of the Apprentice in front of him. Then, he tried to focus more on the spirit residing with her. To him, it was faint, but potent. It lacked presence, but it's (former) power was noticeable.

"So, what you have to do is simply bring forth the spirit and pour all your will into overcoming it's own. If you're successful, the ghost will no longer bother you, and it's power is yours. Fail, and either your body simply dies, or it becomes owned by your spirit. Either way, this will be remarkable to watch."

Whether she was successful or not didn't matter to Varynx. He simply wished to see the ritual performed and what would happen. If she was successful, it would allow him to go into more practise with it. If not, he'd have an ancient spirit to consult with. Either way, he'd consider it a win.

Kaila Irons Kaila Irons


"Paranoia is my armour, and vigilance my shield. With them, I trust in nothing but the certainty of my own power."
ᴅᴀʀᴛʜ ᴀɴᴀᴛʜᴇᴍᴏᴜꜱ


"Ah yes. How comforting..." Kaila sighed.

In truth the anxious state of the apprentice could be felt through the force even under the mask of sarcasm, and the spirit knew it. She could practically feel it mocking her in the deepest recesses of her mind.

She exhaled slowly, shakily, eyes closing while she focused on drawing it out.

The two psyches began probing and pulling at one another, the third presence among them beginning to feel more potent, as if the air was steadily becoming thick. It was no longer masking it's presence. To a lord so knowledgeable as Varynx, it was difficult to truly hide it's presence from him, only reduce it's perceived significance. But now that it was done hiding, it was if the spirit's true nature was flooding the chamber. It would feel old. Like something that had lived many lifetimes over even before passing into the force, only to be dragged back by it's own rage. Rage and Pride. It was so... bitter.

<<Don't make me feed you to Darth Keres>>

<<You would have done so already... But you need us>>

They began to communicate with words unheard, the clash of minds beginning as she sat in complete silence. Despite the daunting task however, she continued, the tiniest bit emboldened by her realization thanks to Darth Varynx; The spirit had already underestimated her once. It was the reason she remained in control.

<<And you need this body to finish what you started>>

"Isn't this what you wanted...?" She whispered, taking another deep breath.

"We could end this here and now..."

Intrigued by the implication, A presence seemed to come forth from Kaila's lightsaber, inky black tendrils of fog crept along from between metal plates, slowly rising into the air in front of them. The shadows seemed drawn to the same place, light gently dimming as the fog drank it in, beginning to take shape.

Between the two Sith, translucent robes unfurled from the shadow and fog, devoid of any occupant nor life. A hood was pulled over the unseen figure, but where one should rightly expect to see a face, only an absence of light remained, yet staring down at the two figures as an unseen force began to gently poke and probe at their minds, looking for a crack in their defenses.

It continued to stare in silence matched by Kaila's own in her deliberate focus.

But after a time, it turned to Darth Varnyx.

"Clever," It spoke in the voice of not one, but many. It was like a discordant choir of beings from all places and many eras, the voices of men and women, the old and the young, the human and the alien, and whispers in languages long dead all spoken in shackled union.

"This sacrificial test of yours" The voices almost sounded amused, but then it leaned in closer.

"We wonder... what else we will find in that mind of yours"

Kaila opened her eyes and scowled, grabbing the lightsaber from which the spirit had been summoned.

"I'm the one you want. Try it and I'll-"

It felt as if many needles pierced her mind all at once, the lapse in focus opening her defenses for the malevolent spirit as it glided across to her, the shadow which it had been borne of seeping into the space between her eyes. It seemed the wraith was not all powerless without flesh.

Darth Varynx Darth Varynx

"Interesting. I can feel you... in my mind. Trying to see, read, understand my thoughts. I wouldn't try it. I've practised shielding my mind for so long it's not even a conscious action anymore. Regardless, this puts you and I at an... impasse. I cannot harm you, you can't hurt me."

Varynx stood up, eyeing the spirit that was now between him and the Apprentice who appeared to not be as skilled at shielding her mind. He watched curiously, looking back and forth between the girl and the spirit.

