NAME: Kole Harper
ALIAS(ES): K-001
AGE: 5 GSY [Activation]
HOMEWORLD: Bastion, Braxant Sector
CITIZENSHIP: Sith Imperial
AFFILIATION: The Sith Empire
OCCUPATION: Freelancer
ROMANTIC INTEREST: [member=Lynnori Cruz] [Former]
SPECIES: Human Replicant Droid
HEIGHT: 6'0"
WEIGHT: 180lb
BUILD: Athletic
HAIR: Fair
EYES: Blue
CYBERNETICS: Minor Metallic & Electronic Engineering
STATUS: Activated
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Neutral
TAROT CARD: The Chariot
ZODIAC: Ascendent Gemini, Zodiac Libra, Moon Aries
VIRTUS: Practical, Rational, Bold, Vigilant
VICES: Volatile, Reserved, Stubborn, Inarticulate
+ REPLICATED: It is awfully difficult for an individual to identify the differences between an HRD and a Human through the use of the naked eye alone. K-001, otherwise known as Kole, accurately-- and unintentionally --mimics typical human behaviour flawlessly, both physically, mentally, and emotionally.
+ BEYOND HUMAN: The Human Replica Droid is in possession of attributes that far surpass that of their foundation species, and most species that reside in the Galaxy. It includes, but is not limited to, enhanced perception (sight, hearing), information absorption (reading, identification, general awareness), and decision making (problem solving; resulting in a lack of hesitation).
+ DESIGNED TO DESTROY: An HRD, whilst durable, typically serves the fortunately wealthy throughout their lavishly lead lives. Yet, K-001 had been designed as a combat model to serve in the armed forces of the Sith Empire. It allowed further enhanced attributes that encompass strength, dexterity, reflexes, and durability.
+ MAN & MACHINE: K-001 is particularly adept in the function, maintenance, and construction of electronics and mechanics. It enables a functional slicer that is capable in surpassing difficult obstacles, and a mechanic that is skilled in robotics and vehicle maintenance.
- IONIC DESTRUCTION: The Android, as it were, comprises of electronic components in it's most vital areas that enable it to function appropriately. Droids are highly effected by ionic weaponry, and despite the organic substitutes rife throughout K-001, it is susceptible to that and EMP bursts.
- COPYCAT: It is often rather difficult for a sentient HRD to realise and comprehend their own artificiality, but K-001 had been dealt a two-hit blow; discovering his inorganic reality, and that it is nothing more than a failsafe. It is difficult for the Droid to accept it's own reality.
- SEEKING TRUTHS: Memory isn't perfect, and it's thought to never be that great at all. K-001 had been deceived, originally, into believing that it was merely human through implanted memories. But, the discovery that stated otherwise has left questions that remained throughout it's 'adult life', curious as to where the memories and and 'he' begins.
- HUMANITY: It calls itself 'Kole', and it considers itself real. 'Kole', despite knowing these truths, attempts to believe the life it lead (truthful or not) is real to 'him'. Ultimately, it is impossible and these lies are eating away at the unit's sanity.

K-001 had been created on Bastion shortly after the invasion of Mirial by the Sith Empire; an identical copy of the HRD 'Morgan Vance', which whom K-001 served as a soulless backup unit of- ready to be overridden as the consciousness of Vance took over if such need arises. It spent the vast majority of its early stages in standby, unused as it was not required. Yet, ultimately, had been thrust into service against Galactic Alliance operatives within Sith Empire territory, resulting in a temporarily fatal experience for the HRD before being recovered by Alliance Agents.
The Galactic Alliance had extracted information from the HRD before undergoing repairs in an effort to make it its own, but now with organic substitutes replacing the majority of its internal metallic and electronic components, as well as being given falsified memories that enabled 'Kole Harper' to believe it had truly been Human, rather than a Machine. Yet, it had been an experimental process that left many skeptical that resulted in a refusal for placement inside the Alliance Armed Forces (despite it's memories stating otherwise), and instead the Coruscant Security Force's Internal Affairs, thought to be Human by both itself and it's soon-to-be colleagues.
Coruscant, as one could expect, had been rife with crime and corruption. Kole had served for several months dutifully before becoming involved in a plot that would see his end; framed for a crime he had not committed, left stunned and ready for arrest, but his attacker had not known of his robotic origins that enabled a speedy recovery from the stun round. Kole could not turn back lest face prosecution, and thus gave up his hopes of continuing that life before descending into the Galactic Underworld.
Kole had taken several roles that further drained his artificial soul, leaving him devoid of many things that might consider one human. The Android had been hired by a Cartel, acting as a gun-for-hire before proving himself capable, placed in an 'underground' shock-boxing ring of the same name (The Underground) that made use of it's more legitimate business as a front for spice peddling and gun smuggling. His later work as an investigator had him cross paths with the Zeltron Lynnori Cruz, and the two inevitably pursued a romantic relationship.
The Droid had been able to consider himself whole; complete. This Zeltron had been everything to the Droid who, much like himself, had been entirely unaware of his origins. Harper escaped the criminal underworld and attempted to bury it in it's entirety, but it caught up in the end. Lynnori had been shot through the neck, and killed instantaneously. The Droid, wracked with guilt, had been entirely ready to die as he enacted his revenge and despite his wounds survived.
It was nigh impossible, but Kole had the drive to return her to himself. He made use of everything he could, and eventually found himself indebted to the Sith Empire who had returned Lynnori to Kole in a Human Replica Chassis that had been identical to her corpse, yet lacked the vibrancy of a Zeltron. They had, regardless of previous issues, found their peace. Yet, it hadn't been so idealistic as Kole concealed the truth of her death, and soon discovered his own synthetic reality as a HRD. It crumbled his artificial world, and placed a serious strain on their tense relationship.
Everything eventually came to an end. Kole had certainly felt as if he entrapped Lynnori in this life of servitude alongside himself, and he couldn't allow it to continue. She was free without him, and so he broke it off. It hurt more than anything he could comprehend, and it lingered long after but that scorpion had no one else left to sting.
He was content in his isolation.
APPAREL: Assortment of Clothing
WEAPONARY: RB-03 Blaster Pistolhttp://starwarsrp.net/topic/127140-rb-03-blaster-pistol/
PROPERTY: Apartment
VESSELS: Personal Starship
OTHER: RCD-01 Drone