Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Tag: Cadere Cadere
Location: Korriban


A whirlwind of dust and sand was blasted away as a shuttle descended towards the orange cliffside of Korriban. The release of pressured air was released as the blast door opened with a ramp extending down to the surface. Appearing in the opening, stood a cloaked individual, scanning the area, before descending the ramp to the ground. As his feet hit the ground, minor orange dush clouds exploded for a second before getting swept away by the warm wind of Korriban. Waiting for his new apprentice would exit the shuttle as well, the cloaked figure would continue towards a large stone structure built into the edge of the cliff. As soon Cadere exited the shuttle, four Death Troopers exited after him and would guard the shuttle like statues, in silence with the exception of their haggard breathing.

Walking in silence the cloaked figure finally stopped when they neared the first of six pairs of columns flanking the broken and withered away path to the entrance of the large structure. The columns had writing edged into them almost disappeared and weathered from being left to Korriban's nature. "Can you feel it? Forgotten knowledge" expressed the cloaked figure with a tone of excitement before continuing down the wide broken path to the entrance of the structure by the end of the path.

Just by entering the planet's atmosphere, Cadere would have felt the overwhelming pull of the Dark Side and the close they got to the surface, the stronger the pull and the more powerful ecstasy type overwhelming feelings would devour and feed off of negative emotions, only fueling his prowess. The Dark Jedi would also feel the structure also radiated powerful negative emotions, almost calling for anyone near it, to enter.

However, Cas hadn't really been told much, other than the location and that their target was some sort of old text either as a small object or large. If Cadere looked around the cliffside, he would just be able to see an enormous chunk of the massive planet over the cliff. In fact, the Fallen Jedi would be able to just gain a glimpse of temples or something else related to temple-like structures. However, he wouldn't be able to see any Sith Temples or academies of any shape or form, placing them both very much away from everyone that might be on the planet at this moment.

The Dark side emissions were unparalled on Korriban, it was as if the planet was infested with its darkness - more so than Dathomir - the moment the shuttle entered Korriban's atmosphere, Cadere could feel it. Soon after the shuttle had docked on the desert wasteland, Insatious was quick to exit followed by his Death Troopers.

Finally, Cadere would emerge from the shuttle and descend the docking ramp, passing between the two Death Troopers standing guard, the fallen Jedi approached his Dark Master and stopped beside him. Cadere tilted his head upward ever so slightly, closing the golden eyes that lay behind his mask's red visor and inhaled deeply. As a Jedi Cas Tynen envisioned the universe as a circuit, the Force its bright electricity, energising all beings, but now as he tasted more of the Dark side, it was much more potent, like an electrical storm of energy that only struck those worthy to wield its power. Cadere felt the black storm that was the Dark side surrounding him and penetrating him as if he was a living conductor. It was almost euphoric, being fuelled by all of this power.

"Yes." Cadere answered impassively, observing the path ahead as he followed beside the taller Sith Lord. Although he was now the Sith's Apprentice, Cadere did not shy away from his desire to kill Insatious, every moment they were together the Sith Lord would sense the tempest of rage and hatres surround the Dark Jedi - Cadere imagined that the sadistic Sith Lord found this scenario quite amusing. The Apprentice's scorn for his Master, but too weak to challenge him. Part of Cadere wondered if this was some game to Insatious, he was so confident in his own abilities that even with Cadere's soon-to-be growth in power, Insatious still believed he would win when the day came that Cadere would try to kill his Master. It was the way of the Sith after all, although Cadere was no Sith.

Regardless of all that, Cadere continued to walk alongisde Insatious, regularly taking in his surroundings and gauging the Sith homeworld. Continuing to look forward, not looking upon his Master as he spoke, Cadere asked "What are we here for. For me, or for you?" with the same emotionless tone, Insatious would know what the Dark Jedi was asking, despite his vagueness. Cadere wondered if the two Dark side adepts were here to further strengthen the Master or the Apprentice.

