Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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NAME: Kogra

FACTION: Sith Empire

RANK: Lieutenant


AGE: 41

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: 2.7M/8'10

WEIGHT: 315kg/694lbs



SKIN: Blue




Apex Predator: Being born into a naturally dominant species within the Galaxy it would be obvious that Kogra would develop immense physical characteristics. Kogra however, due to genetic tampering has managed to achieve a level of physicality unprecedented even for such a predatory species. Able to hunt species such as Wookies using nothing but brute force.

Gladiatorial Champion: Spending years in the fighting pits Kogra has learned many things, most importantly, pure brutality dealt with ones own hands. There was nothing more entertaining for his patrons than watching Kogra rip his opponents to shreds using only his body as a weapon. It was due to this that he received intensive training in several forms of martial arts, including Echani, and Teras Kasi. This, coupled with his fearsome physical abilities has made him a terror in close combat, even to those who have studied that mysteries of the force.

Commando: Spending over a decade as a bounty hunter has given Kogra an intimate knowledge of weapons and combat tactics. And it is for his effectiveness that select members of the Sith Empire reached out to him, offering a position in their military, and more impressively, in a leadership role among the Special Operations Units.


Mechanical Monkey: Put most simply, Kogra is helpless in the cockpit of a fighter or the drivers seat of a ground vehicle. Feet placed firmly on the ground is where he finds himself most comfortable and due to this there is little beyond not crashing that he is capable of when he finds himself piloting any sort of vehicle.

Small Minded: Kogra is no idiot unlike the majority of his species. However Kogra often finds it difficult to grasp the big picture when it comes to most things. Whether this be the grand strategy of a campaign or the political atmosphere of the empire. Kogra is a warrior first and foremost and it is in the front lines where he feels most alive, caring little for why he is even there.


Kogra is most simply put, considered a monster by most sentient species. Towering and hulking in height and bulk with blue skin, razor sharp teeth and claws and riddled with the scars of old battles. Most commonly found wearing his battle armor it is adorned with seemingly tribal markings and trophies from what can only be assumed as fallen enemies. It is for this reason that Kogra is terrifying in appearance to most, and intimidating at the least. Most notably however might be the missing extra pair of arms his species normally has.


Kogra, born the lab rat of a Rattataki slave trader who decided it was his place to breed the greatest warriors possible for the fighting pits. Having been genetically altered even before his birth, Kogra quickly became a favorite of his master after displaying a natural aptitude for violence. Trained specifically to be a fan favorite for the crowd, Kogra grew in popularity at an astonishing rate, never being bested in combat for nearly 7 years. But it was here his streak would stop, having been beaten severely before his match, Kogra was overwhelmed by the multiple opponents he faced. As punishment his extra set of arms were severed, his blooding being spilled in the arena, truly for the first time.

It was this day that Kogra formulated his plan of escape, though he has not shared the details with anyone, it can be assumed that many died in his wake as he arrived on Coruscant heavily wounded and near death. It was here that he received medical treatment and began his new career as a Bounty Hunter, using the large sum of credits he stole from his master to purchase his equipment. It was for over a decade that Kogra completed every contract he took, slowly amassing a slew of employers and an impeccable track record. And it was for this reason that Kogra was offered a position in the Sith Empire as a Special Operations Lieutenant. A job that came with everything he always looked for, money, benefits, and a good fight.






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