Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Koenrad Neistov

NAME: Koenrad “Kunz” Neistov
RANK: CEO and Sole Stockholder of Vorderseite Manufacturing.
SPECIES: Human. Ylesian, if you really need to know.
AGE: 31
SEX: Male.
HEIGHT: About 5’11”, or 180 cm.
WEIGHT: 175 lbs or approximately 80 kgs.
EYES: Regular old brown, but in the right light reminiscent of amber. Fancy brown, I guess, so write that down.

HAIR: Dark as the bark on a Wroshyr tree.

SKIN: Caucasian

FORCE SENSITIVE: Yeah, but don’t go around telling everybody. Just because I can throw a guy around sometimes, when I want doesn’t mean I’m affiliated with those lightsaber wielding religious nutjobs. Besides, it’s not like I’ve ever been trained to use it or anything, so for business purposes, I might as well be force deaf.



  • [+] Calculating - Koenrad often thinks through his decisions extensively before even approaching them. When he is reserved and calm, he is an intelligent and strategic mind.
  • [+] Decisive - When Kunz makes a decision, he follows through. He finds indecision and hesitation a weakness, one highly inefficient.
  • [+] Marksman - Koenrad has a deadeye aim with a rifle, and is a crackshot with pistol.
  • [+/-] Untrained Force - His power is raw, and full of potential, but his access to the force is not always as ironclad as he’d have his underlings believe. Sometimes he can barely levitate small items, and though most of the time he has a good hold on his abilities, they have failed him before.
  • [-] Temperamental - Prone to passionate outbursts, Kunz can abandon the methodical logic he so values in favour of rash and influenceable decisions… although it is often his anger that persuades him the most.
  • [-] Reckless - In combat he often values the victory over the wellbeing of himself and others. He is commonly far too willing to sacrifice lives for a win, regardless of their allegiances.
  • [-] Not a Dogfighter - If ever caught in a moment of ship-to-ship combat with someone who excels in that field, Koenrad wouldn't stand much of a chance. He can pilot a craft, even gun with one, but he's no ace fighter pilot.


Of average human height and weight, Kunz is no towering behemoth or musclebound barbarian but on the flip side, he isn’t a shrunken weakling either. His build is lean and he is fit, but Koenrad won't be appearing in any body-building competitions any time soon. A very average looking man is Koenrad Neistov, though he doesn’t dress himself like one. While his clothing is often pilot’s garb or military flight suits - a favourite of his from his time running spice and hunting bounty - he will occasionally dress well for high value clientele or for specific vendettas. A man of equal taste for flair and efficiency, he can often be found in cobbled together GenoHaradan mesh armour, over his flight gear. He also has a propensity to wear long duster coats with deep hoods when in public.

In the event that his torso is ever exposed, those in the vicinity would see thin, slightly raised scars criss-crossing his back. Varying in width and length, the scars are all just millimetres above the skin and are remnants of a nearly-lethal run in with a vibrowhip. Another scar, raggedly circular and approximately two and a half inches in diameter sits just under the floating ribs on his left side. Significantly smaller circular scars pepper the skin around it, all of them the souvenirs collected from a plasma slug to the gut. The normally lethal projectile only managed to burrow its way through his armour before fizzling out against his skin.

Swaggering and baleful, even minacious if he can manage it, Kunz likes to feel like he is in control, and his body language embodies that. He can have moments of surprising ruthlessness and apathy, almost always encompassed by an unstable temper. If it were not for his disdain for the “over-zealous space wizards”, he would most likely embrace the dark side of the force. That being said, he is just as loyal as he is underhanded, and when he makes an agreement (that he can profit from) he’ll hold up his end of the bargain. That being said, his angry disposition and occasional outbursts can at times make him not easy to deal with. He has a misconstrued honor system, believing his own truths about people and their motivation, sometimes agreeing with a decision but not necessarily respecting it. If Koenrad respects you, he'll most likely learn to trust you, but if he does not, he'll never see you as more than an obstacle. He does not enjoy killing, but has no reservations in doing so. Not a sadist, but a realist and perhaps borderline pessimist, he believes that violence -while undesirable - is highly efficient in the starting and ending of matters.

When not engaged with professional or territorial matters, Koenrad likes to have fun. Fun is not always legal, but equally isn't always dangerous. Sometimes a spacer could use friends that weren't also potential political and corporate enemies. When relaxed and unfocused on business, Koenrad's mood shifts towards amiability, and as a result of his upbringing loves to be around lush environments. If the event ever arises he might foray into safari hunting, or even poaching - just to see the vibrant forestry of jungle worlds and boreal planets.

Born on Ylesia, in Hutt Space, a planet rich with vegetation and wildlife - but more importantly, vast spice hordes - Koenrad lived in a dock-town most of his life, switching between the planet’s surface and the orbiting space-dock regularly. Born to two spice miners and raised in the midst of a Huttese spice smuggling operation - although it was much less illegal in Hutt space than the name would suggest - Koenrad was no stranger to the business when he hitched a ride with a freighter-hauler to Toydaria. From there, he began the long and arduous hitchhike to Coruscant, where he lived for several years. During his time there he was employed as a gun-runner, a spice smuggler, and a bounty hunter, sometimes all three at once. He made more than his fair share of enemies, some good friends, and racked up a modest body count on the side. Still though, he feels that he could achieve more and is currently stationed out of the Outer Rim Coalition. He very recently started up an arms manufacturing business, taking contracts for warmongers and rebels alike, while running a spice smuggling operation on his homeworld of Ylesia. Dreams of war profiteering and a personal mercantile fleet with it's own paramilitary branch inspired the idea, and his years of contacts helped put it together. Looking back, Koenrad has fashioned himself into the sort of man he used to work for, albeit one with much greater ambition and potentially greater success. His next step is uncertain, but undoubtedly to be a bold one.

{to be expanded (eventually)}


Black Orchid - a VCX 700 Heavy Courier, Stock

One ZRX Speeder Bike, Stock, Red Devil Hijacked

One DT-29 Heavy Blaster Pistol

One Double-Barrelled Blaster Carbine (Shortened)

One Model J1 "Happy Surprise" Palm-Blaster

One BlasTech Light T-21 Repeating Blaster

One Wild Space Outback Revolver

Bootleg GenoHaradan Mesh Armour

Bootleg Plastoid armour



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