Darth Insatious Darth Insatious
Tag: Cadere Cadere
Location: Korriban


A sudden warm breeze caught them, pulling in their clothing, bring a lot of sand with it for a moment as they made their way to the entrance. Stopping by pitch-black opening in the towering opening to the ancient temple, the old cloaked man, turned his head just enough, so Cadere could see a singular illuminating orange eye of his master. A sliver of a cracked smile was visible, or at least the right side, as Insatious returned his attention to the pitch-black entrance. "We'll see when we arrive, won't we boy?" Asked the Lord more as a hypothetical question, than one he wanted an answer from.

And with those words, Cadere would see his master disappear into the darkness of the entrance to the temple. Surprisingly, passing the apprentice, was two Cas clones, known as Subject-TC13 and Subject-TC14 or as shortening by their siblings, TC13 and TC14. They both looked over their shoulders with a mocking smirk, "like your wannabe fake-ass could even learn anything of the Dark Side" commented TC13, giving Cadere a disgusted look over their father's new apprentice as TC13 disappeared into the shadows after Insatious. Cadere would often get called out of challenged by one of the clones, just waiting for Cadere to act, so all the clones got an excuse to jump him all at once.

Turning around, TC14 gave Cadere a look over, looking ever so disappointed, "Yea, kriff off to that prison-temple you called home... Cas" said TC14, using Cadere's Jedi name as mocking and turned his back to Cadere, flipping him off over his shoulder and disappeared into the darkness as well, leaving Cadere alone at the front. Behind him, he would see the Death Troopers still standing guard, like statues of stone for millennia. Other than that, he was completely alone outside with only the surrounding area, sand and warm wind.

Upon entering the pitch-black entrance, Cadere would find himself for a brief second in nothing but darkness for a couple of seconds with only the red glow from his visor on his helmet. After a bit, he would find himself standing in a short corridor, no more than ten or so meters long with enough room for three people standing shoulder to shoulder.

At the end of the corridor, was an old stone lift built into the interior and made to bring people up and down. The walls in the corridor looked very much like the design Cadere mostly had seen on table-reading when he saw himself as Cas. There wasn't anything special, other than giving the interior an old Sith aesthetic look to them.

Standing in the middle of the platform with a clone whispering together to the side on the lift. As Cadere went closer and closer to the lift and Insatious, the Lord's shadows almost felt incredible suppressive as if they were tainting Cadere's own shadows. It was strange though, 'cause, when trying to sense his master, he would pick up on any strong connection to the force, and yet, the Sith's very aura and shadows revealed a monstrous everlasting hunger, only waiting to be released from its temporary prison.

When Cadere step onto the lift, one of the clones placed their hand on the wall, bringing the old mechanics controlling to lift, to lift as it creaked and scraped the gears as it descended to whatever there may be in the old and forgotten Sith Temple.

Cadere stared into the dark abyss that led them further into the temple's interior, not looking at his Master as he was addressed by him. Insatious' answer was unsatisfactory, but he expected nothing less from the Sith Lord. Shortly after the Dark Lord entered the darkness, Cadere took a step forward to follow only to be met by the insults of his own voice. Stopping in place, he rolled his eyes as he felt the presence of two of his clones, clones whose numbers he hadn't bothered to remember, approach and then pass him.

Fingers curling into fists, Cadere kept his contempt silent but his negative feelings screamed through the Force. The Dark Jedi felt disdain toward the individuals grown from his DNA, initially feeling sympathy for them, whenever looking upon them, hearing them use his voice, Cadere could not help but look upon them with disgust. Wearing his face and committing acts against his will, it wasn't right.

His grip loosened and he entered inside, trailing deeper into the entrance before stopping inside the corridor that enclosed him and the clones. The entrances interior's markings looked familiar, but he neglected to focus on the memories they brought up. Despite now being the Sith Lord's apprentice and spending more time with him, Cadere deduced he would never get used to Darth Insatious' signature in the Force - the feeling that made him cold and tense, the aura he would feel coming from it, a void that merely consumed the Force surrounding him, a void that was never satiated. The fallen Knight pondered how the Dark Lord lived with it, surmising that Insatious could potentially be a wound in the Force. Although, he wasn't too sure.