"Oh, yes, Apprentice... you have yourself a powerful spirit here. If I'm not mistaken, it's not quite a single mind is it? Many minds, yet one entity? Oh well, I'm sure you'll tell me once you stand back up and bind this ghost."

He looked past the spirit and eyed the girl, his eyes meeting hers.

"You are going to succeed, right? If you are Sith, you will stand up, push through the pain and dominate this ghost. A Sith claims that which they are owed. So, you can either continue this pathetic display, or you can prove you were worth teaching this ritual."

Varynx looked on blankly. He was being completely serious. All great Sith he knew would never allow themselves to be brought down by the dead. The question in his mind was simply if the Apprentice would break her chains, the ones set by the ghost, and place them on the spirit instead.

Kaila Irons Kaila Irons


"Paranoia is my armour, and vigilance my shield. With them, I trust in nothing but the certainty of my own power."
ᴅᴀʀᴛʜ ᴀɴᴀᴛʜᴇᴍᴏᴜꜱ

Kaila grit her teeth, glaring at Darth Varynx as a slow change began. Dark pools began to form at their edge as the spirit tried to assert control, sure that after so long and such a desperate plan that Kaila's will was surely eroding. Her prior resistance on Dathomir a fluke, but weak. A woman with no memories had fewer insecurities to prey on, but it was an otherwise weak defense. It still allowed him to partially possess her before being exorcized the last time.

And yet...

She stood, shakily, but she stood as bid. The spirit pressed further in response, moving closer as if putting physical weight behind an otherwise psychic attack, nearly sending the woman back to the ground.

Yet still she stood.

"He is right. Yet the weak are owed nothing"

Kaila growled. In pain, in defiance, was there a difference anymore? From the brutal training of Darth Carnifex that saw every bone broken and replaced in the forge to the things she must do to survive her duties or the company she must keep to secure a future in secret. Every day she continued was one lived in constant pain, but to give in and let go was die.

"I have... endured... worse than you! I am owed... so much more!"

She growled at the spirit, at the personification of everything she hated in this galaxy. Carnifex, Spirits, The Force, all names for one chain.

Kaila's eyes began to shift again as she threw out one hand, their golden hue that was once eclipsed by the specter's ink was beginning to shine bright against the shadow with a violet radiance. Anyone who had ever seen this ritual before would know what was happening. The faceless spirit too was overtaken by this bright light which burned where it's eyes should have been as wills truly clashed.

From the apprentice's fingertips came an eerily similar glow as bolts of dark side energy coiled about her hand and was launched violently at the spirit.

It once again cast the mind shard to defend itself, and yet despite her shouts of protest, the pain only amplified Kaila's resolve just as the properties of Varynx's meditation chamber amplified her powers, leaving the spirit to stare in confusion.

"We are

Darth Parasideus

And we do not bow"

It uttered in defiance, only for the shadows binding Kaila to recede, and the energy emanating from her to coil around him.

"Then I will chain you standing!"

The spirit dissipated like smoke in the wind, and Kaila fell limp.

Darth Varynx Darth Varynx

Outstanding. Simply outstanding. He just witnessed the process of binding a ghost for what could possibly have been the first time in centuries, maybe millenia. He looked down at the collapsed girl in his meditation chamber and could feel her in the force. Her presence was much more noticeable, more potent. She may still be inexperienced compared to great Sith, but he could feel her raw power increase.

"Well done, Apprentice. You've certainly given me a wonderful display of the Force Walking technique. Now, I'll let you come around and then we can further our discussions."

He moves away from her before assuming a mediative state and focusing on the power of his chamber while awaiting the girl to regain consciousness.

Kaila Irons Kaila Irons


"Paranoia is my armour, and vigilance my shield. With them, I trust in nothing but the certainty of my own power."
ᴅᴀʀᴛʜ ᴀɴᴀᴛʜᴇᴍᴏᴜꜱ

Her presence and been strengthened indeed. Parasideus had been a powerful lord in life, thought by many within his isolated reach during the 400 year darkness to be one of the last remaining Sith, his own cult believing themselves to be the final iteration of the order before it's fall. Kaila had absorbed not just the life of a rival but a being who had within him lifetimes of knowledge and dark lore from before and after the great collapse brought upon this galaxy by the Gulag Virus.

