Sempra the Hutt
A very hutty hutt!
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Intent: A drug development for the Hutt Cartel to create spice enhanced addictive slave-armies.
Development Thread: Acquiring the recipie
Manufacturer: Semper Medtech
Model: N/A
Affiliation: Hutt Cartel
Modularity: It would be possible to extract Tempest through the blood of a recently killed Knuur addict. But it would require the recipie to maintain the enhanced focus and control of Knuur that is a superiour version.
Production: Mass-production possible.
Material: Modified chemical mixture similar to spice, base consists of Tempest.
Description: During the historic Hutt-Xim conflict Kossak the Hutt ordered the use of drugs to be distributed in his vast slave armies. This proved both to make the slaves reckless and loyal to the death. They also became extremely aggressive and proved perfect canon fodder for any general to use.
In secrecy his his chemists worked to produce drugs combining both quick addictiveness, physical enhancement as well as agressiveness. They succeeded although only had the chance to test the drugs before the war was over. The key component being a deadly virus only found on the hutt home world of Varl. The recipie was a well kept secret and as Kossak died it was deemed to dangerous and was destroyed. However, sensing an opportunity the daring Weequay pirate Sar K'ni stole the recipie hoping to bring it to the black Market. He never managed and was caught and executed by the Hutts for his treason, but they never found his secret hiding place on Sriluur where the reciepie lingered on in an ancient computer. Until a treausre hunting party found and retrieved the encrypted reciepe to the Hutt Sempra. Sempra then had his best chemists replicate the drug.
Primary functions:
Highly addictive
Enhance prowess
Makes user very agressive
Causes user to ignore pain
Causes decreased intelligence and willpower
Decreases the average lifespan of the addictive (the length differs due to which speices uses the drug - for comparrisson a human can only survive a few months while a Nikto could manage up to a year and a full grown Gamorean last up to 2-3 years before the organs of the body fails).