Following one of the clones activating the lift, without a word or lifting a finger, Cadere took command of the Force and wrapped an invisible hand around the throats of the two clones, squeezing it with an intense ferocity. As they gargled for air, Cadere remained silent for a few seconds before speaking "Remember who you're talking to, clones." emphasising on the word 'clones' with poison "You only exist because of me. I won't hesitate to become the reason you cease to exist." the fallen Knight concluded before releasing the ethereal grip and folding his arms, waiting for the lift to descend.

The two clones still saw him as Cas Tynen, the compassionate Jedi Knight - however, he was much more... more powerful. If the two tried anything, Cadere would be quick to remind them he was no longer Tynen. The Dark Jedi was sure their 'father' wouldn't mind... or better yet, even care.

Darth Insatious Darth Insatious
Tag: Cadere Cadere
Location: Korriban


Both clones felt the burning sensation in their lungs as the air was denied access, falling to their knees. At first, they stubbornly tried to fight it, staring defiantly into the red glow of Cadere's helmet, but when Insatious stood behind the Dark Jedi with only the faint glow from his, staring expectingly down at both clones. They reluctantly stopped fighting Cadere's grip and finally inhaled a breath when Cadere's grip was dropped around their throats.

Falling down on their hands, they took a couple of more breaths but did not attack Cadere as the lift continued down through the upper part of the temple.

Surprisingly, Insatious had been quiet, he hadn't even commented on Cadere or his clones getting chocked, showing just how little the clones life really meant for him in the grand scheme. Whatever the clones were thinking, they didn't reveal their feelings and stood quietly in the lift, waiting for it to reach the bottom.

The loud screeching of gears, breaking the lift to a halt, had the door slid to the side, revealing a dim-lit corridor with the same art-filled corridor as the one on the top. Exiting the lift, Insatious continued down the corridor's stair, reaching no more than maybe ten feet in length. The clones, on the other hand, remained behind Cadere, staring at him, waiting for him to exit the lift.

When Cadere decided to follow Insatious and got to the other end of the downward corridor, he would find himself in an enormous chamber reaching around fifty feet, from floor to ceiling. In the top, hugging the edge, natural sunlight shined through, which couldn't be possible as they were deep within the ground of the mountain they had landed on.

Spread neatly apart, large decorated pillars of old design continued up to the ceiling, forming the support for the whole place. The massive long chamber continued another eighty or ninety feet, though it was difficult to see past the forty feet, because of the dim-lit light from the top. If the Dark Jedi examined his surroundings, he would find the walls, like the pillars, carved with very old design, probably design forgotten to the galaxy entirely.

As the pillars were built to hug the wall, the centre of the long shaped hall had a smooth designed pattern, slithering and twisting to different shapes. However, one thing the Dark Jedi would quickly be able to notice was blackened shapes of humanoid shadows, carved into the walls, every so often as part of some elaborated mural of some ancient battle, taking place if what eerily looked like the Jedi Temple on Coruscant.

The clones seemed to ignore Cadere as they started to take notice and show their curiosity about the temple. The Dark Lord, on the other hand, didn't stop, as if the temple seemed to not even fancy the otherwise extremely passionate Lord for ancient Sith art and artefacts. No, no the Sith Lord was looking for something else, something much more valuable and it showed as he made his way deeper into the great hall, looking left and right for something. "Where are you" mumbled the Sith Lord to himself.

Something else, Cadere quickly would notice... the clones was nowhere to be found, though they might just have stayed back, standing behind pillars, examining the walls.

Cadere smirked beneath his mask at the clones desperately clamoring for air, and even better he felt no reaction come from their 'father' either. Placing his hands behind his back and tilting his head up slightly, he continued to grin sadistically, they were quiet now - which meant they now knew their place. As inferior copies of him, bred for nothing but to do Insatious' bidding, Tynen had tried to warn them before... now this is their fate.

