Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Kobra Hawkins

NAME: Kobra Hawkins
FACTION: Bounty Hunter
AGE: 25
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 6'3"
WEIGHT: 185 lbs
EYES: Grey
HAIR: Platinum Blonde
SKIN: Pale from being in his armor


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+Stronger than the average man
+Good pilot
+Good shot
+Handy man/tinkerer
+Charming and intelligent/good negotiator
-Brash, rude
-Not a very good melee combatant

He is fairly strong. He has a scar that wraps from under his earlobe, to above his eyebrow, and down to his chin. He has a tattoo of a krayt dragon spanning the length of his arm, and an acid burn on the palm of his right hand.


While growing up in the slums of Coruscant, Kobra got into lots of trouble with the law. It started with petty theft and vandalism, then grew into robberies and spice dealings. After he helped some older boys rob a bank, he was put in prison for several years. It was here he learned how to fight. After being released, he took to underground fighting. Kobra was talented, and was soon discovered. He made some credits and bought himself some education. He had enjoyed tinkering with mechanics and electronics at a young age, but never got the chance to progress further in his education. Kobra became a skilled starship mechanic and met a Twi'Lek, with whom he fell in love.

It was a dark and stormy night, gang activity had increased due to a spice shortage, and Kobra and his girlfriend were in the wrong place at the wrong time. She was gunned down in an unfortunate crossfire. After many days of grieving, Kobra took matters into his own hands, hunting down and murdering the people that killed his girlfriend. He took to the bars and taverns, looking for open bounties...

SHIP: WR-542 Shooting Star King Kobra

KILLS: none




Trista Nemorra

Darkside Dominatrix
@[member="Kobra Hawkins"]
Bounty Hunters are always wanted in the Blood Ravens, we're a lively bunch of rogues and I bet you would fit in just fine. ;)

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