Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Force SensitiveNo


Short even for his species, with graying brown fur shot through with white, he wears a bandolier with many pockets and pouches, and often carries tools. His eyes are somewhat glassy and surrounded by wrinkles, but he can usually be seen smiling when he is at his work. He appears as a fully normal ewok of advanced years, as he was in his sixties, though he can change his appearance at will.


Spare Parts Collection, Tool Kit
Skills: Creating
Languages: Ewokese


Koala believes in the power of creation, and finds worth and amusement and entertainment in the challenge of building, tinkering, and making things. He also believes himself to be the wisest being in the universe, with others existing to either serve or stupidly hinder his creative processes. He is only civil to those who enable him, and can be quite dismissive of anyone and anything else other than his own nebulous purposes. He is quite knowledgeable, but utterly unwilling to communicate other than to express his own wishes.


Able to create almost anything from almost anything
Very dedicated to crafting


Small in stature
Utterly insane


A smaller and weaker than usual wok was born on Endor, in Bright Tree Village, named Koala and was raised by his tribe. Though he proved unsuitable as a scout or a hunter, he was adept with tools, and so pursued his craft as a builder. To his chagrin, he was later apprenticed to the village's medicine man, and trained as a shaman. When his master passed, the young wok took up the important but to him tedious role in the House of Endor.

Despite not enjoying the role, he worked hard to learn, having resigned himself to a lifetime of service to the tribe's needs. Through his studies, he encountered stories of ewok magic, and ewok magicians, and this began his search for a greater power. He knew nothing of the Force, and was not sensitive to it, but academically he began to get an understanding of the esoteric side of the Galaxy.

His research led him to potential ways to assume said higher powers, and he learned about his essence, what the ewoks called a soul. And he learned that he could control it. But he could not kill himself, such was a dark taboo among his tribe. Thus he was resigned to await old age, which came upon him in time.

When his last hours approached, he took hold of his will and his essence, and when his body died, his spirit rose up, and he became pure energy. A force ghost some might say, or a non-corporeal entity, but he found he could still see and interact with the world of the living. This process, unnatural as all hell, drove his mind beyond the capacity to understand, and his mind broke, the wok he had been before was driven away.

What remained was a servant of the original ewok's desires, to create, to tinker, to build, to make new things. This role now consumed his whole being. Condemned to live forever apart from the rest of the galaxy, he left his tribe, his people, and eventually Endor itself, seeking out more challenges.

For more than a century he has wandered the galaxy, traveling to Tatooine for years to live among the Jawas, visiting worlds like Raxus Prime and Mechis III, as well as some of the Deep Core worlds such as Empress Teta and even Coruscant itself. Ancient secrets fascinated him, and this brought him to visit such places as Hapes, Roche and then spending several decades in Hutt Space. Everywhere he went he learned, and crafted, and then wandered some more.


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