Cadere followed behind Insatious not too long after the Sith Lord exited the lift. Walking in line with the Sith Lord, Cadere discreetly glanced around the area and proceeded to absorb in his surroundings. Taking notice of some sort of mural on one of the walls, displaying... maybe a battle? He wasn't too sure but Cadere split away from Insatious to take a closer inspection of the inky black silhouettes plastered across the wall. Cadere surmised that... whatever was in this temple, must have been immensely valuable as the intense focus that surrounded Darth Insatious was something he'd never seen before... at least not to this extent.

Backing away from the mural, Cadere made his way back to Insatious and stopped behind him "Well? What are you looking for?" he asked, with a slight impatience in his tone. Glancing over his shoulder, the Dark Jedi realised somethis was amiss... where were the clones? "The clones are gone." he stated with an uncaring tone, he was sure Insatious wasn't bothered about it either.

Darth Insatious Darth Insatious
Tag: Cadere Cadere
Location: Korriban


"Ah, found you!" expressed the old Lord stopping by an old stone coffin surrounded by alters of sacrifice with long dried up stains of blood on them. Stepping up the small flight of stairs onto the raised platform, Insatious raised his hand and for just a split second, Cadere would feel the very familiar prowess in the Dark Side from the robed Lord. With a sharp snap of his arm, Insatious without a drop of respect for the dead tore the lit of the stone coffin off, sending it flying off to the side.

Walking over to the now broken, but open stone coffin, he looked inside and looked at a well-dressed skeleton, holding three old stone tablets in its arms. With a wide grin spreading, the Lord carefully gathered up the tablets in his arms and started to head back towards the exit without so much as to tell Cadere anything.

With a single command from Insatious, without even looking up from the tablets, already reading the content.

"Kill him".

The next thing Cadere knew happened, was him getting blasted back and into the stone coffin, shattering the old tomb. Standing between Insatious and Cadere, was the two clones, blade ignited and a killer smile to match their intent. Meanwhile, Cadere would watch as Insatious soon would reach the entrance and stone lift, the only way out as far as Cadere knew.

"I guess even failed Jedi has their uses for more than getting killed" taunted the clone on the left, twirling his blade in his hand.

In a flash of unnatural speed, the one who spoke came directly at Cadere in a leap going for a strong vertical attack, splitting. The second, however, reached out with the Force, attempting to place the Fallen Jedi into a stasis, giving the other clone a quick and precise killing blow. By now, Cadere knew how the clones would do anything to win their 'Father's' approval, so this was more than likely, that they did this, thinking Insatious would name one of them his successor.

Cadere remained behind his Master, waiting for a response to the observation he had made only to receive no acknowledgment. The Dark Jedi's head tilted slightly as he metaphorically shrugged off Insatious' aloofness. Following that, he remained in place in silence, watching the Dark Lord like a voxyn as he gathered whatever it was he was looking for. His gaze followed Insatious as he moved toward the exit and he moved to take a step in pursuit until he heard:

"Kill him" coldly echo through the room.

An annoyed sigh escaped the fallen Knight seconds before he felt an invisible force shove his body toward the stone tomb behind him. His body crashed through it, shattering it almost instantaneously - having the wind knocked out of him, a pained grunt left his lips. Although he quickly recovered, spinning his legs and kicking himself upward and onto his feet. Cadere rolled his eyes at the clone's taunt, they were too narrow-viewed to realise they were pawns contributing to his own growth in the Dark side. They'd learn soon enough.

Cadere's reflexes allowed him to quickly ignite his lightsaber and raise it up to defend his torso, just in time to block the sudden attack from one of his clone's. Only he realised that seconds after blocking the attack, his body refused to comply with his brain. Cadere whipped his head in the direction of the culprit, the second clone who had their arm stretched in his direction. Grunting as his movement had been frozen, Cadere went on to focus his rage and call upon the Dark side both within him and that infested the area - with it, he expelled an invisible blast outward that would knock the clone closest to him away as well as breaking the focus of the clone that had him frozen.

The contents of the room were knocked over as Cadere's Force repulse touched every corner of the room. Whether the clone had been knocked over from his repulse, Cadere shot his arm forward and pulled it back in quick succession, heaving the clone toward him all the while constricting his body's movements with telekinesis. Lightsaber at the ready, pointed toward the clone, Cadere prepared to pull his inferior copy directly into his lightsaber and end its pathetic life before moving onto the next one.

