Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Kokamo Vas Torparma

Quick Fingers, Faster Ping
Kokamo Vas Torparma


NAME: Kokamo Vas Torparma

FACTION: Darkwire

RANK: Shadow Runner

SPECIES: Zeltron

AGE: Twenty Eight

SEX: Female

HEIGHT: 152cm (5'4ft)

WEIGHT: 57 kg (127 lb)

EYES: Icy Blue

HAIR: Purple

SKIN: Pink



Droid Guru: Kokamo prides herself on designing her own droids and equipment, though she has a bit of a possessive nature when it comes to her creations.

Quick Fingers: Kokamo's skills as a slicer and data hacker are rather high tier, as she knows what she's doing; usually.

Smarter than a Mynock: Kokamo is rather intelligent, when she's not being a bumbling goof.
WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :

Weak Immune System: Kokamo was born with a defect unique to her in particular, her immune system is exceptionally weak. So much so, she requires a near constant life support suit and an onboard AI Nursedroid to keep her healthy. She can survive short term exposure without the suit in sterile environments, but long term exposure is deadly to her.

Doesn't Do Combat: Kokamo doesn't fight, that's why she has droids do it for her.

Socially Inept: Kokamo did most of her talking from behind a holoscreen. She's still not up to speed on talking face to face.

A tad short for a Zeltron, Kokamo is clad in what looks like an armored flight suit, usually clad in a grey or black poncho. When she removes her mask, Kokamo is rather beautiful according to those few who have seen her, though she wears her hair short, and her eyes have a strange ice blue color to them, she isn't that different from other Zeltron women.

Kokamo was born on Zeltron, her father a wealthy and acclaimed software developer, and her mother an acclaimed doctor. It was only thanks to their bountiful wealth that she managed to survive the problems with her birth, having been born with a unique health defect. Kokamo's immune system is exceptionally weak, making it very easy for her to contact and develop illness, only through the use of advanced technology and care were they able to keep her healthy.

As such, Kokamo grew up with a sheltered life, never leaving the safety of her parents compound, nearly dying of common illnesses, and having to be subjected to experimental drug after experimental drug. Eventually, her salvation came in the form of a life support suit that she would be confined to for most hours of the day. It was an unpleasant upbringing to be sure, though the young Zeltron learned various skills as a result of this. Kokamo learned from a young age that she could build things without her parents being irked, and that her father would even take time out of his busy schedule to tech her the basics of software usage and various tricks on how to get the most out of the tools provided to her. For the two decades and a half, this was the life Kokamo knew, using her techno skills to make friends on the outside world, and building her own droids to pass the time, both skillsets she became rather talented with.

This sheltered existence came to a close however, as Kokamo's father and mother were accused of several high level crimes. Sector police stormed the couples home, as information suggested that they had leaked government health records to various criminal syndicates, putting the local government of Zeltron at risk, and immediately seeing the pair put on trial for a crime they insisted they didn't do. As a result, Kokamo was forced out of her home as the government began to crack down, destroying her family life, and leaving her on the street with little more than her own droids and a small emergency fund her family had allotted for her. Confined to a medical suit to keep her stable, and an onboard nurse droid AI, Kokamo set out to prove her parents innocent, and has spent the last three years looking for the evidence that can spring them free. Though she is well aware that time is running out.

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