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Approved NPC Koler Fohl

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Grandmaster of the Imperial Crusaders

  • Intent: NPC head of the Imperial Crusaders innovation department
  • Image Credit: Created by me using Gencraft AI
  • Role: Director of Imperial Crusaders Provision Department
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: N/A
  • Age: 37 GSY
  • Force Sensitivity: Master
  • Species: Mirialan
  • Appearance: Koler has a slim build and on the short side. He has typical green skin of his race and a few cultural geometric tattoos on his cheeks. He has the odd attribute of appearing both older and younger than his actual age depending on how and when you observe him
  • Name: Koler Fohl
  • Loyalties: Empire of the Lost, Imperial Crusaders, Teckla Tane Teckla Tane
  • Wealth: Middle Class - Koler maintains the façade of a normal university professor.
  • Notable Possessions: Laboratory equipment, extensive collection of personal journals, large digital library, lightsaber
  • Skills: Expert in Alchemy, varying levels of expertise in other Force talents, working knowledge of chemistry and vast historical knowledge.
  • Languages: Basic, Sith.
  • Personality: Koler is a bit eccentric and arrogant. He sees almost every conversation as a teaching opportunity. Very rarely does he consider anyone an equal.
  • Weapon of Choice: Lightsaber & The Force
  • Combat Function: Fighting is a last resort for Koler, his place is in the lab.
  • Force Abilities (Force Users Only): Moderate use of Force Lightning, Force Push
  • Brings science and the Force together
  • Obscure talents and knowledge
  • Unpredictable
  • Weak Combat abilities
Koler was born on Mirial, his Force talents were detected very early and he was sent to the Jedi for training. It was detected very early that Koler was not going to be a strong Jedi. He lacked focus and selflessness required to serve the Force. Despite this fact, the Jedi completed Koler’s initiate training so as not to push him away from the Light. In his late teens he gained an interest in history and chemistry. The Jedi encouraged these interests and thought that Koler would eventually become an active member of the Galactic Alliance’s academic landscape.

However during a time on Mirial, Koler was discovered by a Sith. This Sith offered to teach Koler wonderful things that the Force could do. This Sith Master began teaching Koler the ways of alchemy. When it became apparent that Koler was neither interested in obtaining power, nor particularly fond of doing what he was told, thus making for a horrible tool to gain power, the Sith Master abandoned Koler. On his own, Koler continued his quest for knowledge. Eventually he became a professor at the University of Rudrig. Teaching both ancient history and chemistry he was a favorite of students who wanted a challenge and avoided by those looking for an easy pass.

After teaching there for seven years Koler was approached by Teckla Tane Teckla Tane the new Grandmaster of the Imperial Crusaders. She was interested in having a group to create new Force influenced equipment for the group. Koler was asked to become the head of this group. Intrigued at the possibilities he agreed.
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