Darth Insatious Darth Insatious
Tag: Cadere Cadere
Location: Korriban

The clones felt the knockback effect of Cadere's rage as they went flying back with the one who jumped, went flying into one of the pillars. They quickly gathered themselves, looking at each other for a brief moment, before refocusing. That brief moment, however, was what caused Cadere to return the favour and lock one of the clones movement and pulled toward Cadere's blade. Having been caught off-guard for just a moment, the clone called out "brother!".

In a flash of great speed, the other clone would match Cadere's telekinetic pull and dash after his brother. "NOOOO!" Roared the clone not pulled in by Cadere and the one that did get pulled in, felt his abdomen get pieced by Cadere's blade of pure energy, melting away anything touching it. Looking down in disbelief, the clone had been pierced by Cas' blade all the way through. Standing face to face, Cadere looked directly at his own face clouded in anguished pain. However, despite the absolute excruciating pain, the clone actually grabbed hold of Cadere's arm with almost renewed energy, but most likely with the help of the dwindling Force.

Cadere would physically be held in place, as the clone who holding him stuck, blood dripping down his lower lip, smirked. "Time to die you reject son-of-a-Jedi," said the dying clone painfully and did not let go of his iron grip. Meanwhile, the other clone came rushing towards Cadere and swung his deadly blade in a vertical strike of determination of hatred for Cadere.

Whether Cadere would notice it, the lift had already disappeared, as Insatious locked the Padawan in with the two clones, heading for the transport ship. To make it worse, if Insatious actually made it to the transport ship and got to his Star Destroyer, Cadere might lose Insatious again if the Sith Lord jumps to hyperspace.


The sound of the crimson blade melting through the clone's abdomen was a joyous sound. Ignoring the cries of his 'brother' Cadere's expressionless visor stared directly into the eyes of his own, devoid of all sympathy and empathy, the Kiffar's expression matched the contents of his mask - cold and unmoving.

The clones' spirit matched that of their template, even when the odds were against them they still fought to their last breath. Cadere merely moved his head ever so slightly in the direction of the arm that had been grabbed by his copy, looking back at the dying clone who tried to taunt him one last time, "Quiet." Cadere simply moved his blade upward, both cutting him off and in half. The strength his cybernetic arm granted him was enough to overpower the clone.

Then there was the second one, who's rage at his brother's death could be felt filling the room. Dual gripping it, Cadere kept his lightsaber up to block the incoming attack from his clone, not forgetting the copy's location prior to killing the other one and deducing where the the living clone would be attacking him from.

Following his block, Cadere pulled his lightsaber away and lowered it, feinting a strike toward his clone's torso horizontally with impressive speed. If the clone lowered his blade to block, the Dark Jedi would use the momentum from his attack to leap upward and laterally spin over his clone's head, striking at his shoulder with his lightsaber in an effort to cut the whole arm off. Landing behind his opponent, Cadere thrust his lightsaber behind his side and through his clone's back and abdomen.

The clone was silent when he died, only making a sound when his body collapsed to the floor. Extinguishing his blade, the fallen Jedi turned his attention to the lift that had gone on without him. Walking toward it with a calm stride, Cadere noticed that his Master had destroyed the controls to summon the lift - that was fine. Lifting his head and looked inside the lift's shaft before raising his hand and dragging the lift back down with the Force's assisstance. Once it was forced to the bottom, the Dark Jedi stepped inside but not before carving a hole in the interior ceiling and leaping through it and landing at the top of the elevator.

Now, Cadere reversed the process and this time, he used the Force to lift the elevator to the top level. Sparks erupted as it scraped along the sides of the elevator shaft before finally coming to a screeching stop when the Kiffar was close enough to spring the remaining distance himself. Arriving outside of the temple, Cadere witnessed Insatious making his way toward the transport ship. No doubt his presence could be felt by his Master, but he knew that wouldn't be enough to draw his attention.

