Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Kohai Drenn

Name: Kohai Drenn
Faction: Lost Cause
Rank: Chief Engineer of the Lost Cause
Species: Human
Birthplace: Coruscant
Age: Early twenties
Sex: Female
Height: 168 cm
Weight: Slim
Eyes: Green
Hair: Blonde
Skin: Light
Force Sensitivity: Untapped

Strengths and Weaknesses:

+ Mechanic: Machinery has always spoken to her, and she truly enjoys, and excels at tinkering with anything and everything she can get her hands on
+ Scrappy: Despite being a particularly positive, person, Kohai's upbringing forced her to learn how to defend herself. when necessary.

- Poor shot: Never fully comfortable with a blaster in her hands, Kohai has little developed skill or accuracy when handling them.
​- Tremors: The spasms and stiffness in her hands have only gotten worse over time, turning simple things like shaking hands or gripping a cup of coffee into a source of stress.

Kohai is a young woman with blonde hair and green eyes. She notably wears an especially long red scarf almost everywhere, as it's something of a good luck charm from her dad. When she is not dressing for an occasion, she will typically just wear a comfortable sleeveless shirt tucked into a loose-fitting pair of work pants with a great deal of pockets. She also has suspenders holding them up that have a series of zip up pouches on the front and back, as she likes to carry around her favorite tools. Her pants are tucked into an old, sturdy pair of rubber-soled boots. There is always a reliable pair of work gloves on her person, as well as a set of goggles for safety purposes. She usually keeps a stun baton on her person for emergencies, and will occasionally clip on a blaster belt containing a KYD-21 blaster pistol, but that is mostly for show.

Kohai was born in the slums of the Coruscant undercity. Her parents ran local swoop repair shop on the same corner as a cantina and a restaurant. They had a small, but devoted clientele, and aside from the occasional hotshot, there was never any real trouble.

Shortly after Kohai turned four, her family received a very special customer. There was an younger man asking for a set of very specific parts. He had broken his lightsaber, and was too embarrassed to tell his peers. It was a win/win situation, he saved face, and they got to learn something few civilians did, how a lightsaber worked. It was only after they had finished that the man sensed something odd.

He introduced himself to the family as a Jedi, and unabashedly requested that he be allowed to take their daughter to be trained in the force. Her family did not react well to this, however. They had no love for the Jedi, or their magic, thinking them to be self important and pompous. More importantly, they certainly did not want to lose their only daughter forever.

The Jedi left, and nothing was made of it, but Kohai was old enough to understand what the man was asking, and all children were aware of what the Jedi were, how they would go on all kinds of grand adventures. It was not meant to be however, and she eventually forgot all about what might have been.

She helped her parents in their shop for years. They needed the extra hands, as they had moved on from fixing just speeders, to droids, weapons, and all manner of other gizmos. "If you can break it, we can fix it", that was their motto.

Things did not stay so positive, however, as a local swoop gang started moving into the neighborhood. Things did not start out so bad, the gang actually muscled out smaller crime in the area, and the monthly protection was reasonable. Everything changed when the second in command staged a coup.

When Kohai was fourteen, there was a schism within the gang, and it wasn't long before the streets descended into what could only be described as a war on the streets. Her father had to teach her to hold a blaster, and what routes to take to avoid the worst of the periodic fighting. Things were okay for a while, but eventually the fighting came to their street.

One of the members of the old gang came to the door one night, begging for shelter. Kohai and her family were never ones to turn away a bleeding man, so they allowed him in. Her parents did what they could to stop the bleeding, but it wasn't long before the group that was chasing him started hacking the door. Understanding what was about to happen, Kohai's father ushered her into a hidden compartment under the floor, and ordered her not to come out until he called for her.

Left in complete darkness, Kohai had no choice but to listen to the muffled voices above her as the men came into the room. What was agitated conversation quickly became argument, and before long blaster fire echoed through the metal. It wasn't until three days later when a looter pried open the false floor that Kohai was found curled into a ball, shaking and malnourished. Apparently during her time in the compartment, somebody important had killed somebody else important, because the conflict was over as suddenly as it began.

It took some time to get over what had happened, but with time she was running her parents shop, doing many of the repairs personally, with a handful of employees working under her. Her life was not glamorous, but it was her life, and she liked it very much. This made it all the more frustrating when it had to end.

She wasn't really sure how it happened, but it only took a few years for her business to sink far into the red. Even when she managed to double her regular client list, she still didn't manage to turn a profit. It got so bad that she eventually turned her attention inward, trying to think of a possible solution. She never found it, but she did find the problem.

Her oldest partner had been dipping into their profits. She had caught him in the middle of a credit transfer one morning, and regardless of his stammered excuses, she wouldn't listen. He had ruined the whole thing.

It wasn't long before she sold out to a competitor. She laid off her employees with reasonable severance, even the thief who ruined her family business. She had been feeling stifled in her old neighborhood anyway. She packed her few possessions, heading out the front door one last time.

Ship: None

Kills: None

Bounties Collected: None

Role Plays: (A loose attempt at some chronological order. Some are likely missing)

-The Galaxy Can Be So Cruel: On her way back from visiting a friend, Kohai stumbled into the middle of an escalating street fight.

-The Stargazer (Nightclub/ Bar RP): Kohai went to pay her respects after the bartender/owner of The Stargazer, a friend of hers, was killed in a bar fight. Interestingly, another fight broke out.

-Sin City: Coruscant: Kohai went to a local bar to commemorate the three-year anniversary of her failed family business.

-The Lustful Twi'lek (Nightclub RP): Kohai met the CEO of Hoersch-Kessel Driveworks, and was offered a job as a mechanic.

-Chance Encounter (Titan 27-5 Codename: "Atlas"): A mysterious man, Atlas saved her hide from some thugs.

-The Terminal [OPEN 'hangout thread': Kohai met her buddy, Corvetta Frigati-Salvo, and got to disassemble a lightsaber.

-Abandoned : Anyone Got a Map?: Kohai and Corvetta are working for Judah Dashiell, helping him move a salvaged space station.

-On The Run: The crew of "Lost Cause" hit two birds with one stone, their maiden voyage as a crew being to smuggle both a large amount of rhydonium to a Sith-occupied Coruscant, but also a special passenger, one Hasjo Hallu.

-Living With A Lost Cause:


-Taking Stock of the Market [Open]: Kohai goes shopping for better food.

-Thrilla in Chandrila:

-Shippin' My Pants:

-Bring Me the Hydrospanner:

-Teach Me To Fly: Kohai finally gets her first flying lesson from her Corvetta.

-I am No One:
Both if you don't mind. but with how I am, I doubt that I will be talking to you any time soon.

[member="Kohai Drenn"] maybe you should join the Silver Jedi Order? I think you would fit there.

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