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Knowledge of The Young

[please delete my other topic with this title xD Was told that I made the last one on my ooc account]

After just landing his small modified Scout Vessel, Zenna, Ba'ar lets out a sigh as he steps out of it. He had just arrived at a small base that was branched off of the Sith Headquarters. He held a couple of books in one hand with his hand wrapped across their spines to the other side of the book closest to his body. He could feel the dry leather that the pages were held between. Holding them out, he opened one and ran a finger down one of the pages. The feeling of old and dry crisp pages went through his body. The books held an old and dusty air to them. Walking through the door as it slid open, he began walking down the hallway with an eye looking at the signs pointing towards each room. The Library was his main target. After taking a couple of turns, the Library was within his sight. A calm grin spreads across his face before the smell of the room filled the air he breathed in. Breathing a big breath of air, he allowed the air to fill in his lungs before exhaling. He had a feeling as if he was Home. But of course, for someone who made sure to stay distant from making friends, where ever he found a Library was the place that made him feel at home.

As the young boy entered the room, he turned his head to the left as he spotted the Librarian. His eyes couldn't help but notice a rather decent line ahead of him. A slight wisp of a moan of impatience and disappointment escaped the boy's mouth. He was ready to turn in these books and rent the next books in line of the series he was reading. Ba'ar was a rather big fan of both book's of survival and combat. He had grown rather attached to the fighting style of Kyusho Jutsu, which was the Art of Using Pressure Points. He liked to learn how to survive in the wilderness and in different situations. He even tested what he had learned every time he finished a series by traveling to planet's that could provide the required scenario. Stepping into line, he had no choice but to be patient and wait. The only thing he could find to kep him occupied was looking at the isle's within his view to see where he was going after he turned in his books. The aisle he was heading to for the Survival and Combat Books wasn't in view.

After a few minutes of waiting, the Librarian made a slight coughing noise to catch Ba'ars attention. Just hearing the sound snapped him out of his thoughts. Walking up to the desk, the boy nodded as a Hello towards the Librarian before placing the books on it. The woman holds out a small device that scans the Code on the spine's of the two books. A beeping sound came from the device. The Librarian looks up at the boy and nods, letting him know he was clear and on time. A sigh of relief escaped his breath before walking off to find the next two books that was in line of the two series' he was reading. Walking through the aisle's, the boy grabbed whatever caught his attention. He had found one of the book's that was next in line while the other one was not available as all copies were in use. It was the book on Combat that he was missing. Though, while looking he found some possible substitutes. After grabbing everything that caught his eye, he approached an empty desk in a back corner and set all of the books down. Taking a seat himself, he grabbed the first book in the pile and began reading in silence.

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