Gripping a nearby boulder with the Force, the Dark Jedi levitated it before hurling it passed the Dark Lord and straight into the transport ship. "You thought it would be that easy?" he proclaimed "If you're going to kill me. Do it with your own to hands, not with those pathetic copies." Cadere stood opposed Insatious, lightsaber hilt in hand, prepared to defend himself in case Insatious decided to have another mood swing.

Darth Insatious Darth Insatious
Tag: Cadere Cadere
Location: Korriban

The two Death Troopers didn't even flinch as they moved out of the way as the boulder shattered the transport ship into pieces in a fiery explosion. Cadere was correct, that certainly got the Sith Lord's attention as he stopped in his track. "How mistaken you are my dear boy" spoke Insatious loudly as a wind blew past them, blasting dust over the edge from where they stood. Turning around, Insatious let one of his Death Troopers take the artefact, giving the Sith Lord freedom to act fully. The hot Korribanian wind quickly caught Cadere's cape and Insatious' robe, blowing them in its dancing wind.

"If I wanted to kill you Cassalius, I would have left you to rot in your little cell, leaving you with only the thought of having seen your beloving sister get beaten to death" called the Sith Lord, having neither pulled a blade nor showed his true monstrous face. A smirk formed, causing Insatious to tilt his head, "do you even know what has happened to your family after you failed to stop me... Cassalius?" Asked the old Sith Lord hauntingly, knowing full well family means everything to the Kiffar.

Opening both his arms, the Sith Lord practically invited his apprentice to make the first move.

Cadere stared at the ancient Morellian, chest rising and falling in quick succession as his modulated breaths left his mask. He was sick of this and sick of him. His fury festered and grew as he recollected on Insatious' past atrocities against him, the man's callousness, and the constant betrayals. It was tiring and he was ready for it to be over

A primal snarl escaped him as his body vibrated with rage, all inhibitions left him as Cadere took command of the Force. Digging his ethereal grip into the red desert floor, cracks formed on the ground. surrounding the Kiffar's form and seconds later two large boulders erupted from the ground. As quick as they rose, the two red boulders were sent toward the masked Morellian with the speed of two small bullets. Following close behind them, Cadere ran and jumped toward his 'Master', forming a telekinetic bubble around himself as he did so.

Whether the boulders hit Insatious or if he avoided them, the Dark Jedi would land aggressively as he slammed his activated lightsaber over the Sith Lord's head. Fully expecting him to protect himself from the attack, the fallen Knight didn't stop there. Lfting his feet off of the ground into a small jump, Cadere twisted his body into a quick lateral spin, arcing around the Dark Lord and position himself at his left side As his feet hit the ground, Cadere sliced at Insatious' side with a diagonal slice before following up with a spinning jump kick to the Sith Lord's face.

Darth Insatious Darth Insatious

Tag: Cadere Cadere | Location: Korriban

The boy was as predictable as he was foolhardy. Sighing almost disappointed over his apprentice simple-minded use of the force and didn't really move, even with the boulders racing through the air like bullets. The boulders hit... wait, the boulders actually hit? Right before Cadere's eyes, Insatious disappeared behind the boulders as they... seemingly shattered the Sith Lord against the mountain. Both boulders crumbled to smaller pieces upon impact with the mountain, leaving a large dent into the rocky surface.

Things went quiet as nothing happened. The Death Troopers still didn't move, forever the statue posture, leaving only their haggard breathing as evidence of being alive. Another red dust wind caught onto Cadere's clock, causing it to wave along the direction of South. Even Insatious' dreadful area had ceased to exist it seemed.

Then Cadere felt unspeakable pain fill his mind as invisible slender fingers slithered their way into the fallen knight's core. Where Cadere had originally been, a poisonous scar in the very air ripped open as a blackened portal of crackling darkness was forcing itself into existence.