It had taken everything she had to contain it, her heartbeat feint and her breaths shallow as time passed unknown to her as the seasons would pass over an uncaring stone, but she had taken all that and more for herself.

Had she been more experienced or had the ghost been anyone else she may have woken in a matter of minutes. Instead it would be dark by the time she would awaken.

And awoke she did.

Her eyes shot open and still shone with that eerie violet glow though it was quick to fade into a corrupted gold that was all the more familiar, All the more her own as she blinked and coughed, sitting herself up against the chamber walls.

"What... happened?" She winced

"I feel so... so different, yet I feel... myself"

The spirit felt distant now, almost small even. She did not know if that was because her own power felt so much greater than Parasideus or if it was simply because he was now locked away.

She looked at her hands, noting how her sleeves had frayed and torn at the end under the strain of dark side energy, their battling wills made manifest. Then she looked to Varynx, unsure what was to follow.

Darth Varynx Darth Varynx

Varynx awoke from his meditation and looked at the Apprentice. Her confusion was to be expected and was rather amusing to see.

"Simple, you succeeded in binding that spirit of yours. I'm sure you're already noticing thing are a lot more... quiet? Now, I should probably warn you not to go around doing this... repeatedly. The body can only handle so much, so I don't recommend binding more spirits."

Varynx rose and stood across from Kaila Irons Kaila Irons , awaiting to see if there was anything unexpected about to happen.

"Now, while I'm sure you are thrilled regarding your new-found freedom over the voice(s) in your your head, I think it's time we discussed my your end of the bargain. You are going to uphold our agreement, right, Apprentice?"

Varynx's paranoia started to creep in, he was on edge. He was sure that even with her spirit-supplied-power-boost he'd come out victorious, but still felt that he should be worried that she may escape and spread his knowledge.

Up to now, he had referred to her as 'Apprentice' simply because he cared not for her name. His last use of the title, however, was one of warning. Reminding her that she was still far below him in rank, and that she shouldn't try to back out their deal


"Paranoia is my armour, and vigilance my shield. With them, I trust in nothing but the certainty of my own power."
ᴅᴀʀᴛʜ ᴀɴᴀᴛʜᴇᴍᴏᴜꜱ

"Yes, yes. Your payment" She waved dismissively.

Under normal circumstances she might have even thanked him, although she was well aware that they were both using one another and that ultimately their lives meant little to nothing in the eyes of the other. Still, Kaila was an honest soul, at least for a Sith. One might find it peculiar that a woman so inclined to skulk about beyond her master's gaze had any sense of honor. Or perhaps she simply knew that trust was a currency, and this was an investment.

"I suppose I can't expect you to consider this experiment reward enough, despite my taking all the risks"

She stood to her full height, rolling stiff shoulders while getting her bearings again.

"Is there something in particular you wish for me find in the archives?

Darth Varynx Darth Varynx
Varynx thought for a moment, before he looked to the Apprentice with his answer.

"To be entirely honest, I'm not sure what I would wish to seek from those archives... So, if you see anything in those records that would be an equal trade for learning Force Walking, that will be an acceptable deal."

Varynx then stood up and led Kaila Irons Kaila Irons out the chamber towards the exit of his ship. He then stopped them both at the exit.

"Now, with that sorted out, contact me when you have a payment. I have to return to my own duties, so I'll have to leave you here. I'm sure you have a ship elsewhere. Good day, Apprentice. I'm curious to see where you go, so don't force me to kill you by backing out our arrangement. My rivals in the Sith not holding up their end of a bargain is something I can handle. What I can't handle is when they do that and my side of the bargain was providing knowledge. Consider it a warning. Good day."

With that, Varynx escorted her off his ship before returning to it and returning to his own duties among the Empire.


"Paranoia is my armour, and vigilance my shield. With them, I trust in nothing but the certainty of my own power."

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