The portal stood two meters in height and almost one and a half meters in diameter. Thundering darkness gushed out like ocean waves on the deep sea. It had a deep toxic green hue to its edges, whereas the rest was nothing but a black cold void. The very ground around the portal turned into a dark grey ashen colour as shadows expanded from the base of the portal.

it wasn't hard for someone like Cas to recognize the signature magickal appearance of Nightsister magic, given the time he spent together with Nezira. However, instead of seeing the Nightsister walkthrough, he saw the Lord of Hunger in all of his robed and masked glory. Unlike the much more wild vibrant green of Nezira's use of magick and specifically portals, this portal was sick, docile and without a doubt, corrupted.

The vibrant green edges of the portal looked more toxic as pieces of the edge dribbled down to the ground like lava only to merge back to the edge ring. Again, unless when Nezira created her portals, the dark side of the force could be felt, but it was very much alive. The portal Insatious stepped through though? It almost sounded like a torturous wail could be heard from the portal's void.

Stepping through the darkness, Cadere would instantly feel his Master's sickening and nightmarish aura devour his own, encapsulating Cadere's own aura in the force. Standing with a singular crimson blade ignited, Insatious raised his free hand as destructive energy came to life.

In a flash of insane speed, Insatious raised his hand even further and swung the arm in a crescent arc, releasing the destructive energy at its full might. If Cadere was caught in the blast, he would be vaporized all the way down to the very cellular level. Even if he managed to jump out of the way as the entire surface level of the ground he stood on shattered into billions of vaporized pieces, he would be pushed asunder by the power's backlash.

The impact of the two boulder created a large thick cloud of dust and sand, with the red light of Cadere's blade serving as the only indicator of his location inside it. Cadere's lightsaber came plunging into the ground of where Insatious should have been to find him completely gone. Standing up, he spun around and surveyed the area in search of him. Although he couldn't feel his presence in the Force, he knew he wasn't dead - if there's no body, they aren't dead. So instead of feeling relief, his senses were on alert now more than ever.

Ignoring the lack of action from the Death Soldiers, he continued to search for his 'Master' until he felt that familiar invasion in his head. He clutched at the sides of his head and grunted in pain as if it felt like hooks were clawing into his brain. Suddenly, he felt another familiar presence - that unique impression it gave off. Like... Nezira's portals. Slowly turning his body, his eyes lay on a perversed of what Nezira's green portals used to look like in the past. Quickly, the impression the portal gave off quickly turned into something horrific - something distorted, wrong.

As the feeling persisted, he watched as Insatious stepped out unharmed. How? When did he learn Nightsister magick? Cadere gritted his teeth watching Insatious' call upon the Dark side. Cadere's eyes broadned behind his mask as the blast Insatious sent came his way, The Dark Jedi bent his legs, summoning the power of the Force into his legs and pounced upward into a front flip before. The shockwave of the blast knocked the Dark Jedi off course, flipping him multiple times forward before he fell into the ground.

Coughing through his mask, he weakly got up to his feet and soaked up the remnant Dark side energy that infested the planet. Fighting through the pain he rushed toward the Sith Lord with Force Speed increasing his movements. Cadere would seemingly appear in an instant, immediately attacking Insatious with a series of quick but powerful strikes - appearing as a red blur to the naked eye. Leaping into the air, Cadere transitioned into a backflip and released a Force blast in the direction of Insatious before landing again.

Darth Insatious Darth Insatious

Tag: Cadere Cadere | Location: Korriban

Igniting his crimson blade again, the Lord of Hunger readied himself as his 'apprentice' came at him with a frighteningly fast speed. With complete control over his own movement and speed, Insatious matched Cadere's, clashing in a whirlwind of raged fury. The sheer amount of power that was released from them both combined made the very air crack with electricity. The very ground cracked beneath their feet, unable to hold back the pressure of force as both Force-Sensitive beings released their hatred for one another.

Sensing the Fallen Jedi's attempt to blast him, Insatious let go of his hilt and for the first time in all the years Cadere/Cas had known the insane Sith Lord, he has only ever truly screamed in their battles, when Cas blasted him into the wreckage of a starfighter. With both hands, Insatious shoved them towards Cadere releasing ground shaking shockwave towards the airborne 'apprentice' with such a scream of pure hatred.

The very top layer of the ground was ripped up and shattered into pieces eating Cadere's own Force blast. While the Force Blast that Cadere sent towards Insatious did soften the impact, the sheer amount of power behind the Sith Lord's attack, was enough to send the Fallen Jedi over the cliffside they stood on. Whether Cadere managed to grab onto the edge or found a clever way to get out of the powerful shockwave from Insatious, was unknown to Insatious, but he was ready for anything.

Insatious' earth shattering scream caught Cadere by surprise, never had he seen the Sith Lord lose hold of his stoic and aloof demeanour. Admittedly, it was a little satisfying making the Sith Lord lose his calm. However, the consequence of it was not worth it. Cadere immediately projected a telekinetic shield, forming an X shape over his chest with his arms to dull the impact of Insatious' catastrophic blast as much as possible...

But it wasn't enough, the mid-air Dark Jedi was propelled further into the air and over the red cliffside. Cadere's body spun through the air as if he weighed nothing, even with the impact lessened, the sheer force of Insatious' Force blast was enough to tear apart the average man.

Grunting as he tried to force his body into a stable freefall, gravity continued to pull Cadere closer to the cliff's base, refusing to release its grasp. The endless spinning finally began to slow, allowing the Dark Jedi to enter a diving position. Stretching his arms forward, the electricity of the Dark Side shot through Cadere's veins as he manipulated the Force to wrap around his body, ripping it away from gravity's embrace.

With the Force, Cadere managed to slow his descent as he edged closer and closer to becoming one with the Force. With mere milliseconds to spare, the Kiffar managed to slow down the speed of his fall just enough where he'd survive his collision with the red, granite ground with minor injuries. Cadere smashed into the ground like a small asteroid and tumbled forward several feet before finally grinding to a halt.

Releasing a pained grunt, the fallen Knight struggled to his feet before ultimately collapsing on to the floor again - unconscious. He was still no match for his 'Master', but his aptitude for survival refused to wane.

Darth Insatious Darth Insatious

Watching his Padawan get blasted over the edge felt good, despite the attempt and somewhat managed to soften the blow by his padawan, the failure of a Jedi plumage over the edge nonetheless did put a smile on his face. Opening his palms, both hilts flew into his hands as he made his way over to the edge. As Insatious stood, looking down into the expansive orange surface miles upon miles down, he had trouble finding Cas with his eyes despite sensing the padawan being alive.

Standing on the edge of the shattered edge, his black cape flowed wildly in the wind as Insatious looked up to see his personal Star Destroyer stationery in the atmosphere. The crackling of lightning was followed by the opening of another corrupted portal by which the Sith Lord entered only to step out of another right in the middle of the bridge of his Star Destroyer.

A row of blasters for a second was turned on their lord, before they immediately lowered them, apologizing profusely for their mistake, not knowing it was him. With a raise of his hand, the entire crew with the exception of the bare minimum to fly the Star Destroyer was completely drained for life in a white light of souls getting denied the sweet release of death.

"Apology accepted".

Walking over to the still surviving communication officer and his station as if nothing had happened, the officers and crew didn't dare to look at their Lord from the sheer horror of getting killed by him.

"M-my lord?" Asked the officer nervous to the point of almost shaking, knowing no more than a few feet, laid men and women he had served with for most of his career, many of which he considered friends.

"Fire on sector C9-3" ordered the Sith Lord without giving any reason as to why. No one knew Insatious apprentice was still down there as the order was given.

The entire sky was lit up in bright light as the entire area where the ancient temple was located along with the surrounding area. Insatious was going to teach Cas what it meant to challenge the Master and fail. What happened next was the destruction of the entire area under the earth-shattering orbital bombardment as everything around Cas went asunder.

After half an hour of constant firing at the surface where Cas had landed and the surrounding area of him, Insatious finally gave the order to stop and order the crew to jump to hyperspace. If his apprentice had managed to survive the half an hour-long orbital bombardment from a Star Destroyer and not to mention, actually return like the loyal lapdog he was, he had gained a fraction of respect from the Sith Lord.

And with that, the Star Destroyer warped into hyperjump and disappeared from view altogether.

//End Thread
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